The Lord of Death became the God of Origin, and Chu Yuan had no accident, nor did he disappoint him.

The Lord of Death was an existence that was born at the beginning of this era. Although Ming had suppressed the Lord of Death for a long time, it also erased his arrogance.

At that time, the Lord of Death was very arrogant and did not put many strong people in his eyes.

Chu Yuan was very satisfied.

A strong empire needs more powerhouses.

In the first century, there are only a few origin gods, and only a particularly powerful era can give birth to multiple gods.

One of the main reasons is that although the era is long, it has its limits, and the other is that there are insufficient resources to give birth to more Origin Gods and can only supply so few people.

Although the Origin God is powerful, it is not invincible in the path of eternity. There are more terrifying existences there, and there is also a great possibility of fall.

But Chu Yuan needs more origin gods in his era!

His vision is eternity, and on the road of eternity, countless strong men under his command will go with him, sweep all the obstacles of the road of eternity, and hit the end of the road of eternity!

"It's not enough to rely on the resources in the universe. It must be put on the path of eternity."

Chu Yuandao.

He also hoped that Lan could break through the Origin God, and with her special ability, he could cultivate the Zerg of the seven realms and make a great contribution to the battle of the empire.


Although he has become the master of the era, the path of eternity is a bigger place.

Time is long, and thousands of years have passed.

Suddenly an extremely strong brilliance shot out from the empire. It was awe-inspiring, huge, and the billowing energy was as intense as iron and blood, and the boundless national luck was condensed at one point.

This is not a breakthrough, but Chu Yuan's Shenwu Sword has been promoted to the Origin Sacred Tool.

The Shenwu Shenjian possesses the power of heaven and earth, and the power of Shenwu Emperor Dao. Once it reaches the origin of the artifact, for him, the improvement of strength is unmatched by the human emperor sword.

His current strength is also at the same level as the human emperor back then.

This sacred sword is rooted in the empire and represents the pinnacle of the empire's luck.

"Ling'er's sacred tree of chaos has also grown to the extent of covering the sky and the sun, and she has also reached the sixth stage with this."

Chu Yuan smiled.

Yao Ling'er did not have the sharpness of Jiuyou, but her power to control the vitality of all things was like the goddess of life.

And now, he stands on the top of the sky and the gods sweeping the universe look at the empire. At this moment, after the empire's war is over, prosperity is the most prosperous moment.

There is no fighting inside, no chaos.

"It is necessary to start a war within the eternal road, so that the strong empire can be tempered."

Chu Yuandao.

He deeply understands that the strong of the Eternal Road cannot enter. This is a cradle that nurtures life, which can shelter the creatures of an era without being affected by the Eternal Road.

And he is now the master of this era, he can make the multiverse his base camp, and he can go to the eternal road unscrupulously.

"Be the Century Yuan!"

Suddenly, on a certain day, a strong voice came from outside the universe!

"Who is calling us!"

The powerhouses of the empire were cultivating peacefully, and were suddenly affected by this sound, and they all looked up.

The Lord of Death now sees the profound meaning of death he is comprehending: "Huh? Outside the multiverse, there is a person who originated from the wave of God, but he does not belong to this era!"

"This seat is the Heavenly Flame Saint King under the Holy Emperor's command, representing the age of the Saint Emperor."

The voice of this person also roared like thunder, rumbling in the universe.

"Holy Emperor... the age of the holy Emperor..."

Chu Yuan's gaze also crossed time and space at this moment, he saw the existence of a king like a flame god, with mighty power, and he was speaking to him with an aloof aura.

He had heard of the Holy Emperor, who was once the strongest person on the path of eternity. He had swept Invincible, but at least he hadn't appeared in hundreds of epochs.

Today, there will be a holy king coming to his universe.

He knew that the Eternal Road had so many epochs, it was difficult to calculate when the first epoch began, and that so much time, the strongest man was born.

"Tianyan Saint King." Chu Yuan said.

"Yes, I am here on behalf of the Holy Emperor and I see that your Era has great potential. Therefore, you respect the Holy Emperor's Decree. You lead the powerful of your Era to change their beliefs, take refuge in the Holy Emperor and become a part of our Emperor.

This person used extremely domineering words, as if he was under an order to let Chu Yuan take the entire era to rely on him, and he was not allowed to resist and doubt.

"What did he say? To let the empire take refuge in that holy emperor is simply lawless!"

"How could the empire take refuge in that holy emperor, our goal is to fight for eternity!"

"We are the masters!"

The empire is going through a big battle, and all the warriors are at the moment when their morale is strongest. Now that someone wants them to take refuge in, there is no way they can accept it in their hearts.

"The age of the holy emperor."

Yi Tianzun now.

"Yi Tianzun, how much do you know about this holy emperor?"

The Lord of Death asked Xiang Yi Tianzun.

"I don’t know much. The holy emperor has not appeared on the path of eternity for hundreds of epochs. Some people have heard that it has fallen. And I know that although the holy emperor does not appear, the age of the holy emperor has not ended. There is a place called the holy emperor. In the emperor continent, there is also a holy king."

Yi Tianzun said.

"You know enough." The Lord of Death said.

"It's not difficult to calculate that it already exists. I can only know this. The Holy Emperor was once the strongest and the closest to the existence of the eternal gods. I can't calculate this."

Yi Tianzun said.

"This is your purpose."

Chu Yuan met the Heavenly Flame Saint King on the path of eternity in the multiverse.

"Yes, it is your glory to be able to be delivered by the holy emperor himself to make you a holy king in the age of the holy emperor."

The Yan Sage King's tone was extremely arrogant that day, as if this was Chu Yuan's glory.

"Damn, how could your majesty become their holy king!"

The strong men of the empire were almost full of anger when they heard this. They didn't know how strong the Holy Emperor was, but in their eyes, His Majesty was invincible, the emperor's belief.

If your Majesty becomes a holy king, it is a humiliation to him.

"Don’t think that becoming a holy king is a humiliation to How powerful my holy emperor’s era is. Although you are the master of an era, the strength of the holy emperor is so strong that many era masters want to be my era. The Holy King."

The Heavenly Flame Saint Emperor talked freely, arrogant in his words, thinking that giving Chu Yuan the title of a Saint King was a great favor from heaven.

Facing his words, Chu Yuan didn't bother to talk to him.

The Lord of Death said indifferently: "The strongest person has become a thing of the past. I'm afraid it will be difficult for your Holy Emperor to reproduce."

"Hahahaha, you really have fallen for the Holy Emperor? The Holy Emperor has realized the eternal mystery, the strongest ever on the path of eternity, you don't understand the power of the Holy Emperor."

Heavenly Flame Saint Emperor laughed loudly, "In a word, as a Shijiyuan person, would you like to join my Saint Emperor Era!"

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