Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1787: Blood Ancestor God Dynasty

"He... he is too overbearing, he actually wants to kill the blood without life, this is not paying attention to the blood ancestors!"

When the ancestor Wan Hai saw this scene, he was also numb with horror. How domineering and powerful this is.

He must applaud for killing the bloodlessness, after all, the bloodlessness is his life.

"not good!"

In the face of Chu Yuan's killing, Xue Wuming's expression also changed suddenly. The terrifying power caused his body to collapse. Although the two were in the same realm, there was no way to compare their combat power.

Like the difference between heaven and earth.

"Blood God!"

Xue Wuming was too late to be angry. He ferociously displayed his strongest ultimate move, the Blood God!

boom! There was thick blood flowing out of his body, and the whole body was burning suddenly, **** flames rose to the sky, he almost reached the strongest he could achieve.

But the price of this is that his origin will be severely depleted.

"The best defense is offense!"

He didn't wait for Chu Yuan to kill him stupidly, but directly launched an attack. In an instant, he rushed over, **** scorching flames burning, and the blood of others would also burn together, turning into his power.

Chu Yuan immediately hit, and the bloodless charge was completely wiped out.

He grabbed it with his palm, and all kinds of Taoism turned into an eternal blow, and the dazzling divine power broke a big hole in his body. Isn't he going to burn blood, Chu Yuan directly burned him with the eternal divine fire.


Xue Wuming screamed.

Xue Wuming's body suddenly collapsed, crashing, and the majestic blood became a sea of ​​blood. Every drop of blood of the Origin God possessed extremely powerful power, not to mention turning the entire body into a sea of ​​blood.

Facing this sea of ​​blood.

Chu Yuan grasped the palm of his hand again, his five fingers splayed open, and slowly rotated, and a black hole appeared. The swallowing force was all collapsing, and everything was gathering towards his point.

"Great Devouring Technique!"

Xue Wuming finally frightened, and shouted: "You dare to kill me, I am the blood **** of blood ancestors, gods will not let you go, and blood ancestors will not let you go, you will pay the price!"

Threaten him?

What Chu Yuan was least afraid of was threats. The more threats he was, the more painful he would teach his opponents.

That big swallowing technique swallowed wildly, even though the sea of ​​blood wanted to break free, but wherever he could contend with his swallowing, the majestic power was directly refined by him.

This energy is so abundant that his origin divine power is rapidly increasing.

Looting, only looting is the fastest way to increase your strength.

For Chu Yuan to ascend to the eighth level, he must be assisted by the rich and terrifying origin divine power. This bloodless life sent him to the door by himself. How could he not laugh and let him go.

As for the revenge of the blood ancestors.

He is not even afraid of their Blood Ancestor Great Emperor, strength is the truth, just like the forces on the blood ancestor god's crazy path to annihilate eternity, who can punish them.

"I won't die, I will be born again in the gods!"

The cry of bloodlessness stopped abruptly.

He disappeared, and the entire Ten Thousand Seas plane returned to calm again.

"The bloodless body of origin was destroyed, but he will be resurrected in the blood ancestors, but it will make him weak for a long time, which is a bitter lesson."

Wan Hai ancestor said.

"He can't live!"

Chu Yuanqi swallows the heavens, is the strongest swallowing **** master, his majestic to infinite power slams the past along with the dimension of time and space.

Even the strongest deity was killed by him, not to mention just some dark hands left behind.

Blood Ancestor God Dynasty.

This is a powerful force, the entire world plane is shrouded in a thick blood mist, and all the creatures in the world practice the blood god's law.

But in the world, the most is the sea of ​​blood, thick and bloody, with pure power.

A sea of ​​blood exists everywhere.

Every creature is cultivating in the sea of ​​blood, and every creature is born in the sea of ​​blood.

The eight blood temples exist in eight blood seas, magnificent.

The temple belonging to the bloodless life exploded fiercely, and the sea of ​​blood was surging. Of course, he had a unique sea of ​​blood in his position, which was the source of his energy recovery.


A figure emerged from the blood temple, and the soul was surging, and a blood man appeared.

"Blood is lifeless, you were killed in the path of eternity!"

Several other temples also showed will, and suddenly several figures came to Xue Wuming.

The eight blood gods, not all stayed in the gods, a few remained guarded, and some fought in other places. Originally thought it was enough for the blood to kill the forces on this road.

Unexpectedly, he encountered a kill.

"Everyone, I have encountered a powerful enemy, and my deity has been beheaded. Fortunately, I have left my soul imprinted and revived in the gods."

The lifeless breath is very weak.

This is just leaving a life, not even one percent of his deity's strength.

"Who killed you, even your deity can't escape!"

A blood **** asked immediately.

"I don't know, I don't know, his aura is very strong, he is an invincible emperor, I don't know where he came from eternity!"

That blood is lifeless.

"Don't say this yet, you should cultivate first, and let the blood **** nourish your power."

There is a blood god.

"it is good."

Blood has no life. ,

But at this time, anomalies suddenly occurred.

A mysterious force did not know what secret method was used, as if it had traced the bloodless soul, as if controlled by fate, it directly killed it, causing the bloodless body to burst again.

After his body exploded, it was returned to the sea of ​​blood, and his soul was fluctuating.

"No, it's the strong man who kills blood and lifelessly, according to the power of the soul, kill it!"

The other blood gods were shocked.

This method is very unimaginable, but it is real, and their blood ancestor great will also, and the ability to use this power shows that the strength of that person is too strong to calculate.

"Also dare to be presumptuous in my blood ancestor god!"

The blood **** waved his hand to cut off the power of time and space, but he shook suddenly, and it was impossible to trace the power of time and space. The bloodless soul was madly destroyed.

"If this continues, the thought of bloodlessness will be wiped out by him!"

The blood ancestor **** is also anxious to other strong people. It doesn't matter if the deity is killed outside, he can return to the gods to reunite, but if all the thoughts are obliterated, then it is really dead.


That's just kidding.

The cost of resurrecting a **** of origin is too great, and the blood has survived dozens of epochs. The power of dozens of eternal calamities has come down together, and their blood ancestors can’t stand it and will be eternal The rules directly kill.

Therefore, it is almost unrealistic to resurrect the strong on the eternal road.

And they all felt fear in the face of the mysterious means of that strong man.

I also know that because the bloodless deity was destroyed, it was possible to cross time and space to kill his soul.

"Mysterious strong man."

A thought surged, and a power that controlled the blood path, in the surging blood sea, appeared a majestic figure wearing a **** **** robe.

The blood ancestor appeared.

His eyes were concentrated, and he was about to lock in that space-time power.

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