The catastrophe continued, and as time was postponed, it became more intense, flooding Fengshen Tian.

The origin of Fengshen Great’s achievement is overwhelming, and it is impossible to fail.

He didn't get the power of the Emperor, and for him it was even more frustrating to know what was wrong, and to achieve the origin with his own beliefs, and he would never be influenced by the Emperor.

Such a Conferred God is the most powerful!

The light of the Conferred God Emperor shined through the ages, deducting the vision of the Conferred God world, and countless figures seemed real.

"Congratulations to the emperor for achieving the origin and eternal preaching!"

The mighty voice resounded, and after the fluctuation ended, the Fengshen Great Emperor came to the world with majesty forever.

The powerhouses in the Conferred God camp were excited and congratulated. They thought that Shenwu had achieved six levels, and they would have no chance. But now it seems that this peak Shenwu can't be the master.

They still have to fight!

The power of the Origin God is too vast, another Origin God from the Queen of Man.


The Emperor Fengshen has a stalwart figure, standing on the top of the heaven and earth, watching the ages.

He had no sorrow or joy, his demons obliterated, and there was no shadow in his heart, he finally reached this state with success.

"Emperor, you proving the origin of Dao, we are willing to sweep Shenwu under your leadership, and completely set the peak!"

The Conferred God is trembling excitedly.


Even if Fengshen Great Emperor achieved Origination at this moment, he still had to admit that Shenwu was an extremely difficult opponent to deal with, knowing that his strength at the moment was not weaker than him.

His breakthrough came to a parallel point with Shenwu again.

He became the origin of himself this time because of the oppression of Shenwu and clearly understood his own Taoism.

"Shenwu, this world, the peak of luck, this emperor is not willing to share with you, and you will not, there must be a battle between us, whether you die or I live!"

The Fengshen Great Emperor swept across the universe with no expression on his face, "At the peak of luck, there will be shocking changes in this world!"

And at the moment when the Conferred God Emperor truly became Origin, it was like a hurricane sweeping across the universe. In the time of an epoch, Origin God was already the most powerful combat power.

"Fengshen, he became the origin."

Wan Daotian's old way also felt it, and his expression was somewhat complicated. Although he didn't like to fight for hegemony, he was extremely eager for a higher realm.

Don't leave it alone, the Origin God can live more than fifty eternal calamities casually.

"Isn't this normal?"

Yi Tianzun was very indifferent, "With the confidence of the Fengshen Great Emperor, he would have been able to break through long ago, but he values ​​the power of humanity too much and delays it until now. This time he fully understands that he is worthy of the Fengshen.

"But this war hasn't stopped. Shenwu achieves epic and Conferred Gods achieves origin, which will escalate the battle between the two. These two people can become the masters of the era in any era."

Old saying.

"If it were an ordinary era, maybe there would be no such luck, and such a character would be born."

Yi Tianzun said: "Waiting for the final winner, but I feel a strange breath, I can only feel it, it is difficult to know what it is?"

The breakthrough of the Fengshen Great Emperor and the breakthrough of the Shenwu God Emperor were two pieces of news that shocked the universe.

The Second Divine Lord was also extremely shocked. The two emperors broke through, and their strength was already strong. There was no existence comparable to the origin on their side. How could they compete with them?

In this peak duel, the three-legged situation is hard to guarantee, and they have become a two-emperor struggle for hegemony, and they have become spectators.

"In the days of the gods, even the Origin God, don't want to attack it easily. The founder of the God Realm is not an ordinary Origin God, he has realized that he is stronger!"

The second **** is still unwilling to confess his fate, and is still insisting!


The fluctuation was so great that Chu Yuan was also aware of it for the first time.

It is also a pity for the strong of the dynasty, if the Conferred God Emperor breaks through a few years later, the empire's army will be in full force, and they will be judged last.

However, if a breakthrough is made, this cannot be done.

He stood on the altar of eternity, the energy turned into the ocean, his eyes were like electricity, lasing divine light, he did not feel much surprise for the Fengshen Great Emperor's breakthrough.

"Sai Weng loses horses and knows no blessings. Although you did not seize the humane power from my hands in the Human World Battle, it also allows you to take this step and achieve the origin."

Chu Yuan had no sadness or joy.

He knew that Emperor Fengshen was not so easy to deal with, and he was his biggest opponent in the multiverse.

Chu Yuan also felt his breath, tyrannical, but it wouldn't make him afraid. He is now an epic, and his tyrannical combat power is not weaker than the Fengshen Great Emperor.

The battle of this peak and flourishing age is not so easy.

But the more this can inspire his fighting spirit, how can he bring out the glory of this flourishing age without an opponent.

He stretched out his hand to capture the sky, as if he wanted to cover the entire multiverse, the boundless force of luck was captured by him, and countless meteors and fire burst into the empire.

This power is too terrifying, his wave at any time can be dozens of times the power of the fifth stage.

Very brilliant, Shenwu is glorious and sacred at this moment.


The big hand that had crossed the long river of time and space struck across, and it was Fengshen Great Emperor who was also in another distant world, competing with Shenwu for the power of luck.

The Primitive Gods could feel that the two emperors were reaching out their big hands to fight against each other with strength, and every blow produced a wave of shock.

"Our luck!"

From the Second Divine Lord, everyone felt the power declining crazily in horror, as if it had changed from the sea to a small stream, which was taken overlordly by Shenwu and Fengshen.

In the past, before the two emperors made a breakthrough, they could still make a counterattack and take back some.

But now, the combat power of the two emperors is at the level of the origin gods, even if the founder of the gods descends, they may not be able to win the two emperors.

Whether it is Shenwu or Conferred God, it is not an ordinary Origin God combat power.

And just this little luck, it was also the biggest luck for them to run the gods, and they barely learned a little.

Without luck, they would not be able to enjoy the benefits of the peak and prosperous age. They were unable to fight for hegemony, and even Dingli could not do it. It was like being reduced to spectators and it was difficult to interfere.

They can't even get luck, don't even have confidence, how can they break through to the origin.

What does the peak stand for?

The pinnacle means that the strongest and strongest existence will be born!

"The power of luck at the peak of this era has almost been dominated by them!"

The air luck at the peak of this era is like a round of scorching sun at the highest point of the sky and the earth, and the force of air luck that bursts out of it radiates to all sectors of the universe.

However, the power of Chu Yuan and the Conferred God, the two big hands covering the sky and the sun, transferred these two powers to their own camp, not for others to enjoy.

Too overbearing, but also helpless.

Regardless of whether it was in the Conferred God or the Empire, the two emperors seized more Qi Luck power, and their strong men were seizing this opportunity to break through the realm in the fastest time.

Three months after Qi Luck was captured.

Chu Yuan's expression moved. There was epic luck in the empire, and someone had broken through the sixth realm.

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