After Chu Yuan received Yanghai Tianzun's treasure, he went all the way and continued to march towards the depths.

A treasure of Tianzun Yanghai allowed him to get so many good things, what would be in the treasure of the Primordial Emperor.

And the second ancient emperor must be a stronger master than Yanghai Tianzun.

Wanchuan returns to the sea, and all branches converge towards a destination.

After a while.

A huge plane appeared in front of Chu Yuan, several times larger than the Ten Thousand Seas plane, which showed the profound power of the plane owner.

The light is like the sea, this plane is bright and bright, and the city is vaguely, one after another, extremely prosperous.

"The call of the multi-handled Zhutian Divine Sword!"

Chu Yuan originally wanted to go directly through this plane, but suddenly he sensed the Divine Sword of Death.

Although he was not too eager for the Divine Sword of Zhuotian, he would not miss it if he met him along the way, so he took it away.

"Oh? I was suppressed. It seems that I need to use some other means."

Chu Yuan descended into the plane, and the moment he entered, he knew this realm, called the Guanghai Realm, which was opened up by an ancient powerhouse named Guanghai Lord.

When he came in this time, he didn't hide himself like he did before, but was generous and showed his aura.

The law of the eternal road, the strong is respected, there are no rules, and you can do whatever you want with the strength. In the face of stronger power, others can only fear you.

"Some strong come to my Guanghai Realm!"

A strong man was in retreat, and he would never leave if he hadn't been disturbed, but he was surprised by Chu Yuan's breath and had to appear.

"Which friend will come to my Guanghai Realm and let this realm shine."

The master of Gwanghai Realm appeared.

This is a middle-aged man, he is like a man, facing the release of Chu Yuan's breath, he behaves very peacefully and kindly.

He looked at this strange man, his domineering majesty also let him know that this is a very powerful man.

A burst of power radiated from him, and he immediately faced Chu Yuan's gaze, but suddenly, his soul was stunned, as if his soul was struck by a soul.

Now his smile grew stronger.

"I don't know what is going on when a friend comes to my Guanghai Realm? If there is someone who can help me, Guanghai will definitely not refuse."

This is a super master, and the Lord of Guanghai also guessed that he had something to come, not intending to make trouble for him, if he could use peaceful means, he definitely didn't want to do it.

"I came to you today for your Heaven-Zhuking Divine Sword, and I can trade with Eternal Divine Crystal."

Chu Yuan directly stated his purpose, and he was overbearing.

"It turned out to be for the few Heaven-Player Divine Swords."

The Lord of Guanghai breathed a sigh of relief, and then laughed and said: "Hahahaha, not just a few Divine Judgment Swords, I thought it would be something difficult to do, although Divine Judgment Sword was made by the ancient Emperor Zhutian. Refining, but only when I get ninety-nine can I burst out the strongest power, and I also have four in my hand. It's tasteless to eat, but it's a pity to discard it. If a friend needs it, then take it."

The Lord of Guanghai agreed very quickly.

Indeed, as he said, the few Zhutian Divine Swords are meaningless, and they are like chicken ribs, and they are of little effect to him.

This mysterious strong man came here, and his request was not excessive. He guessed that this person was probably collecting the Heaven-Shuking Divine Sword, so it was better to complete the opposite and get some of his friendship.

For the strong, of course it is to make friends.

"However, I will not take your God Sword of Zhuotian for nothing."

Chu Yuandao.

"My friend is polite. It's just a few God Swords, and it's no big deal to me, as I gave it to my friend."

The Lord of Guanghai didn't want Chu Yuan's eternal **** crystal.

With a wave of his hand, four Zhutian Divine Swords flew out at the same time.

"Bana, it's not my character."

Chu Yuan directly gave him enough eternal **** crystals.

He certainly knew that the reason why the Lord of Guanghai was so polite was not due to his strength. If he didn't have such strength, he would have been beheaded long ago if he dared to ask for something like this.

Only strength can win respect.


The Lord of Guanghai looked at the eternal **** crystal in front of him. He really didn’t want it, “Oh, my friend is too polite. It’s my honor to have a friend come from afar. It’s better to stay here first. I’ll treat him well, go, Take the dust away for friends."

The road to eternity is too dangerous, and Guanghai is willing to make more friends.

When the chief of Guanghai hosted Chu Yuan, a tyrannical aura swept into the Guanghai realm, and a person hurriedly came to him.

"Ancestor, the holy envoy of the Immortal Holy Land is here, and he wants to see you directly!"

This person reported.

"The Holy Envoys of the Immortal Holy Land, what are they doing again, everything is not going to go to the Three Treasure Hall, there must be no good things."

The Lord of Guanghai's complexion changed suddenly, and then he smiled and said: "Sorry, the emissary of the Immortal Holy Land will come, and my friends will stay first. I will first receive the emissary of the Immortal Holy Land and send them away."

"You go to your business."

Chu Yuan's gaze at the moment had crossed the time and space, and he saw the holy envoy of the immortal holy land.

He has never been to the Immortal Holy Land, but he has also been on the path of eternity for so long, and of course he knows many ancient forces.

And this Immortal Holy Land is a very ancient power. Their pioneers are called Immortal, but just like the Holy Emperor, they haven't appeared for a long time, but the immortal light is still there, which means that they have not fallen.

The Holy Emperor, a strong man like Immortal, paid a huge price to sublimate himself many times to maintain his immortality.

The emissary of this immortal holy land, wearing an immortal robe, has immortal divine power behind his forehead.

Although the Immortal Saint and the Lord of Guanghai are both origin gods, the tone of the Immortal Saint is high, speaking as if he is taking the Lord of Guanghai as his subordinate, and uttering orders.

The Lord of Guanghai dares to be angry and dare not speak, so he can only listen.

It was not only their existence, but the Lord of Guanghai was talking with the immortal envoy, and Chu Yuan also heard it completely with the power of eternal time and space, as if he was on the scene, but could not find his prying eyes.

If it is the sublimated eighth realm, perhaps you can still feel the changes in time and space.

"Do you know what the sage envoy confided to you?"

The immortal emissary directly instructed and commanded.

"What the Holy Envoy I have already understood that I will send the resources needed by the Holy Land in the shortest time, and I will also send enough strong people in my Guanghai Realm. Participating in the battle between the Holy Land and the Holy Land of Truth, this is not the first time I have done in Guanghai Realm, and it will definitely not delay major events in the Holy Land.

The main road of Guanghai.

"Guanghai, don’t be dissatisfied. Your world can be so peaceful here, and there is also the glory of my holy land. Fight against the holy land of truth and make war merits. The holy land will also give you war merits. Don’t worry, you have a good relationship with the elders of my holy land. , Will not let your people go to the most dangerous places, as cannon fodder."

The Immortal Envoy said: "Well, I have other things."

"Holy envoy walk slowly."

Before the immortal envoy left, the Lord of Guanghai gave him a box, and the envoy nodded in satisfaction.

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