Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1782: March into Eternity, Vanguard

Now there is no war in the multiverse. Regardless of the empire’s rising and flattening, the strong are springing up like mushrooms, but Chu Yuan knows that development has also entered a slow stagnation.

The current outbreak is just because of the previous dividend.

In the past, in the struggle between heaven and earth, everyone's spirit was different.

Today, the empire has produced a large number of new populations.

These newly born people have not experienced the previous wars. Once they were born, they were shrouded in the brilliance of the unification of the empire. There is no such thing as the years of tempering experienced by the previous creatures.

He knew very well that this was extremely bad, and it was not good for the development of the empire.

Since there is no war in the multiverse, the only way to lead the war to eternity is to become a larger battlefield there.

"Yes, go to the eternal road!"

The Lord of Death said immediately.

He wants to open his flower of death to the path of eternity.

"Your Majesty, please order!"

Chaos Shinto.

"The road to eternity is dangerous. Different from the multiverse, the plan of the empire has to be divided into multiple steps. Chaos, death, and dragons. Your three origins lead the empire’s powerhouses to the road of eternity, act together, collect resources for the empire, This kind of intelligence prepares the empire to open up its own eternal path."

Chu Yuandao.

The Lord of Death nodded their heads.

They are not blindly arrogant, knowing that there are not a few gods who are the origin of the Eternal Road. They are accumulated over a long period of time. Although they are not weak, they still have to be careful there.

Only the primitive gods have the qualifications to enter the eternal path, and only qualifications.

The magnificence there, the battle there, this will inevitably inspire the people of the empire to cultivate hard.

And those who reach the sixth realm have longed for this realm long ago.

At this moment, the blood of the empire came alive all at once, and the pressure of all the people came again, understanding that the multiverse was only a starting point, and the eternal path was their ultimate goal.

Yi Tianzun suddenly said: "Your Majesty will also tell the people of the empire that they will die after the end of this era without practicing to the primitive gods. Let everyone understand that the longer they want to live, the less they can carry them, so that they can live to the next. Era and work hard."

This is the pain of the skin.

Without the original god, he will live soon.

Chu Yuan nodded appreciatively: "I will let people do these things, but Yi Tianzun, you have more important things. You will go with the chaos and them on the path of eternity, taking you as the mainstay to obtain the greatest benefit for the empire."

"At the path of eternity, you must listen to Yi Tianzun's words and not act without authorization."

Chu Yuan said, "Yi Tianzun, I hope you can achieve origin on the path of eternity."


Yi Tianzun smiled, he even calculated when he achieved the origin, and said: "I should also look for what I need on the path of eternity."

The Lord of Death had no resistance when his Majesty wanted to listen to Yi Tianzun's words. He also knew Yi Tianzun's ability. His calculation method was too powerful. It could avoid many dangers and was a sharp weapon for them.

Blindly rushing is to die.

And this time, Chu Yuan sent out all the origin gods of the empire, also relying on the multiverse, he was not afraid of someone dealing with his base camp.

"Be prepared, and set out to leave your original blood in the imperial temple."

Chu Yuandao.

It is rare for Chu Yuan to be able to cross many time and space and kill all clones. This is their life-saving ability. If the Origin God falls, the Empire cannot resurrect them now.

After the Empire Conference.

He has many capable ministers and can arrange many things in an orderly manner.

"I also want to prepare for another journey to the path of eternity."

Chu Yuan won't go on the eternal road.

The treasures of Yanghai Tianzun, the treasures of the Great Emperor of Chaos, and the end of the path of eternity are all he is eager to explore. No one can do these things for him except himself.

And he will not go with the Lord of Death and them.

He wants to go deeper in the path of eternity, it is better to act alone.

After he returned to the imperial palace, he just sat down, eternal divine light fluctuating.

"Xian'er, come to me."

Chu Yuan smiled when Shangguanxian arrived in his imperial palace.

"I don't have anything to do, just watching your majesty's hard work, and the concubines feel a little distressed."

Shangguanxian snuggled up next to Chu Yuan, the power of an empire, your majesty has also devoted countless hard work, and her majesty's woman felt very distressed when she saw it.

"The empire unifies the multiverse and now marches into the eternal path. An era seems to be long, but it is not infinite. I can't slack off. Before the end of an era, more people will become primitive gods."

Chu Yuan nodded: "I will also go to the Eternal Road in the near future, or Xian'er, to host a family dinner tonight, let Chen Xi and the Queen Mother come."

"I'll notify them, but I won't go to Jiuyou."

Shangguan Xiandao.

"I will go personally from Jiuyou."

Chu Yuan came to the place of Jiuyou and watched him, a majestic and elegant woman, comprehending the way of origin, "Jiuyou, the empire is preparing to go to eternity, are you not going to go to the road of eternity?"

"I don't need to rush to the eternal road, I have realized some of the mystery of origin."

Jiuyou Road.

"Tonight's family banquet, don't practice, you also come to participate, sometimes, the family will be together."

Chu Yuandao.

"it is good."

Jiuyou did not refuse.

Family banquet, a banquet that only family members can attend.

At the family banquet, Chu Yuan was not the emperor who was majestic and fearful, but the head of the family.

His beloved sister, Chu Chenxi also knew that the empire was going to send the strong to the path of eternity, marching into the wider world, and her heart was a little depressed.

She did not go to the original god, and was not qualified to go there.

"Cultivate well." The eldest sister Chu Chenxue is very steady: "This is so diverse, you can go anywhere, it is eternally dangerous, not a place to play."

"I know."

Chu Chenxi said.

The family had a family dinner together and enjoyed themselves, and they were also feeling that they did not expect the empire to become the master of the multiverse, and now they want to march on the path of eternity.

All this is just like dreaming.

"Don't be too frustrated. I have a plan. I will leave the universe this time to explore the end of the eternal road and open a road to the end for the Chu Yuan laughed.

"The way to eternity?"

Jiuyou looked at Chu Yuan.

"Yes, it is the eternal road. On this road, the empire dominates and sweeps through all obstacles in the road ahead. It will be the ancient road of the empire. It will be the ancient road for the empire to obtain many opportunities.

Chu Yuan already had this plan.

He is already making arrangements for the ultimate eternity.

The opening of this road is necessary.

Chu Yuan wants to break through eternity with indomitable courage and become the strongest, but it is not enough to be the strongest. What he wants is to break through the eternal road!

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