Within the days of the Conferred Gods, a group of strong men gathered together, and their eyes were watching, and the scene of Shenwu fighting the three-day strong men was played in a loop over and over again.

This time, Fengshentian achieved a great victory, defeating the second **** master and other strong men, surrendered in two days, and destroyed for three consecutive days, and the luck of the five worlds was added.

This should have been a joyous thing, but they were not happy.

The reason comes from Shenwu.

Although Shenwu was only fighting for two days, it was of extraordinary significance. Du'er, Yanshen, and Dragon Ancestor who fought with them are all in the sixth stage, and the best result is two deaths and one escape.

As for the most reliable news, the realm of Emperor Shenwu was still in the fifth realm, not breaking through the sixth realm.

This is pretty good.

If he didn't become the sixth stage, he would have the strength to kill the sixth stage. If he became the sixth stage, wouldn't it be that there is no opponent that can compete with him?

The enemy of the world, a powerful opponent of the unity of the Conferred God camp.

"The method of Shenwu warfare is a bit different. Look at their equipment. The warships, the giant cannons, especially the two giant cannons, are too powerful, and you have noticed that they did not. Our refining method is different. It is not an ordinary method of refining treasures, and I don’t know how they refined them. They also like to cover with artillery fire and a large number of warships intersperse the battlefield."

Knowing yourself and the enemy can survive a hundred battles.

Some powerhouses think that the threat of Shenwu is greater than the second divine master, because the speed of this empire is so powerful that it is unexpected, and now it has become a behemoth.

"Yes, very weird and powerful warship!"

"Their powerhouses are not in the minority, the Lord of the Sky, the Lord of the Earth, the Mother Emperor of the Zerg Race, the God of Swords, etc., this time they have eliminated Du'er and Yanshen for two days, and they have gathered more heaven and earth luck. Will rise to a more terrifying level."

"Also, the war morale of this empire is also very fierce, brave and brave."

"They also built something similar to the tomb of the gods."

"True Yangtian destroyed Han Haitian, and they are also on the side of Shenwu."

"What is daunting is that in Yanshentian, they also appeared a Destroyer God. The strength is so powerful that it shocks people. The Molten Flame Demon Emperor of Ten Thousand Demon Heaven is not an opponent, almost standing on the top of the sixth stage. ."

"Where did this Destroying God come from? It's so powerful, I haven't heard of it before."

"We don't know how many powerhouses in their empire have yet to appear."

They were all analyzing the situation that Shenwu showed.

Shenwu is not a force that can be destroyed at will, the fighting power of the sixth stage has their emperor, destroying the **** and the true sun god.

And there is another weather luck, which means it is also a sixth state.

The location of Fengshentian was too far away from Shenwu, as if it were on the opposite side of the horizon.

Although distance is not the biggest problem for the strong, straddling such a distant universe, attacking the heavens and destroying the gods will inevitably leave the defensive forces of the heavens and the earth empty, and it is difficult to recover from problems.

"Thirty-three days represents thirty-three qi luck. We want to gain more advantages in heaven and earth. As long as the qi luck of heaven and earth is in our hands, there will be more powerhouses. It will be much simpler to destroy Shenwu. In the next battle, while conquering the world, the main strategic direction is to advance toward Shenwu, shorten the distance, and suppress the alliance of the second gods. With the eternal forbidden zone and eternal pure land, we will have a steady stream of resources."

The Fengshen God conveys the will of the Fengshen Great Emperor.

Shenwu's threat is too great.

Just when Fengshentian was mobilized.

In another part of the universe in Promise Day.

Inside the Promise Temple.

At this moment, there were sheets of supreme gods, and the existence of primitive gods had already sat on them, all the power of Wuji Tian.

And the **** seat is empty.

Everyone is greedy, but they don't have the strength to convince the crowd.

"Lu Yuan, you used the power of the palace master this time to convene the five hall powerhouses to gather in the Wuji Hall. What are you going to announce?"

"Yes, if you want to say that you want God, then it's free."

The Lord of the Five Great Halls, sitting on the five highest **** seats, made a sound at this moment.

"I invite you all to come, of course I have something to say."

Lu Yuan glanced at the people and said coldly: "It’s not the past. Not long ago, the Conferred God Emperor Lianke five days ago. Although the Conferred God Heaven is still relatively far away according to my Wuji Tian, ​​it will continue to expand and follow their marching route. It affects us, even if we do not fight, but in the great world, we will never be spared."

This war burns the entire multiverse, and no one can hide their heads like an ostrich.

Her words silenced the crowd.

"The position of God is hanging up, and we have fought for so many years, so that the development of My Wuji Tian is extremely slow, and even after the fall of God, there is not too much power."

Lu Yuan shouted again: "At this time, do you think you can go on like before? Now every day is shuffling the cards, and I have to make a decision on where to go."

Hearing what Lu Yuan said, the other hall masters did not refute.

They also knew that it was time for the power of heaven and earth to reshuffle the cards, and the peaceful years were over. Naturally, they could not form their own camp with the strength of Wujitian, and they had to join one party.

"The Conferred God camp, the second God Lord's camp, and the Shenwu camp."

A middle-aged man sat on the supreme **** seat, spoke slowly, with a playful expression, and said lightly: "Lu Yuan, which camp do you think I want to join?"

This is a choice, and it is very critical. Whoever joins means who you want to work for. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

And if the party that joined the camp loses in the end, they will also be destroyed, and vice versa.

"The second god..."

A strong man said: "Although the gods and heavens are powerful, the ten thousand demons and hells are also united, they are too ununited. The previous battle with the Fengshentian has also failed. The founder of the gods will never participate. Fighting in the multiverse."

Originally, the Conferred God camp was so powerful that it deserved to join, but because of the emergence of a magical weapon, the muddy water was disturbed and the situation was once again confusing.

For Shenwu...

This powerful person also knows that it is very powerful and mysterious, and does not know where their limits are.

No one can care about a choice concerning fate.

"Lu Yuan, it seems that you already have a choice, don't test us anymore, just speak out."

Still the middle-aged man.

He is one of the five halls, named Xu Ming.

"Yes, this hall indeed has a choice."

Lu Yuan sternly said: "Wujitian all take refuge in the Shenwu Empire and join them. This is the decision of the temple. Today, the temple is not here to discuss with you. We have fought for so long, and the temple does not want to talk to you too much. Who of you wants to join me in the Shenwu camp!"

Her words were extremely firm and decisive, there was no room for reversal, and the powerful aura had swept away.

Shenwu is so powerful that she had never thought of it before. Before, she just wanted to use the power of Shenwu to hope God.

But now, Shenwu's strength is beyond imagination.

She is absolutely determined to join Shenwu.

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