The Human Realm Heaven has been closed for so long, and it should be time to open it.

The Sacred Sword of the Human Sovereign was an artifact he obtained at the beginning of the game, which allowed his empire to overcome many difficulties during the most difficult accumulation period, and forged an inseparable cause and effect with the Sovereign.

He and Human Sovereign have different ideas and different wills, but the human world must be opened.

"Everlasting, the emperor is the only one. I am not a human emperor, but I can control the power of humanity."

Chu Yuan said indifferently, it used to be insufficient strength if it didn't open up, and it would make others cheaper, but now, there is no such trouble, it is time.

The most precious thing about the heavens of the human world is not the origin of the heavens and the earth and the divine objects stored in them, but the humane power after the emperor has transformed into the Tao!

Chu Yuanyi seized this power and integrated the humane power into the epic of the empire, and he could also become an epic!

Once an epic, who can be his opponent between heaven and earth!

He will be unbeatable.

And he is not worried that someone will compete with him.

"Human World Heaven!"

He controls the latitude of time and space, and the distance of the multiverse is nothing to him. He can travel across the boundless distance with a single thought.

He has seen Human World Heaven!

It has been a long, long time since the last time I went to the human world, and there was still an ancient battlefield at that time.

But now, the extremely ancient battlefield has disappeared. It was leveled by a man-made force. It was done by Fengshentian. It is a pity that they don't have a human sword or an eternal altar, so they can't open it.

"The Emperor..."

Chu Yuan's eyes were sharp.

At this moment, he penetrated the many obstacles of the human world and saw the splendid humane power, as if condensing the shadow of the gods, that is the power of the human emperor.

Human power is great and miraculous, and human power can burst into infinite glory.

"Near the human world sky, has the Fengshen Great Emperor also imposed heavy restrictions? He also wants to obtain the humane power to make up for his power of the Fengshen."

Chu Yuan hangs high forever, looking down at this day.

"It's time to open it."

he knows.

Once he makes a move to open up the human world, this fluctuation cannot be concealed. In an instant, the strong among the heavens will notice that someone is gaining the power of the human emperor.

Especially the Emperor Fengshen.

His desire for humanitarian power is no less than that of Chu Yuan.

"But I have infinite confidence."

Chu Yuan will move!

Boom! Suddenly a huge eternal altar appeared in the sky above the human world, and the original humane altar had also been integrated into it by Chu Yuan.

Eternally nurture all things, this is no problem.

And above the altar, there is the Human Sovereign Sacred Sword suspended!

This Human Emperor Sacred Sword is a key, the key to unlock the human world sky, without this key, even the Origin God would never want to open the defense of the human world sky.

The Emperor's Sacred Sword radiated infinite light, brilliant, and the scorching sun was panicking, pulling away the clouds and fog.

The countless prohibitions densely surrounding the human world sky also disappeared in an instant.

After the appearance of the human emperor sword and the eternal altar, the infinite momentum gathered and enveloped the human world and heaven.

Chu Yuan's gaze also fell into the interior in an instant, and he saw the face of Renjietian.

Human world heaven.

The still preserved extremely perfect, densely packed city, countless ruins, are still explaining the glory of the human world to Chu Yuan.

Back then, the Great Ancient War was very tragic, but they did not reach the human world, and if the human emperor did not transform the way and hit the era of destruction, no one could kill him.

His actions are awesome.

He is the real emperor.

"After all, I am not the emperor of humanity. Humanity is not a power that I control. The path to eternity is that there is no concession, only to work hard."

Chu Yuan looked at Human Jietian.

He saw the people's palace.

"In this era, the power to control humanity."

Just after Chu Yuan opened up the human world, the power of humanity was converging. In front of him, it seemed that there was a real man, a middle-aged man, extremely kind.

He is a human being, a pure and pure person, a faith in humanity, the emperor in humanity!

This is the power of the human emperor.

However, Chu Yuan also knew that when he came to the human world, there would be no test, because he had an emperor sword and the will of the emperor was to receive the power of humanity.

"The Emperor."

Chu Yuan looked at this will.

And the moment Chu Yuan opened the human world sky, the fluctuations of this world violently fluctuated in an instant, and the great power of the human emperor permeated all realms of the universe.

"The power of the Emperor has reappeared!"

Within ten thousand days, the chess piece in Yi Tianzun's hand suddenly stopped, and he calmly said, "The power of the human emperor that has disappeared for a long time has appeared again at this moment, the great kindness of the emperor, the fraternity of the emperor, the emperor is For the sake of the world and all souls, I am willing to give all the great will, I have known for a long time, it will be opened someday at this time."

"The power of the human emperor has reappeared, and the human world has been opened. It must be opened by the emperor Shenwu!

The old way shook suddenly.

Human Sovereign is definitely an extremely great existence. If he does not transform the Tao, today's struggle will not occur. No one is qualified to compete with Human Sovereign for the luck of the peak of the era.

There are many secrets in the Great War.

"The Emperor Fengshen is also waiting for this moment, this is his opportunity!"

Yi Tianzun said: "But it has to do with us, it depends on their struggle."

"Human World Heaven is open!"

In the days of the gods, at this moment, I also felt the great power of the emperor.

The second divine master said: "The human world has opened up. This is the benevolent power of the human emperor. The Shenwu divine emperor wants to control the power of the human emperor, but the Fengshen Great Emperor will never see him easily seize it."

"Second God Lord, what should we do?" Hell said fiercely.

"Two tigers are fighting, and there is bound to be a wound. Since the Shenwu God Emperor dares to open the human world at this time, it shows that he has absolute certainty, but the Fengshen Great Emperor has also prepared for this for a long time, there must be a shocking battle!"

The second divine master divine mind moved quickly, "We also go to the human world, first look at the situation, if there is a chance, seize the power of humanity, this is also our opportunity!"

He also knew that whether it was Fengshen or Shenwu who gained the humane power, it would not be a good thing for them.

At this moment, they must also take action.


Outside the human world, at the moment Chu Yuan had just opened the human world, outside the world, the wave of destruction and destruction of the enemy, a huge portal appeared from the void.

It is the gate of the gods. UU reading www.

From the Gate of Conferred Gods, one master after another appeared, the weakest being the Primitive God.

They are majestic and direct!

"The power of humanity!"

The Emperor Fengshen stepped out from the gate of the Fengshen, with a stalwart aura, he looked at the world of human beings, with a demeanor of the world, and suppressed the sky.

he knows.

Shenwu God Emperor will definitely open up the human world.

But now the situation is deadlocked. Shenwu will either attack the nearest Hell Heaven or gain humane power. Apart from that, there is no third possibility.

He also prepared for a long time, speculating that Chu Yuan's greatest possibility was to open up the human world, and had already deployed his power here.

"The power of humanity, the emperor wants it too!"

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