Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1733: Mythical Ancient Temple

The eternal forbidden zone shook more severely. Countless miracles smashed violently.

What Chu Yuan saw was a scene where the sky and the earth were collapsing and time and space were chaotic. The sky was twisted like a twist that day, and when it was twisted to its limit, it burst open and proceeded again and again.


Chu Yuan waited, and finally saw a huge giant. He couldn't see exactly what it was, and it was about to descend into the multiverse from the mysterious time and space.

And its coming, the pressure brought by it was too great, standing in that central area, the primitive god's body would also be unable to bear it, and it would explode with a bang.

A distorted force field has formed there.


Because this behemoth is about to come to the multiverse, the strong on both sides have to retreat. Think about the pressure that even the primitive gods can't bear. Isn't the army looking for death there?


Countless blasting sounds, with the arrival of the big thing, the pressure of terror, and many miracles before they can fully reach the multiverse, they are directly crushed into powder.

This seems to be the style of the absolute emperor, and it is not allowed to coexist with him.

The strong on both sides felt very sad.

But they couldn't stop the arrival of that behemoth, they could only watch it.

"Your Majesty, there will be a great horror in the Eternal Forbidden Zone. I don't know what it is, but it is very important. Even this violent shock, the source is this thing!"

After the army retreated, all the strong men gathered around Chu Yuan, not daring to blink, staring at the arrival of the behemoth.

The sword **** looked like a sky sword, extremely fierce, and said: "The Eternal Forbidden Zone has a strong attraction and pull to a mysterious area, and it is the oppression of this thing that has caused the relics that exist there to be squeezed in."

"Now the real miracle is coming!"

"At this time, the army can't go. There is too much fluctuation there, and if you are not careful, it will be crushed."

"Now the sky is helping Lan to achieve the origin in the Eternal Pure Land. The empire is waiting and waiting quietly."

Chu Yuan calmly said: "After this change, the era pattern of the multiverse is about to change completely. The Qi Luck of Epoch has reached its peak, and it's time to decide the winner."

Like the scorching sun, the peak of its existence is always short-lived, and the luck of the multiverse has reached a peak.

While speaking, Chu Yuan's eyes met Fengshen Great Emperor, the terrifying mana shot out infinite electric light, and looked at each other across time and space.

"He is provoking us!"

The strong man in the Conferred God camp shouted angrily.

Over time.

Suddenly the behemoth shook for a while, and there was a huge stone monument with a length of one hundred feet falling down. With ancient colors, there were words on it that recorded some ancient myths and legends.

In an instant, at the same moment, two mana hands grabbed the stele at the same time.

It was Chu Yuan and Fengshen Great that were making the shot.

Their strengths were grabbed on the side of the stone tablet and competed.

"There are many legends recorded on that stone tablet, it is very likely that it is the origin of that behemoth!"

The eyes of many powerhouses were watching, and they couldn't intervene in the fight between the two emperors.

But they couldn't recognize the words on it. They were too old. I don't know how many epochs they were before, and they didn't even circulate in the Eternal Path.

However, they could feel a vast will in the stele.

"If you can't get it, it's all ruined."

Chu Yuan said coldly.

The great power of the underworld is transmitted to the stone tablet. Although the stone tablet can withstand the bombardment, Chu Yuan's combat power is comparable to the origin. Wherever it can withstand it, it will directly burst into powder.

After the stone stele exploded, gold characters flew out, and each ray of golden light represented a kind of myth.

Chu Yuan's power was transmitted again, knowing that these golden words were left behind with a special technique, and he was too lazy to talk to the Conferred God Emperor, and directly shattered.

"Shenwu, you are direct enough."

Fengshen Dao.

This emperor is really sharp and decisive.

"It's just a stone tablet."

Chu Yuan said lightly.

As time went on, the behemoth finally appeared in the multiverse. As soon as it appeared, its monstrous power shook all the dust away, and the bright divine light exploded.

"Palace group!"

When everyone really saw this behemoth, they could see clearly that it was a group of palaces. The heavenly palaces stretched in a straight line. They were huge and were of ancient architectural style.

The palaces float in the air, sacred and magnificent.

"The palace group in the Eternal Road, the whole palace is made of Eternal God Stone!"

"Oh my God, how many eternal sacred stones are needed for such a huge heavenly palace, and it is filled with infinite eternal breath."

"I seem to be looking at ancient myths!"

This group of palaces is too majestic and ancient, but there is no smell of decay. The power is permeated with bright clouds, as if supporting ancient myths.

Below the palace complex was a vast cloud and mist, dragged up.

Many people are staring at it and wondering what forces left behind. It is so majestic. There are many relics on the path of eternity, which can be preserved so intact, and you can see its extraordinary.

As far as you can see, at the entrance to the palace complex, that is, at the center of the continuous Tiangong, there is a huge square with a gushing staircase connected to a **** gate.

It seems that to enter the palace, you need to walk from the stairs to the gate of the gods.

"This is not complete, it's just a part of it, or a part of the palace that connects to the main body. Within that gate, there is a larger world."

Chu Yuan saw the clues. Although this heavenly palace was majestic, it didn't feel complete to him. It was more like falling from a larger palace complex into the multiverse.

His words were shocking.

Only part of it has this majesty. In the multiverse, even the ancient temples can hardly match its majesty.

"The **** emperor is right, this is indeed only a part."

A voice passed, Yi Tianzun came, and he appeared in front of everyone, "I am here and will not participate in your fight. It is this heavenly palace that attracted me."

"Yi Tianzun, when you come here, you already know the origin of Tiangong."

Fengshen Great asked. UU reading

Although Yi Tianzun was only in the sixth stage and his strength was far stronger than him, his own knowledge of cultivating heavenly calculations was not as good as him.

Yi Tianzun knows many epochs.

Chu Yuan was also looking at Yi Tianzun.

Although the two of them didn't have much positive contact, they still had some cause and effect. His eyes were sharp, and this Yi Tianzun didn't seem to be completely flesh and blood.

In his eyes, the appearance is a vague air!

Yes, it is just qi, like a cloud, which obscures his true face.

Yi Tianzun could also feel that Chu Yuan's gaze was too sharp, and he didn't care. He practiced heavenly calculations and became self-conscious, and he could no longer look at him with pure eyes.

"This group of heavenly palaces comes from a very ancient era of mythology. This is the ancient heavenly palace of mythology. I didn't expect that part of the ruins would descend here because of the power of the multiverse."

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