
The Lord of Death and Chaos God shot at the same time.

When the origin divine power of the two people exploded on the Yin God and the Blood Coffin respectively, a terrifying change occurred. The Yin God statue immediately had blood flowing out, bright and thick, weird and charming.

And the inside of the divine coffin burst open, and the force of extinction rose to the sky, and a terrible force emerged, and there was a tall corpse inside.

The corpse was wrapped in a blood-black shroud, completely enclosing his body.


The corpse recovered and slashed towards the Chaos God.

Although the Chaos God was not afraid, his power was collapsed layer by layer at the moment he confronted the corpse, directly destroying his Chaos God power and smashed and killed him.

The Chaos God was smashed out, a palm mark appeared on his chest, and the blood he shed turned black, stained with a layer of dead ashes.

The Chaos God also fought back, and when his power blasted on the corpse, the shroud seemed to have become a very defensive artifact, rendering his Chaos power invalid.

The Yin God was blood-stained, very demon, his will turned into a **** storm and swept wildly.

When the Death God faced him, he suffered a big loss. If he was not the Origin God who was good at the way of the soul, his will to fight would definitely not be able to hold on.

"What a strong power, his cultivation is much stronger than mine. I am definitely not his opponent in the soul fight. This is the strength that the ninth realm can only possess!"

His gaze suddenly turned to the Chaos God, and he suffered a lot.

"Could it be said that both the Yin God and God Corpse are the strongest in the Ninth Stage!"

The Lord of Death was shocked.

The original ninth realm was ascended to the fullest, and on the path of eternity, they were all terrifyingly powerful.

"It's not the two ninth realms. The corpse of the gods and the gods of the Yin are one person. When the strongest fell, he built his tomb, the soul turned into the gods of the Yin, and the body turned into the corpse of the gods, buried in two places. "

It was Chu Yuan's voice.

His mysterious, powerful, and vast power was revived.

He stood here, looking at the yin god, the **** corpse, and his face showed control over everything. When he waved his hand, a storm swept through the sky and hit the **** corpse.

The **** corpse showed extremely powerful power when dealing with the Chaos God, but in front of Chu Yuan, he was shocked again and again.

The blood-colored spirit thoughts suddenly eroded towards Chu Yuan, trying to absorb his soul and seize his power.

Chu Yuan stood tall and motionless, with the great soul technique, he grabbed it with the hand of the soul, and the Yinshen slammed it. The blood from the outside world was exploded again and again, but more blood flowed out.

His gaze swept away again, knowing that there were many burial objects here, and the strongest man buried him an era before he fell.

"I want to die and be resurrected, but it is a pity that when you are in the multiverse, you have even met me."

These are all dead beings. The reason why they can act is unwillingness, not real life, and they are not restricted by eternal rules.

With a push with both hands, the heavens and the earth were suppressed by the fire.

Booming, a burst of vitality.

The Lord of Death was also sighed. He faced one of them a little bit difficult, but his Majesty dealt with the two, but completely controlled the situation. Both were Origin Gods, but the difference in strength was too great.

Two destructive forces also broke out.

"Recover and die!"

With a weird force, the Yin God disappeared, his soul shot into the corpse of the god, as if returning to his standard, God and I were one.

The shroud on his body was also unfolded, a blood-colored cloak densely covered with runes. At this moment, he also revealed his true face, a majestic middle-aged man.

He had flesh and blood, and his breath was ancient, as if he hadn't died, but he was still alive in this world.

When he, God and I are united, it means that his layout has failed, and he has no chance to resurrect, and at this time, he will start his **** revenge killing mode.

His thoughts erupted frantically, and he was talking about it!

His power was released monstrously, and the blood-colored brilliance swept the entire world. As the strongest, even if he was dead. The strength is also extremely terrifying, can slaughter an era.

"No, the power of this **** corpse has completely exploded, and his power is even comparable to the real strongest!"

The Lord of Death knows this terrifying force best.

"Don't worry, your majesty has taken control of everything."

Yi Tianzun was very calm.

Chu Yuan watched the eruption of the divine corpse, very calm. His cosmic blow and great origin technique provided him with an incomparable foundation. The divine corpse was also regressing in his power attack.

"Although your majesty is still in the seventh state, your majesty's combat power is already comparable to the strongest. In the multiverse, your majesty is invincible."

Yi Tianzun said again.

"Your Majesty is already so terrifying."

The Lord of Death can only look up and admire them.

This kind of strength, even the founder of the gods, is hard to compare, your majesty's strength represents the pinnacle of this era.

The **** corpse waved his own hands and repeatedly played violent killer moves. The endless life was enveloped. The grave of the entire era was exploding, and the burst of vitality seemed to drown Chu Yuan.

If on the path of eternity, the corpse of the gods can explode with stronger strength.

However, in the multiverse, Chu Yuan is the strongest.

At this moment, his own light spread like an eternal scorching sun, his big hands covered the universe, one hand covered the sky, and one hand suppressed the corpse of the gods.

In the envelope of his power, the corpse of the gods also attacked and blasted the universe to shake.

However, he has fallen after all, but he is fighting with the power of his body, how can he compete with the powerhouse like Chu Yuan at the peak of his power.

His power is constantly released.

The tombs of the entire epoch are continuously collapsing, and every collapse will burst out billowing vitality.

These vital energy were originally black and polluted energy, but under Chu Yuan's transformation, they turned into pure colors and became suitable for cultivation and absorption.

That corpse of God is also the greatest treasure.

Although he has no life, UU read www.uukanshu.com, but he is the strongest after all. Chu Yuan also thoroughly refined him, and the entire corpse appeared to be feathered, swaying bright spots of light. It has descended everywhere in the universe.

As Chu Yuan decomposed the energy of the tomb of the era, the entire universe was full of energy, and he was pushed to the peak again.

I believe that in the next period of time, the empire will usher in a heyday of development.

"Okay, very good, the tomb of the era was crushed by me, and I used stronger means to turn it into energy suitable for cultivation. The energy is not infinite, but finite."

Chu Yuan smashed the tomb of the Refining Era and shot his eyes: "But what are the founders of the God Realm planning in the path of eternity? But I know that they have a greater purpose."

With a wave of his hand, a funerary item fell into his hand at this moment, which looked like a book.

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