In a shocking and astonishing scene, the black coffin did not break into the empire, but left passively under Chu Yuan's resistance.

How many people can do in the multiverse?

Chu Yuan knew that the news here would spread out soon, and his every move now, even if he randomly issued an order, would cause the strong in the universe to be alarmed.

But this made him even more powerful!

Chu Yuan knew better that the origin of the black coffin was mysterious, and the power of destiny should not be underestimated. In the multiverse, it was unable to exert its most powerful power due to the restrictions of eternal rules.

Placed in the eternal path of nothingness is when its power is most terrifying.

"Fate? Eternal fate?"

Chu Yuan's expression was cold. Sooner or later he would unlock all the secrets of the black coffin and see who created it in the vast Era.

This empire banquet was also even more grand because of the arrival of the black coffin. It seemed that the black coffin was also congratulating the empire. After it was over, the ancestor of the Phoenix left.

Ten Thousand Demon Heaven, possesses two supreme powers, the ancestor of the phoenix and the idol demon master, as well as the unrevealed background.

Although the ancestors of the Phoenix will not directly send troops to help Shenwu continue to win the sky, they will not go against the empire. If the dragon ancestors come back, they will also take action.

Shenwu Temple.

The strong gathered.

After the banquet, everyone was gathered and came to attend the Imperial Conference.

True Sun God, Xinghai God, Wuji God, as a God-level existence, is also the first time to participate in regular meetings in Shenwu Temple, and this also shows that they have completely become vassals of Shenwu.

The true sun **** is very clear in his heart.

The Shinto era has arrived, and the previous thirty-three days' pattern will be broken. Whether it is the Fengshen Great Emperor or Shenwu, whoever wins will form a unified era.

This is the cycle of epoch development.

After the peak is over, it is dusk, ushering in the final end of an era, all the strong will transition to the path of eternity, forming forces like the ultimate gods, and continue to fight in the path of eternity.

Chu Yuanduan sat on the highest throne, presided over the meeting that decided the fate of the empire.

"His Majesty!"

The Lord of the Sky stood up, he was the Xuanhuangtian God, and also the sixth realm. He was the commander-in-chief of Chu Yuan's foreign warfare, and he was deeply trusted.

"Now the empire has Xuanhuangtian, Zhenyangtian, Wujitian, Xinghaitian, and the empire present day, the five heavens and the earth, and the five epochs of luck, but this is far from enough. The empire needs more heaven and earth!"

The Lord of the Sky said: "With the empire continuing to expand this day, in the bounds of the Promise Heaven and the empire, this is exactly the scope that can be expanded, so that the territories are completely connected. This is our primary goal!"

With a wave of his hand, the map appeared, clearly changing the pattern of the current universe.

"It must be broken these days!"

Lu Yuan said fiercely: "If these heavens and earths are not breached, my Promise Heaven will be like an island, always facing threats. This is extremely detrimental to the development of the empire. Maybe one day, my Promise Heaven will change hands! "

This is about his survival.

Fortunately, even though Wuji Tian was far away from the empire, it was also far away from the Conferred God camp. Otherwise, even if Lu Yuan wanted the empire's support, it would be very difficult.

"Not bad."

Xinghai Tianzhu expressed his opinion: "These are the worlds that must be the first to attack first. Xinghaitian is willing to serve as a forward and for the empire!"

Before being surrounded by the sky, he could not wait to join the empire. The God of Xinghai wanted to serve and set an example.

"The power ministers in the past few days have also done detailed investigations and ranked outside the 20th place in the 33 days. Of course, because of the peak and prosperous age, God will become the sixth state, and that is also under our attack. "

The Lord of the Sky said: "My empire is so powerful, they did not choose to take refuge, and now we don’t know whether they joined the Conferred God camp or took refuge in the Second Divine Lord, and if they attacked rashly, they would probably fall into Inside the trap."

War is not a joke. It must be fully deployed, otherwise a wrong order will make many soldiers worthless.

"Yuan Guangtian, Xi Yetian, Da Litian..."

Chu Yuan's gaze fell on the coordinates of the heavens and the earth, he pondered for a moment, and said: "Your concerns are justified. You can't underestimate the enemy at all when facing any opponent. There must be traps, and if you continue to conquer, you will inevitably encounter many obstacles."

"But we can't help but conquest." The Lord of the Sky said.

"What's the situation with the second **** now?"

Zhang Jing asked.

"I know that the power of the second gods and masters is to maintain the pattern of thirty-three days and prevent us or the conferred gods from forming a unified situation. Those gods who join their camp also want this, but this is in line with the plan of the empire. Contradictory."

Xinghai God quickly said.

"Huh! In the current situation, I still want to maintain the original situation!"

True Sun God snorted coldly.

"After all, no matter which side unified the era, it will be bad for them." The Lord of the Earth said.

"These heavens and earth must be conquered."

Chu Yuan said slowly.

"Not bad."

The Lord of the Sky said: "The ministers saw that their heaven and earth luck was very restrained, and they did not show the slightest panic. They must have been prepared, and the next empire must make perfect preparations for them to conquer them. UU Reading www.uukanshu .com"

"There must be some support."

Xinghaitian is too close to the empire, and support is useless.

The God of Xinghai pondered for a moment, and said: "Fengshentian is also continuing the expedition. According to the situation, there is a war on the other side, and the distance is too far, and it is very likely that the second divine lord will provide support."

"The second divine lord also knew that his strength was not enough to support his ambitions, so he changed his strategy and maintained the current situation. With the power of the gods and heavens, as long as the current situation is maintained, he will gain great benefits."

The Lord of the Sky said again.

The God of True Sun also said: "Yes, they still hope that we will fight to the death with the Conferred God camp, we will suffer both losses, and then we will reap the benefits of the fisherman, but no one is stupid. Such a plan is destined to be difficult to implement."

"Whether it is the Conferred God camp or the Second God Lord, blocking the empire is our enemy."

Chu Yuan spoke. He looked at the map, and the divine light continued to penetrate, "The battle for hegemony in heaven and earth cannot be stopped. You must be very fast, and you must also be prepared. The current situation is turbulent and the situation is very chaotic. I’m not sure about it. Struggling is definitely going to be a struggle."

"Your Majesty, please order!"

Qunqiang voice excited.

As a member of the empire camp, already embarking on this road, there is no room for turning back. The empire is strong, and they are naturally strong.

Shenwu Empire is an empire that is constantly fighting.

"My order, the sky is the commander-in-chief, and the true sun, the sea of ​​stars, and the Wuji three days are the support. All military operations follow the direct dispatch of the sky. Those who disobey the military order will be killed without mercy.

Chu Yuan said: "I want to win more world!"

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