Whether all the creatures in the world and the boundless laws will be controlled by the eternal rules, because the entire eternal road gives Chu Yuan the feeling that it is like a huge prison.

Everyone seems to live in a terrible cage.

Thinking about this problem makes people desperate.

But Chu Yuan knew that eternal rules were more like a mechanical, programmed application.

"Mysterious and extraordinary."

Chu Yuan was not in a hurry.

He has enough time to reach the eternal road this time.

The creatures in the entire Ten Thousand Seas plane are like ants, being studied by him.

His eyes can penetrate all matter and can clearly see the nature of the creatures created by the Lord of the Seas. There is no secret in front of him.

And just half a month after Chu Yuan studied the creatures of this plane, the atmosphere of the whole world suddenly became tense, and there was a rapid voice.

"What? The ancestor left the customs, his first order is that everyone will leave Wanhai Realm with him!"

In the entire world, following this order, all the strong gathered together, a man who appeared from the ocean, his skin was pale, and there was a blue elemental spar on the center of his brow.

This blue spar contains the power of water-containing elements and can breathe the power of the sea.

"This is the ancestor's order, don't hesitate, leave here as soon as possible, the ancestor felt the great danger."

There is a strong way.

"Is it because of the Blood Ancestor God Dynasty? Damn it, they have been sweeping the path of eternity recently, and they have destroyed many forces. Even the Golden Sword God Sect has been destroyed by them. Do you want to hit us now?"

"We are also the power of Origin God anyhow."

"Hey, there is no way. The strength is not as strong as others. The Blood Ancestor God Dynasty has existed for seventy or eighty epochs. Not to mention the Blood Ancestor Great Emperor, the eight blood gods under his command, we are not opponents."

The powerhouse of the Wan Hai plane is also very helpless.

They are the power of the Origin God, but they have existed for less than ten epochs. The development time of others is many times longer than that of them, and there is even more powerful and eternal blood ancestor.

This kind of powerhouse is simply a rule maker, and you can make rules as you want.

"Prepare quickly, it's only the plane, you can reopen it, and avoid this disaster first, somehow, in this era, many strong people are going crazy, and we are also precarious."

The creatures on this plane are migrating rapidly.

It didn't take long for them to prepare. Suddenly, beyond the plane of Ten Thousand Seas, endless blood shrouded the void, and a **** river swept over.

Within this long river, there appeared a strong man in blood armor.

Boom! A wave of power is on the plane of refining.

"Blood light, the people of the blood ancestors have really come!"

Their complexion suddenly paled, and they could feel that the time and space of the outside world was blocked. Whoever dared to rush out, immediately, their blood vessels would burst and become blood and fire.

"Destroy the Ten Thousand Seas Realm and throw them all into the Blood God Pool."

The harsh voice was transmitted to the entire Ten Thousand Seas Realm, like the arrival of death.

A middle-aged man wearing a blood armor stepped on the sky above the Ten Thousand Seas Realm. He was **** and cruel. With a wave of his hand, the entire plane burned.

"Blood Sea God Refining Array!"

They all knew what power this was, and they were terrified: "That is the eighth blood **** under the blood of the ancestor, blood is lifeless!"

The blood ancestor gods, the eight blood gods, and the prestigious name, each are powerful and cruel, refining countless creatures in a world, their eyes will not blink, and children will stop crying when they hear their names.

They are like the most cruel gorefiend.

And this eighth blood god, even though Xue Wuming is only in the seventh stage and has no sublimation, the power he exudes is also the pinnacle strongest in this stage.

With refining, only a short time, the world is shrinking rapidly.

"Blood is lifeless, you can forgive others and forgive others. I am a **** of origin no matter how bad the sea is. There is no need to drive me to death. If you need eternal crystals or divine objects, I will offer them with both hands. I have a way out."

The ancestor Wan Hai appeared. This was an old man with a dark blue robe with a solemn expression.

"Exterminate you, it's all mine."

Xue Wuming is cruel, he just wants to destroy Wanhai Realm.

The ancestor Wan Hai suppressed his anger and said coldly, "Why are you so crazy? We are all struggling to survive in eternity. Your blood ancestor can live a long time!"

He knew that the end of the broken plane was all thrown into the blood **** pool to sacrifice, very stern.

He had already made plans to retreat, but he didn't expect to be one step too late.

"You have asked too much. For you, it's just crops, livestock in captivity."

Blood has no life.

"The blood ancestor **** is so crazy to kill many powerful powers, is it for the first blood god!"

The ancestor Wan Hai woke up and realized something, and his thoughts turned in an instant: "The first blood god, the strongest under the blood of the ancestor, followed him in the war in the north and the north, and made magnificent military exploits. The age of existence is long and ancient, and his life is here. It may not even survive this era, capture a large number of strong men, and sacrifice to the blood **** pool, it is very likely to gather boundless energy for him, sublimate it to the extreme, and become the strongest of the nine realms. No matter how bad it is, you can survive this era. !"

Realizing this, the ancestor Wan Hai knew that the other party would not let him go easily.

He doesn't have so-called anger. This is the eternal law. The weak eats the strong, the weak is unreasonable, and can only be hunted by the stronger.

"Fight out with the ancestor!"

Ancestor Wan Hai had made some preparations before. He watched Xue Wuming closely, knowing that his strength was not as good as him, but for the sake of his own life, he had to fight.

He slapped his hands, the sea is boundless, and the deep blue origin divine power rushes past.

"Also dare to resist!"

Xue Wuming's resistance to the ancestor Wan Hai was extremely indifferent, and he didn't care. His methods were extremely cruel and absolutely controlled. He strode forward and collided with him in one blow.

The blood god's blow immediately smashed the resistance of the ancestor Wan Hai.


His palm was covered, and the river of blood was condensed in his palm, and the moment the ancestor Wan Hai was enveloped in, the ancestor Wan Hai secretly said that it was not good.

The blood in his body was exploding violently, out of his control, his blood vessels burst, wisps of blood arrows exploded, and his blood burned by itself.

This kind of burning is not increasing his power, but consuming his mana.

This is the Avenue of the Blood God.

This is not the blood ancestor taking action, the blood ancestor looking at you, the blood in your body will evaporate, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is terrifying.

"Capture Wan Hai and capture the prisoners!"

Xue Wuming didn't take Wan Haijie seriously. The reason he wanted to capture the prisoners first was to sacrifice these people to the blood **** pool.

"Too much bullying!"

The ancestor Wan Hai is not angry, but a kind of aggrieved, but facing the powerful strength of others, his shame is like a joke.

"We fought him!"

The creatures of the Wanhai Realm also knew that the other party would not let them go, and perhaps they might survive the fight.

A strong man from the blood ancestor **** dynasty covered an island, where there were many creatures with cruel expressions, but when his power fell.

One eye suddenly looked at him, and his body collapsed directly.

Invincible's strongest **** selection system

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