Yi Tianjun shot his peerless arrow, an arrow at the peak.

The strength of his arrow has been condensing since the beginning of this battle, and has not been sent out. It has been continuously strengthened and strengthened, and finally reached the peak and strongest.

The strength of Yi Tianjun dare not be the strongest in the sixth realm, but his archery skills are unmatched in this realm. Since cultivating Taoism, he has killed many opponents with his archery skills.

It is the word Yi, which he took from the inheritance of ancient myths.

Swordsmanship, swordsmanship, there are many such strong men, but there are very few archery pinnacles.

But such a character is extremely terrifying once it becomes successful.

His arrows can span time and space, pierce through the ages, and reach the power that ordinary people can't imagine. He immediately shot an arrow and aimed directly at the opponent's sixth state, bursting with lethal power.

This sixth realm immediately noticed a deadly power, his eyes opened violently, and his soul was frightened.

The strength of the arrow was faster than he could barely react.

There were also strong people who responded in time and wanted to weaken the power of that arrow, but in the melee, the power of the sixth stage was difficult to resist, unless the Conferred God Emperor took the shot.

However, the Emperor Shenwu was here, and he was even more unable to attack.


On the head of the sixth stage, a divine object suddenly appeared, which was a defensive divine weapon, hoping to dissolve some of the power.

However, Yi Tianjun's arrow directly smashed his defensive artifact and hit his head. In an instant, his head exploded, and the **** fog was majestic, and his entire body was completely shattered into fleshy flesh.

The sixth realm has strong vitality, and he still wants to reorganize his divine body, but the killing power contained in this arrow brings about strangulation and completely ends his vitality.

A sixth-level statue fell on the spot, and it was also the first sixth-level statue that died since the war began. It was Yi Tianjun who received the first drop of blood.

He used his record to show that it was worth it for Chu Yuan to save his life that day, and he would use his dazzling record to show his record.


Seeing the tragic death of the sixth stage, God of Mountain and Sea erupted with a roar of madness. This sixth stage was the powerhouse of his heaven. He died so tragically on the spot and was shot to death by someone else.

Holding a big bow, Yi Tianjun stood alone and coldly on the spot.

If he doesn't make a move, he will be a blockbuster.

"Yi Tianjun is you!"

When the Fengshen God saw Monarch Yi Tian, ​​he became furious and shouted: "You have actually taken refuge in Shenwu!"

He never thought that Yi Tianjun would take refuge in Shenwu.

"The **** emperor is the lord of heaven and earth. I am willing to choose Mingjun and make the most correct choice."

Yi Tianjun was strong, and he shot a few more arrows, blasting the audience.

The threat of Yi Tianjun's archery skills is too great. He knows where his advantage lies. His strength in a head-on confrontation is poor, but his greatest strength is archery that spans time and space with one hand.

He was in the rear of the empire army, and there was a great God Emperor in front of him. No one could go behind him, and he could continuously kill his opponents in the rear without any worries.

"Yi Tianjun, I will break your corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

The strong men of the Conferred God camp were extremely furious, and the threat posed by Yi Tianjun was too great. Every arrow shot brought out a puff of blood, causing their strong men to fall one after another.

However, the divine warrior **** emperor stood here like a sacred mountain of ancient times, and could not go around and deal with him.

"Haha, Yi Tianjun's archery has helped a lot. Shenwu will win, and the empire will last forever!"

The empire powerhouses were united, and their morale exploded. Because Yi Tianjun took the lead in shooting a sixth stage, their morale was at its peak at this moment, and the torrent of war broke out and crushed the opponent.

However, even if there is Emperor Yi Tian, ​​this kind of war cannot be determined by a sixth stage, and it is still tragic.

A statue of six realms suddenly entered the imperial battleship group, holding a magic weapon, and exploding one after another. In just a few breaths, a dozen battleships were exploded by him, continuing to destroy the imperial battleships.

"you dare!"

The golden blood of the God of War was boiling. He couldn't look at the warship that destroyed the empire like the other party, and immediately killed the past with the spear in his hand. The fearless heart of the God of War suddenly made waves.

"Shenwu God of War, die!"

A murderous intent, piercing the bones, slammed out of the sixth stage in the dark, forming a horn-cutting situation with the other person, and the two attacked the God of War together, and every blow was extreme.


God of War is fearless.

I have to say that in the Conferred God camp, there are indeed a lot of powerhouses, especially the sixth stage. The main reason is that they have been developing before the ancient times and have occupied the eternal forbidden area for so long.

There is no shortage of resources and strong luck.

If it were not for Chu Yuan during this period, let Yi Tianjun, Lord of Death, and even Wan Yaotian help him, otherwise, the battle for the front of the army would be even more difficult.

"Stabilize the situation!"

Wan Yaotian.

The idol demon turned into its body, four elephant legs trampled like a pillar, and the power of the dragon elephant exploded. His power was too fierce, and the rumbling was a big mountain rushing past.

The phoenix demon ancestor spread its wings, and the phoenix fire nirvana. Her noble phoenix body has extremely powerful power.

Shenwu cannot be defeated!

Shenwu must win!

As time went on, the losses on both sides became more and more severe. Shenwu once again killed the other's sixth stage, but at the same time, there was also a strong man on their side who fell. It was Yushentian's sixth stage that was mercilessly beheaded.

Other powerhouses fought to this stage, and they were all wounded.


A sorrowful scream shook the sky, and it was God of Yundu, who was slapped on the back by a beast claw, half of his body was dripping with blood and blood, and it was almost completely shattered.

The giant head had black scales and fangs. It was very hideous. It was not in the multiverse. It must have been the surrender of the Emperor Fengshen on the path of eternity.

"I am under the command of the great emperor, beast!"

The fierce beast, which claims to be a beast, waved its big paws.

But its strength is indeed extremely tyrannical.

"Beast, let's kill that Yundu together and let him know that his choice to join Shenwu was the wrong choice!"

The Lord of Fuluo stepped out of ~www.ltnovel.com~ to murderously, united with the beast, and at the same time killed the Lord of Yundu.

"No, that called Beast has a strong defense and a strong attack. With Fu Luo on the sidelines, Yun is in big trouble. He is very likely to be beheaded!"

The lord of the sky saw that Yundu was in a big crisis, and immediately mobilized people to rescue him.

"I want to save him, it's impossible!"

The Conferred God camp could not see the success of the Shenwu goal. Seeing the Shenwu powerhouses frantically surrounded, even Yi Tianjun was shooting arrows frantically, and he immediately blocked them, stopping their powerhouses to death.

There is no hope of breaking through in a short time.

Even though Yundu is the Lord of the Day, his strength is stronger than the ordinary six levels, but he can't resist this kind of siege. He suffered extremely severe injuries in a short time and couldn't break through.

"Even if I die, I must make the greatest contribution. As long as the empire wins, I still have a chance to live again!"

The Lord of Yundu's eyes were fierce, his breath swelled suddenly, and suddenly, like the most dazzling day, the brightest divine light burst out!

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