A heaven and earth oven covered it, completely suppressing Long Zu inside, and the burning eternal divine fire was wiping out his soul, like the most cruel torture.

This heart-piercing scream made people tremble with fear.

If Chu Yuan wanted to swallow Long Ancestor, he would kill faster and easier.

But he didn't want to do this. The Dragon Ancestor was not an ordinary **** of origin. He represented dragons, a powerful family, a powerful force, completely turned into energy and it was too wasteful.

The sound of death was turning into a twilight movement at this moment, and an inexplicable celestial burial sounded, seeming to see Long Zu off.

When Chu Yuan was refining the Dragon Ancestor, his eyes peeped out, greedy and fearful. They could also see that the origin of the Dragon Ancestor was extremely precious. Whoever refines him has even become the strongest. may.


The emperor's methods are too terrifying, they dare not directly seize it.

The person who can kill the Origin God will be a simple character, this person must be the most terrifying existence in the century.

And as the Chu Yuan Tiandi oven continued to refining, the screams of Long Zu gradually disappeared. Looking at it, the huge dragon body has disappeared in that oven, but a very pure chaotic vitality.

In that chaotic vitality, there was the wave of creation, and there was the purest energy, which turned into a dragon egg.

This is the dragon egg, the original appearance of the dragon ancestor.

Eternal power can nurture and give birth to all incredible existences. Chu Yuan obliterated Long Zu's soul, obliterated all his traces, and turned him into the original appearance.

After he obliterated the will of Dragon Ancestor, the system voice also sounded, whether he should be allowed to sacrifice Dragon Ancestor and promoted to Taiyi God Furnace.

His choice is of course not to be promoted.

Long Ancestor is now the only one in eternity, but the Origin God, accumulated over a long period of time, is actually not a minority.

He has dealt with the affairs of the multiverse, and he will inevitably conquer the path of eternity, and conflict with the powerhouses of the previous era. When the time comes, he will behead the origin and sacrifice to it, and he will not worry.

"Dragon Egg, the power of the dragon."

Chu Yuan looked at the dragon egg in the heaven and earth oven, his eyes flickering, and he could even decompose the dragon egg into the initial vitality.

With a sharp gaze piercing the interior, Chu Yuan saw the embryonic form of a dragon, which had not yet been born, brought it back to the empire, gathered the power of the multiverse, infused with absolute faith in the empire, and became a peerless and powerful empire.

He is very satisfied.

He took the world into the oven and swept the surroundings with his piercing eyes. He saw a hidden powerhouse, and even more so, that the golden light became stronger and stronger during the many killing formations.

"The Golden Temple."

Naturally, Chu Yuan could see that the Golden Temple would not be born in a few years, and the surrounding killing arrays were constantly dispersing, allowing it to slowly emerge from a mysterious time and space.

He suddenly locked the position of this golden temple.

It was very difficult to lock the Golden Temple in the Eternal Killing Array, otherwise it would have been taken away by others for so many years.

However, this temple has revealed his clues.

Each temple contains huge wealth, and Chu Yuan has seized many bronze and silver temples before.

His empire has just gone through a big battle now, resources are exhausted and must be replenished.

He would naturally not let go of this golden temple.

Chu Yuan's palm spanned time and space at this moment, and grabbed it into the golden divine light. Suddenly, the monstrous divine power pierced into the eternal nothingness, destroying the layers of time and space.

When he shot, because he hadn't fully revealed it, banging, there was an endless killing array running, chasing the source, and madly killing him.

Chu Yuan didn't move at all, his great power spread out. Although the power of the Golden Temple completely broke out and could even kill the Origin God, he himself was enough to kill the existence of the seventh realm.

He swallowed.

More frantically devouring energy from the eternal road.


When his power grasped, a huge temple, built like gold, was dazzling and dazzling, and was directly taken out of time and space by his big hand.

Above the golden temple is the mysterious eternal temple!

But no one has seen the Eternal Temple, so the Golden Temple represents the supreme wealth of the Eternal Killing Array.

And when he grabbed the Golden Temple, he fell into a more intensive killing array bombardment.

The most invincible aura, shattering all the destructive power coming towards him.

"The Golden Temple was forcibly captured by him!"

A breath of horror was overwhelming, and a figure stepped out. They were all Origin Gods. They had been waiting for him here for the Golden Temple, but now they suddenly killed Chu Yuan.

"You never want to take away the Golden Temple!"

A domineering existence glared at Chu Yuan, there must be wealth in it, there must be origin artifacts, and a large number of rare to rare materials, and the origin gods will also be tempted.

"Whoever dares to move and wants to die, come here!"

Chu Yuan was calm, only saying such a word to these powerful people who were ready to move.

As soon as his words fell, these powerful men immediately had a meal. Some people thought of the **** and cruel scene he had just killed the dragon ancestor. This is a cruel and cruel character, and the strength is also outrageous.

"Don't be afraid of him, let's go together, he will still be our opponent?"

Some strong people shouted, wanting to unite others to deal with Chu Yuan.

But as the gods of origin, who has not experienced the catastrophe of all ages, and has come to the realm of today. They are a group of people who are strong together, but they are not the same.

Especially seeing that Chu Yuan didn't treat them as enemies at all, some people flinched.

Everyone has their own thoughts and their own plans. How to unite like this, this person is really capable of killing Origin, and against him, what if he accidentally died.

The Golden Temple is precious, but it is not yet precious enough for them to pay the price of their lives.

No one took action, so these people saw Chu Yuan directly put the Golden Temple in full view, leaving their sight.

"he's gone!"

Chu Yuan left, his oppression also disappeared, some of the strong let out a sigh of relief, UU reading www. uukahnshu. com is terrible.

"They are all cowardly people, just watch him go away like this, but they dare not stop!"

It was still the person who proposed to join forces before, shouting angrily.

"You have the courage, why don't you do it?" Someone mocked him.

"I am afraid that you will make trouble behind your back. Do you really think I dare not make a move?"

That humane.

"Haha, he has left, and now it is not what you want to say."

These people didn't buy his account. As the **** of origin, they wanted to live longer.

"What happened in the century? It is rumored that the strong man born in this era is called the founder of the gods. This person is obviously not. Only in the middle of the era, this kind of existence that can kill the origin **** appeared!"

"This era is a stronger era, and there may be a strong one!"

"There have been many alien species in this era, and it seems that the path of eternity will not be peaceful anymore."

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