Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1690: The black coffin reappears

The huge momentum, the terrifying movement, and the dark storm suddenly swept across the empire.

This wave of volatility appeared out of thin air. Before that, no one had detected it, and there was no sign, it came so suddenly, once it appeared, it appeared outside the border of the empire.

"Who is attacking the empire!"

Some strong people screamed, at the time when the empire was the most powerful, who was causing the shaking of the heaven and the earth, at this time, initiated in the empire, causing the heaven and the earth to break apart.

Rumble, the storm of the torrent swept more intensely.

Shenwu’s bright light is bright, but the outside world is dark, and a terrifying force swallows all the light.

"It's not an attack by an outside powerhouse, but it, the black coffin is here."

Chu Yuan's body rose up, his palm violently grabbed it and blasted out of the sky, and all the strong men suddenly saw a thousand-mile-long black coffin that opened the cracks in time and space, rushing towards the empire.

The momentum of this black coffin is too great, all time and space are collapsing!

"Black coffin!"

There was a strong shock inside.

This black coffin conveyed the power of destruction and end, such as the power of death of civilization, which is coming quickly with the momentum of destruction.

Chu Yuan was no stranger to it. He had seen it in the Great Beginning of Heaven and Good Fortune Heaven, but now its power is much stronger than in Good Fortune Heaven!

This immense power could not be stopped by a sixth state.

"How could this black coffin come here!"

The ancestor of the Phoenix was also taken aback and said, "God Emperor, this black coffin has a mysterious origin, but it must come from the path of eternity. I don't know which powerful person created it. It seems to end all civilizations."

"When the Emperor of Humanity opened up the human world, this black coffin also appeared!"

The Lord of the Earth said: "In order to stop him, the Emperor also paid a great deal of strength to stop it, but the Emperor didn't know its origins, and only said that it buried the ancient era!"

He was cursing inwardly.

Is this black coffin a dog? Where luck is strong, it will appear there.

The black coffin rushed over, and the momentum was too great. If it were allowed to rush through the empire, it would inevitably lead to the destruction of heaven and earth, the decline of luck, and great damage.

"Can't let the black coffin rush in!"

Because it appeared suddenly, it was directly outside the imperial world, and it was impossible to stop it in the early stage.

The God of Destruction roared.

"During the impact of epochs, devouring the luck of heaven and earth."

Chu Yuan calmly watched the impact of the black coffin, and said indifferently: "It rushes, not to destroy our empire, but to destroy the era and bury the peak luck of an era."

"Your Majesty, we will help you together to block the black coffin!"

The Lord of the Sky said immediately.

"I come!"

Chu Yuan stepped out of the world in one step. He would not let the black coffin destroy his empire. This was his base camp. If the black coffin was destroyed, it would not become a joke in the universe.

His majestic posture stands tall outside the world.

Rumble! The huge wave of the end had already slapped him, but Chu Yuan also interpreted the emptiness of the world, unmoved, his eyes stared coldly.

At the beginning, he had no strength and reason to stop the black coffin.

Now, to destroy his empire, he will not allow it.

"Your Majesty will fight the black coffin with his own strength!"

All the strong were shocked, and their eyes fell on the **** emperor.

The Lord of the Sky said: "Your Majesty is stopping the black coffin, all the strong are in their positions, gather the strongest strength, always follow the instructions of the **** emperor, and take all precautions!"

Like an enemy, no one dares to ignore the mystery of the origin of this black coffin.


The destruction of the world and the era, the black coffin conveyed this power.

Chu Yuan's power also spread over, and the emperor's hegemonic control force immediately had a strong confrontation with the black coffin. The era it radiated was shattered, and it turned into the emptiness of heaven and earth in the confrontation with his power.

"The emptiness of heaven and earth!"

The ancestor of the phoenix condensed his eyes, and perhaps Shenwu could really block the fierce power of the black coffin today.

The God of Good Fortune gathered one day's power, but he could only limit the destruction of the dark torrent, and could not prevent the entry into the heaven and the earth.

But how great is Chu Yuan's strength, is it comparable to God fortune?

When the torrent of black end came to him, he was transformed into eternal nothingness.

When he thought of God, if he dominates the operation of the rules of the universe, the power is limited, and the black coffin rushes, he will be rushing in the void, unable to bring a strong ending storm.

"This mana!"

The crowd was shocked: "The **** emperor turned the world into eternal nothingness. Without the concept of time and space, the black coffin cannot bring destruction, and can only hit with its body."

Of course they also understand.

The black coffin body is also very terrifying.

The more the God Emperor suppressed it, the stronger the power erupted from the black coffin, and the greater the damage it caused in the end.

But there is no other way, the empire can't let the black coffin attack, otherwise it will hit the empire's luck.

Chu Yuan was strong, and the black coffin was about to set off a more monstrous storm, but he suppressed it. No matter how powerful it was, it would still be unable to bring about destruction.

"I am here, you can't go beyond the thunder pond one step."

Chu Yuan is too strong.

The infinite light of destruction, he alone bears this power to end the great destruction, but he is not moved.

He took a step forward and actually wanted to suppress the black coffin back.

The black coffin will not convey any will, UU reads and if there is will, it must be angry.

Finally, within this restriction, the body of the black coffin got closer and closer to Chu Yuan.


Chu Yuan slapped it.

His mana finally had the most positive collision with the black coffin.

After a while, he felt the huge force hit by the black coffin, which was not conveyed by a coffin at all, it was heavier than the universe, as if it was the power that had destroyed multiple eras.

Woo woo...

Chu Yuan had no expression on his face. All his power was turned into a law of control at this moment. He became a god-like existence. The power of his palm made the black coffin violently clash with him, but he still couldn't move forward.

At this time, the universe presented such a shocking scene.

A thousand-mile-long black coffin was violently hitting, but a great emperor stood there, and he raised his hand to block it, making the black coffin stalemate in the void and unable to advance.

It was shocking enough to limit fluctuations before and turn them into cosmic nothingness.

"It's even me, it's impossible to do such a thing. The power of Shenwu Divine Emperor is more terrifying than I thought, and it is even more unfathomable. He is like the strongest and most invincible!"

The soul of the ancestor of the Phoenix was shocked to the sky, and she was no longer able to figure out Chu Yuan's magic power, only that this person was the strongest and invincible existence.

He could also block something as terrifying as the black coffin.

Of course, she could also see that the Emperor Shenwu didn't seem to be afraid of the power of the black coffin's destruction and ending, and was fighting with a more terrifying will and mana.

"Let me see what you buried!"

Chu Yuan grabbed the lid of the coffin with one palm, trying to open it!

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