Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 170: The 2 armies are at war!

   Finally, Chu Yuan led the soldiers of the Dawu Dynasty to the Shuixi Plain.

   There are streams on the Great Plain of Shuixi, with rows of paddles crisscrossing.

And at this moment, in Chu Yuan’s eyes, the countless army of the dynasty suspended in the distance had long been waiting seriously, and a terrifying warfare broke out, and huge cities after another were built on the Shuixi Plain as defenses. fortress.

   Although these defensive fortresses were only built within half a month.

   But with the background of the five-star dynasty, the defense is many times more terrifying than Qianlong City, and the defense can't be broken by replacing it with the previous magic cannon.


   Chu Yuan entered the Shuixi Plain and the whole army stopped!

   The other party was ready to wait for him to come, and Chu Yuan naturally had to prepare too.

   Let the army rest on the spot, start a fire to cook, and cook the fragrant Lingyuan rice that makes people feel refreshed when they smell the rice.

   In addition, Lu Qianfu observed the entire battlefield and asked people to set up 60,000 sacred cannons and aim them at the opponent's fortress.

   This time there are 60,000 super cannons, and 10,000 of them are specially made of meteorite spirit gold.

  This kind of giant cannon with different materials can be called a superb psychic cannon.

   This is still too short, otherwise Chu Yuan can create more.

  , that huge steel behemoth was erected under the command of Lu Qianfu, and the terrifying aura of killing and destruction seemed to have been transmitted to the camp of the Hanging Dynasty from a distance.

   Dozens of armored flying boats also released terrifying murderous intent, suspended in the sky, they are the best mobile fortresses.

   "That is the flying boat of the Dawu Dynasty!"

   The king of Xiyang was shocked when he saw the iron armor flying boat.

   Naturally, he could see that the craftsmanship of the iron armored flying boats and the vastness of the project were definitely not something that ordinary dynasties could play. Even in his dangling dynasty, there were not so many master craftsmen who built similar iron armored flying boats.

   is too subtle and complicated.

   "The morale of the soldiers of the Dawu Dynasty is by no means comparable to the three-star dynasty. Some are not simple. Facing my dangling dynasty army, they exploded out of a terrifying warfare. Even the Emperor Wu said that they are a four-star dynasty. I absolutely agree."

   Next to King Xiyang, there were two middle-aged men who were equally powerful, namely King Yiwei and King Yanshan.

   "Huh! Even if it is a four-star dynasty, it will be broken under the iron hoof of my hanging army. If Dawu is too weak, this battle will become meaningless!"

   Rock Mountain King said coldly.

   "When facing any enemy, you can't take it lightly. This battle will defeat the elites of the military in one fell swoop, and will not give them any chance to fight back."

   The King of Xiyang said solemnly: "King Yiwei, King Yanshan, Emperor Wu will procrastinate, and the rest of the battlefield will be left to you."

   "The King of Xiyang controls Emperor Wu, and we will leave the rest to us."

King Yiwei, King Yanshan thought that they could not lose in this battle, but he didn't have the courage to say that it must be Chu Yuan's opponent. After all, it was the fierce man who killed King Dongning, and even the god-level giant could not stay behind with an angry shot. he.

   Chu Yuan was the Shuixi Da Plain that arrived at noon. In this battle, he did not immediately send troops to attack, but let the whole army rest and set up the war defense line.

   The night is here, and the entire Shuixi Plain is dark, but the side where Chu Yuan is stationed is shining brightly, like the day, which is also an invisible means to increase morale.

   At noon the next day!

   The weather on this day is exceptionally good, the sun is bright, the breeze is blowing, but this breeze brings the breath of death!

   The troops of the first battalion lined up, and both sides had been prepared for a long time, and they were both waiting for the attack at this hour.

   "Fight against me, you will be invincible, so powerful!"

   Chu Yuan held the Emperor's Sword in his hand and stepped on the ancient chariot, his gaze enveloped the entire battlefield, exuding the majesty of humanity and making a loud voice!

   "Dawu Tianwei!"

   "Dawu Tianwei!"

   "Dawu Tianwei!"

   How terrible it is for hundreds of millions of soldiers to roar.

  Especially everyone has a good cultivation base, and the roar of hundreds of millions of people suddenly turned into layers of sound, almost shattering the sky, and a terrifying storm swept toward the hanging dynasty in the distance.


   Chu Yuan ordered.

   "The magical cannon, bombardment!"

  War is not a single fight between the strong. It takes all means and factors into consideration.

  The sacred cannon is most suitable for long-range bombardment. It can consume the opponent's vitality first to gain an advantage.


   The 10,000 psychic cannons built with meteorite spirit gold did not bombard.

  The first bombardment was the 50,000 sacred cannon built in the realm of ordinary meteors, and it suddenly blasted out with a strong energy beam. The terrifying energy even the void would be distorted and collapsed at this moment, and all the sky and the earth would collapse!

   "Fight back!"

   The King Xiyang ordered.

   As a five-star dynasty, the dangling dynasty also had huge cannons, which were also activated by energy spar, and suddenly hundreds of thousands of light beams bombarded Dawu.

   The energy beams on both sides collided in an instant, and the sound of endless explosions resounded.

  The giant cannon of the Hanging Dynasty Dynasty is also very powerful, probably the power of the magic cannon before it was upgraded.

   But the sacred cannon is ten times stronger than the sacred cannon. This confrontation was just a few waves of bombardment, and soon there was a crushing. The opponent's artillery bombardment was suppressed, and they exploded in succession behind them.

   "Their giant cannon is ten times more powerful than my Hanging Dynasty!"

   The King of Xiyang was shocked.

   But there was no panic on his face, instead he calmed down, and said, "Xuantian Spirit Shield!"

A large black shield appeared in his hand, like a tortoise shell, and then it grew bigger and bigger, and a defensive light shield shot out from the mysterious sky spirit shield, which turned out to be like a brilliant river. The front line of defense covering the army.

   Profound Sky Spirit Shield, a spiritual defensive artifact, obtained by the Hanging Dynasty from the Hanging Forbidden Land.

   The energy beam of the Divine Machine Giant Cannon fell on the Xuantian Spirit Shield, although it only shook the light shield, but it did not break.

   "Emperor Wu, the king already knows your various methods and knows that you have a powerful cannon, so he has brought a spiritual artifact, the Xuantian Spirit Shield!"

King Xiyang stepped to the forefront of the The power of the gods shrouded like heaven and earth, and said coldly: "Emperor Wu, today this king also gives you a chance to surrender and surrender, and I can forgive you. Don’t die, lest life be overwhelmed."

   "Stop talking nonsense, sin against my mountains and rivers, the sin deserves ten thousand deaths, only you have spiritual artifacts, sun and moon wheels, and the magical cannon to break their spiritual shields for me!"

  The fifty thousand giant artillery guns that bombarded first were just appetizers!

   Chu Yuan’s real killer move was the 10,000 supernatural power cannons built with meteorite spirit gold. This super cannon was specially filled with spirit stones and was more powerful than ordinary supernatural power cannons.

   "These ten thousand giant cannons!"

King Xiyang could see extremely far away, and saw the 10,000 supernatural psychic cannons with kinetic energy as the kinetic energy. His face suddenly changed, "The realm of the mysterious sky uses the sky as a shield. Take the ground as a defense!"

   boom! The Xuantian Spirit Shield was fiercely inserted into the earth, as if communicating with the whole world, and the ability to protect was greatly increased!

   Of course he could see that if he was bombarded by a giant artillery to the rear of the army, ordinary soldiers would definitely be unable to resist it.

   In addition to the Xuantian Spirit Shield, they also built a defensive array on the Shuixi Plain, and at this time they also shot a light curtain.




   50,000 ordinary psychic cannons, 10,000 psychic cannons made of meteorite fine gold.

   In an instant, a beam of light that tore through the sky was ejected, and in an instant, it bombarded the defensive line constructed by the Xuantian Spirit Shield in the most fierce manner.

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