Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1766: Strongest supernatural power

Chu Yuan stared at the power of the past, present, and future, and stared at Dragon Ancestor with sharp eyes.

"The final battle!"

Although he is the Origin God, it is extremely difficult to mobilize this supernatural power, and in order to maximize the power of the three generations, he is extracting all the strength and all the luck of his subordinates.

In other words.

If not this time, he would have no chance.

"Destroy Shenwu!"

At this moment, the powerhouses of the Fengshen camp didn't care what was consumed, and they all contributed their power to the Fengshen Great Emperor!

This is the time for the final battle!

"The empire is eternal!"

Common belief, for the eternity of the empire, all the people of the Shenwu Shen Dynasty are united in one mind, their own power is being madly extracted, and the body is exuding the light of soul belief, spanning time and space, giving power to the great **** emperor .

The emperor is what they have, everything they have.

Everyone can die, but the **** emperor cannot die.

As long as the **** emperor does not die, he can use his great power to resurrect all his people from their deaths.

The power of the two emperors is too magnificent, the radiance is immense, like two magnificent stars.

"Kill the past!"

The power of the Conferred God Emperor has been raised to the limit, and the body he used to shoot out suddenly, that power is weird, it seems to have traveled to the past, within the boundless long river of time and space, to kill Chu Yuan from the past.


This kind of power is too heaven-defying, killing the past body, crossing the latitude of time and space, is simply against the heaven, provoking the eternal rules.

However, the cultivation of the strong is itself a thing that violates the eternal rules.

"Can't kill his past power!"

The Emperor Fengshen wanted to traverse time and space and use the past to fight against the past. His past must be stronger than Chu Yuan, but the incredible thing was that he could not find Chu Yuan's past.

This person's past is blank.

"Destroy the future!"

Since the past could not be killed, the Fengshen Great Emperor went to obliterate his future, and immediately the future body bombarded the emptiness and ethereal future with the posture of the future.

This method is no longer a simple magical power to kill, but touches the higher eternal rules, even eternal secrets.

His method, even some ancient strongest people on the path of eternity will not.

Such a character is against the sky, but only when he meets Chu Yuan will the battle be so difficult, otherwise, he will be a brilliant and magnificent person in many eras.

However, when the future body bombarded the future, he was plunged into a mist. His means of manipulating his fate, he could not see the future of this emperor, nor the future that he could not see.

"The past is invisible, and the future is invisible!"

Fengshen Dao.

His magical powers are not unforgiving. With those few hands, he can even severely wound and kill the existence of the same realm, but facing Chu Yuan, he seems to have lost the function he should have.

Long Zu looked anxious in his heart.

What kind of existence is this.

"No matter the past or the future, the present dominates. I am the eternal present."

Boom! Chu Yuan expounded his declaration. Although the past and the future are mysterious, they are determined by the present body!

"Seek the ultimate mystery of eternity with an invincible mind, Shenwu, if you do not cultivate the past or the future, you are the eternal body that walks and appears. Well, the emperor will use the power of the present to bombard your present and kill you. Past and future!"

Fengshen Dao!

He could see that this emperor controlled his past and future with the power of the present, making people inviolable, just like the same eternal god, all time is the present, unable to obliterate his present or future through dimensional means.

Three forces inspire!

The three divine bodies suddenly came together!

But although it is one body, there are three latitudes of past, present and future simultaneously within this body.

"Three lives and three lives, the power of three lives, eternal magical powers!"

The power of the Conferred God Emperor has skyrocketed to the limit. He is burning his own origin, unleashing eternal origin, eternal good fortune, and all the magical powers, converging into the strongest eternal blow!

This is the strongest force he can explode in this life!

"Shenwu, die for life!"

The voice of the Conferred God Emperor was transmitted throughout the universe, and the aura of extinction was directed at Chu Yuan. His strongest shot fell and the universe was shattered. The origin of this era seemed to be annihilated endlessly.

Within his power, he absolutely controls the domain, and can even end the operation of an era.

The Conferred God Emperor tried desperately, doing everything he could. With every breath in the past, his strength skyrocketed, but on the contrary, he himself was rapidly weakening.

Although there is still a dragon ancestor, he did not regard the dragon ancestor as the biggest opponent at all. As long as Shenwu died, he won the war.

When the strongest eternal supernatural power of the Emperor Fengshen fell, the surroundings turned strangely into complete darkness, but his power was extremely bright, as if there was only his brilliance in the world!

"Shenwu, let this blow be the end of our war!"

The power of fighting for life, the power of the entire empire camp burned, all the strong contributed their divine power, and the Fengshen Great Emperor completely killed it.

"Yes, the end battle!"

Chu Yuan's expression became more and more calm, his whole person also blazed ablaze, the entire empire also blazed ablaze, unexpectedly broke through the darkness brought by the Great Emperor Fengshen.

He is immobile, as if he is the only pinnacle master of this era.

All forces are gathered into eternal and invincible control.

"The Dragon's Destruction!"

Hum! Even Long Zu was blazing. This was the best chance to kill Shenwu. He would not let Chu Yuan and Fengshen fight a fair battle!

The annihilation of the dragon is not simply to destroy the world, but to destroy all the creatures in the world, destroy the pattern of the old age, and then breed the dragon family, which belongs to the era of the dragon universe.

This is the dual magical power of destruction and creation.


The wave of destruction that can stop the entire era.

Chu Yuan was extremely powerful, his indestructible soul and eternal divine body directly shook the eternal supernatural power of the Emperor Fengshen.

Time and space were silent, many latitudes were shattered, but Chu Yuan's body still stood still.

He is eternally one, domineering!

"Isn't this going to kill you!"

The Emperor Fengshen roared He has pushed his power to the limit, but this person exists forever.

"Eternal control!"

Chu Yuan was not afraid of the Conferred God Emperor's killing. He stood in the storm of destruction, unshakable at all. No matter how strong the wind was, he could not destroy his emperor's body.

"Eternal control!"

With billowing power, Chu Yuan is like the eternal Lord of Devourers. He stands at this moment, like a true god, looking down on the vastness, eternally eternal, and able to incorporate all the power into his emperor's body.

He said, Fengshen Great will lose, Fengshen Great will definitely lose.

"I'll give you one final blow!"

The Demise of the Dragon of the Dragon Ancestor also exploded at this moment.

The collision of the three forces formed an origin in the center of the fight, and finally spread out extremely fiercely.

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