Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1675: The new god, appoint the sky

The Lord of the Sky and the Lord of the Earth are taking the origin of heaven and earth.

The God of Destruction is guarding him, his breath spreads, forming a universe that is always being destroyed by one side, shocking some unruly existences.

Seeing the scene where the God of Destruction tears the arm of the Molten Demon Emperor, no one dares to take it at will.

The origin of Yanshentian was taken away, and the entire heaven and earth quickly decayed and became a mortal heaven. There will be no such heaven in the future.

"The origin of heaven and earth has been taken away, and if we take away all the resources here, we will immediately return to the gods."

The Lord of the Sky.

"Shenwu even destroys Du'er, Yanshen, they have controlled the power for two days in one country."

In the universe, voices with various emotions are transmitted.

The empire was thriving and ushered in great development.

After extinguishing the crossing, the empire was promoted for thirty-three days, and luck reached a new level. Many masters broke through, and even the original **** was promoted to one.

"I have broken through the original!"

The Lord of Guangyu, he made a smooth breakthrough.

He sighed that if he hadn't taken refuge in Shenwu, he would never break through the realm, and his breakthrough was largely due to the promotion of heaven and earth.

This is luck!

Whoever controls the luck can have the strongest power!

Chu Yuan stood on the top of heaven and earth. He looked at the heaven and earth of the empire. He was completely connected with the original ruins of Duertian, wrapping the space-time islands in, forming a special relic.

This space-time island still contains great mystery.

His fierce gaze pierced into the infinite time and space, and he could feel the terrifying power contained in this island, presumably created by a great power from the eternal road.

"For the time being, don't start on Time and Space Island."

Chu Yuan knew that he had no absolute certainty, and if he took a shot at Time and Space Island, it was very likely that the island would disappear in Shenwu.

This is not worth it.

Outside the Shenwu Heaven, there is another heaven and earth that is constantly gathering energy, forming the landing land stars. This is the second heaven belonging to Shenwu.

Although there are no creatures in the second day, this is easy to solve.

The bell of the Empire State Council rang.

This imperial meeting was extraordinary. It was the first imperial meeting after the empire was promoted to 33. It was of great significance.

"My emperor is eternal!"

A powerful person chants eternity, and what he pursues is true eternity when his cultivation reaches their level.

They looked at Chu Yuan on the majestic emperor seat. This was the strongest emperor of the empire, and it was under his leadership that the empire was promoted to thirty-three days.

"Your Majesty, after the empire became thirty-three days ago, the territory has greatly increased, and the people of the empire are constantly migrating, and our power is getting stronger and stronger, and many people continue to come and want to take refuge in us."

As the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Empire, Lu Qianfu was reporting to Chu Yuan.

"Leave these matters to you and Qi Ling. Joining us is to see the strength of the empire, but I don’t care about these things, but after becoming the subjects of the empire, you must obey the empire’s orders. Who dares to challenge the laws of the empire? , Do it in accordance with imperial law."

Chu Yuandao.

He also knows that the current empire is becoming larger and larger, and many bad things will inevitably breed in it, destroying the empire's luck.

It is inevitable for a force to grow to such a large scale.

But Chu Yuan would never tolerate this kind of thing, to catch what should be caught, cut to cut, to maintain the order and discipline of the empire.

"Also, thirty-three days after the empire is promoted, shall we hold a feast?" Lu Qianfu asked.

"You can organize the feast and release the news. We will not send any invitations this time, but all the strong are welcome to participate, the bigger the better."

Chu Yuan held a feast at the same time.

The feast also has another meaning, that is, in the current situation of heaven and earth, those who will come to participate are willing to become the strongest of the empire.

Therefore, the feast is also a welcome ceremony for them to join.

"Your Majesty, after my sacred power seized the sky, the war on Fengshentian also came to an end. The Second God Lord and other strong men retreated and were defeated by the Fengshen Great Emperor, paying a great price of casualties.

The Lord of the Sky said: "After this battle, the five days from the Fengshen Tian have all been conquered, the two days of the Lord’s reversal in the battle, the three days of the Lord beheaded, and the three days after the beheaded, the Fengshen has been He sent his subordinates to serve as God, and the strongest among them was the ancestor of Fuluo. After he became God, he also broke through to the sixth level."

The multiverse has reached its peak.

During this period of time, there will be a powerful person born.

Shenwu killed two days, and Fengshen Great Emperor also directly included the power of five days, which was a 33-day reshuffle.

This is just the beginning, there will be more shuffles in the future.

"The Emperor Fengshen has already had six luck on the surface, but there must be others who take refuge in him secretly." The Lord of the Earth said.

"The next strategic purpose of the empire is not only to build the empire itself and strengthen its strength, but also to seize more space and the earth. In this war, whoever controls the more 33 days will have the greater advantage."

As God, Chu Yuan already felt the vastness of this heaven and earth luck.

"For now, don't think about the power of the Fengshen Great Emperor for a few days, and the empire will be opened up one day, and there is a lack of a God. Who do you think can hold the position of God?"

Chu Yuan looked at them.

Shenwu Tian is the empire's natural heaven, and God is naturally only Chu Yuan can assume the role.

But one day, it is necessary to send a new empire powerhouse.

Although it is a vassal sky of the empire, how tempting is the position of the Lord of the Day, represents a powerful strength, and how many people can not be moved.

His eyes swept across the strong men one by one.

The Lord of the Earth moved in his heart. He wanted to say that the Lord of the Sky should be appointed but he couldn't say that, for fear that it would cause your Majesty's unhappiness and harm the Lord of the Sky.

The emperor's heart is unfathomable, and his relationship with the Lord of the Sky is so good.

Trying to speculate on the emperor's mind is a taboo.

And more importantly, the empire also has a **** of destruction.

"The minister believes that the empire is the most suitable for the new **** of heaven to be the lord of the sky."

It was Lu Qianfu who spoke. Although he is not a primitive god, he is a veteran of the empire. Following Chu Yuan to the present, his words are very powerful.

"In addition to strength, the Lord of the Day must also have sufficient planning and wisdom. In the empire, only the Lord of the Sky is most suitable. He has strength, wisdom, and courage and vision. Therefore, the minister recommends the Lord of the Sky."

Lu Qianfu said.

"The minister also believes that the Lord of the Sky is the most qualified. Firstly, the Lord of the Sky is steady and wise, and secondly, the Lord of the Sky is likely to use God's luck to break through the six realms and strengthen the empire again."

God of War.

"We also think that the Lord of the Sky is the most qualified."

A Zun voice made.

However, none of the primitive gods who originally belonged to Human World Heaven spoke. They knew that they were the least able to express their opinions on such matters.

"I also have this intention." Chu Yuan said, "Lord of the sky, you will be the seat of God."

"The sky, thank you for your love!"

The Lord of the Sky is neither humble nor overbearing, and he hasn't shown ecstasy, but is very calm. He doesn't need to say anything, just use facts to prove it.

"Your Majesty, please give us the name of Xintian."

The Lord of the Sky said again.

"In this case, I will bestow the name of Xintian."

Chu Yuan was silent for a moment, and said the name of Xintian.

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