An era has its operating rules.

The opening of a new era will inevitably break the pattern of the old era.

The second divine master's mind gradually gradually changed. After successive defeats in battle, he also knew his gap, and turned the struggle for hegemony and diversity into a pattern that gradually maintained the current situation.

If you are unable to fight for hegemony, then destroy the hegemony of others.

But people like him, as long as they have the opportunity, will still jump out to fight for hegemony.

"If Shenwu or Conferred God is really allowed to break the 33-day pattern, will the founders of the God Realm really tolerate it?"

A **** uttered a voice.

"They will not intervene. The founders of the God Realm have already obtained the fruit of this era. One era has passed, and when the next era is passed, everything will be scattered and ruined, and we can only be in the path of eternity. To survive, the fight here is meaningless to them."

The God of Yin and Yang wisely said: "If they intervene forcibly, they will get no benefits and will be greatly restricted, even the power of eternal rules, and the price is too great."

They are in the path of eternity, and now they don't know what they are doing, and in the face of eternal rules, even the founder of the gods is humble and insignificant.

"The pinnacle of the gods would have been the pinnacle of human beings, but it's a pity that the emperor."

After the Five Elements God said this, he also fell silent.

The human emperor is kind, let him dominate the peak, and will not bring such a big killing like Shenwu and Fengshen, but it is a pity that the human emperor has not become the peak of the era.

"Well, these are not mentioned for the time being, we are going to join hands thoroughly this time to avoid being broken by them."

The second **** broke the silence and said, "It seems that Wan Yaotian and Wan Daotian are not planning to join our union."

The top five heaven and earth belonged to Wan Yaotian and Wan Daotian did not send strong people over. "Wan Daotian doesn't intend to participate in any battles. Dao Fa is natural. They intend to let the flow go."

The Dugu God said: "As for the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens, the rebellion of the Dragon Ancestor took away too much power of the Demon Race. If it were not for the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Demons, they would have declined long ago. The ancestor's threat is the greatest." "Huh, even if it doesn't come, there are still us, the top ten giants, who gather for seven days, and there are many gods."

The prison coldly said: "We must first make a plan to prevent their counterattacks. The Fengshen Great and the Shenwu Divine Emperor are both people with great luck in the world. If anyone can get their luck, it will be easy to achieve the Origin God!"

He still doesn't give up, still thinking about taking luck.

"I won't talk about these things for the time being." Jingshi God said lightly: "Communicate more worlds and firmly occupy our 33-day luck. Strictly speaking, they no longer belong to the 33-day pattern. "

"Waiting for the opportunity."

Killing God, the number one killer in the multiverse, the number one assassin, he is very patient.

Suddenly, these powerhouses discussed how to deal with this crisis.

There is only one purpose, to survive the peak of this era safely.

At this moment, in the Shenwu Shen Dynasty. The majestic shrine, the dazzling divine light, the magnificence is amazing, the palace paved with eternal divine stone, and on a vast square, there are already many powerful people gathering.

Since the empire was promoted to thirty-three days, it has developed extremely fast.

It seems that it has become a holy land in the universe.

The brilliance of the empire illuminates the universe, and the power of air transport burns like a flame, bright and prosperous.

It's time for the empire event. "This is the Empire!"

Lu Yuan led people to the empire.

Although she knew Chu Yuan, it was the first time she came to the empire. She had been in the empire before, and when she saw the brilliance of the empire, she made a sound of wonder.

"Oh? Xinghai God, you are here too."

Lu Yuan saw the Xinghai God and talked to him.

"It's the Promise God."

The God of Xinghai didn't dare not come, his heart was bitter, but his face was still full of smiles: "Imperial event, the 33-day celebration of promotion, how can I not come, the God of Promise is also coming." "Divine Emperor Help I win the sky, my Wuji Tian belongs to the Shenwu camp, how can I not come."

Of course Lu Yuan could know the careful thoughts of the Xinghai God.

"It's all for the God Emperor. It seems that we will cooperate with each other in the future."

God Xinghai has also accepted his fate, and he is here to take this opportunity to meet with the **** emperor, in order to integrate Xinghaitian's luck with Shenwu.

He knew that he could not resist, and the consequences of resisting would be severe and tragic.

"Lu Yuan."

A voice sounded, it was Palace Master Hongmeng coming.


Lu Yuan passed by, "You are here, too." "How can I not come for such a big event, and become a god, you will belong to the Shenwu camp in the future."

Palace Master Hongmeng smiled.

He is the messenger of the ancient Lord of Hongmeng. He does not participate in the struggle for hegemony in the universe, and he doesn't care about who dominates.

When this era is over, he will return to the Lord of Hongmeng, and in the next era, there will be a new messenger.

"Everyone is here."

The True Sun God walked over with his head high.

True Sun, Wuji, Xinghai, Xuanhuang, these are the four days that belong to the empire.

Today is the gathering of many powerful people. In the past, a primitive **** was a well-deserved big figure, but today there are many.

Although the golden age is coming the reason for easier cultivation, but also more imperial appeal.

The great gods are a group, and in other places, there are scattered forces from the universe. There are primitive gods, but they are not climate and cannot participate in the exchanges of the strong gods.

"The ancestor of the Phoenix is ​​also here."

The ancestor of the phoenix actually arrived at the martial arts event. This one represented the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens. Even though the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens were in decline, there was also the great ancestor of the Ten Thousand Demons.

"Welcome to the ancestor of the Phoenix."

The strong empire welcomes the ancestor of the Phoenix.

"The ancestor of the phoenix came because of the dragon ancestor."

Palace Master Hongmeng saw through all this and said inwardly.

"How can the ancestor not come to the banquet of the Shenwu Empire."

The ancestor of the Phoenix nodded.

"Phoenix ancestor, Your Majesty will be here soon, please sit in and wait."

The Book of Enlightenment welcomes a powerful person to their seats and sends cherished delicious food.

Their eyes all looked at the eternal crystal light on a majestic emperor's seat in the hall. The eternal crystal light was completely cast by the eternal **** crystal, and a martial character was carved, exuding a strong domineering.

Although the Shenwu God Emperor has not yet arrived, but on the **** seat, with the condensing of luck, they have seen the existence of an emperor who is looking at the world and controlling God.

Even if it is a primitive god, if you want to see the image of the emperor on the **** seat, it will feel very dazzling in your eyes.

And even if it was this image, if the power broke out completely, it would have earth-shaking strength.

The brilliance of air luck, infinite power, this **** seat represents the strength and status of the Shenwu God Emperor.

This, everyone feels the majesty of the supreme overlord!

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