Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1806: Dan Lu is promoted again

"If you want my life, I will fight you!"

The Poisonous Demon Sovereign looked at Chu Yuan suddenly, horrified.

At this moment, he didn't know how much heavy poison enveloped him, to counter the oppression of Chu Yuan's power.

This was the first time he saw Chu Yuan in his real body, but the oppression brought him was too strong. This person planted an invincible power in his mind, causing his soul to tremble at this moment, and fear. .

He cannot be afraid.

He knew incomparably that instead of showing the slightest fear, he had to show a truly desperate posture. They were not important to the Heavenly Demon God Book. The most terrifying person was this person.

He didn't believe that this person could really be completely immune to his offensive, to force him to leave.

"If you want my life, I want your life, kill and kill!"

The poisonous demon emperor was in the most dangerous moment at the moment, and there was no way to hide it, and a roaring shock passed, and the poisonous supernatural power was shocking.

Some strong people will temper their gods as weapons, while the poisonous demon emperor treats his body as the most terrifying poison to raise, and people dare not approach him.

"I'll kill him."

Chu Yuanxiong dominated the invincible voice.

The vicious and virulent power rushed around him, and it seemed to have fallen into an infinite vacuum.

Chu Yuan's shot was extremely ferocious, and he had the will to kill the poisonous demon emperor. His emperor's divine power ruled everything. He slapped it with one hand, and it was invincible and majestic.

They looked at the emperor.

The soul feels that the emperor is the ruler of the gods, monsters, demons, everything, all living beings.

"If the emperor can become the eternal strongest, then my Heavenly Demon God Book can also get the strongest fortune!"

The Heavenly Demon God Book was shocked, and the special creatures condensed from book knowledge like it most wanted to follow the strongest.

Chu Yuan's power swept across, and every one of his blows contained immense power, eternal power, and the poisonous demon emperor's devilish energy rushed over, but it could not affect him at all.

He fell from the sky with a palm, sealed off time and space, and beat the poisonous Demon Emperor to collapse again and again, vomiting a bit of poisonous blood.

"Who are you, why are you not afraid of my poison!"

The poisonous demon emperor roared.

The roulette of life and death appears, the power of life and death, the profound meaning of the cycle of heaven and earth.

Chu Yuan was indifferent and cruel, killing magic, his hand hit it out, it turned into the strongest killing magic weapon, destructive power, coexist with killing, locked him, and fell down with one shot.

The poisonous demon king suffers.

The killing force tore open wounds on his body, and his whole body was enveloped in poisonous blood. If he hadn't been sublimated from the eight realms, Chu Yuan would be completely torn apart.


The poisonous demon emperor yelled.

Although the whole body is blood, his combat effectiveness has not diminished a bit, but his blood itself is a kind of strong damage, and if it is contaminated with his blood, it will corrode itself.

He is crazy, fighting to survive


One palm town sky.

The power of chaos slapped it with one palm.

Suddenly, a huge sacred mountain of chaos appeared, knocking the poisonous demon emperor into the air, and the poisonous blood was spitting out continuously.

The poisonous demon king is going crazy.

Now he can't beat and beat, run and run, is he really going to die here.

Do not!

He is not willing to accept such a fate!

He wants to kill him!

"I won't die!"

The poisonous demon emperor roared again and again and danced wildly with his hands. He wanted to break the blockade of Chu Yuan and let him control his own life. In this madness, his power was several times more violent than before.

"Control your destiny."

Chu Yuan said indifferently.

For example, Yi Tianzun is good at calculating, it is the mystery of fate, to calculate a trace of heaven.

But his approach is completely different. He wants to control his destiny, not only his own, but also everyone's, and he must use mysterious and mysterious mana to kill the fate of others.

With his palm upright, the magic knife that slayed fate, all time and space in the past, present and future have become eternal, and he is the strongest ruler in this time and space, controlling the life and death of everyone.

A slaying of fate, all vital powers completely surpassed the poisonous demon emperor.

As soon as the poisonous demon emperor sensed this power, his body was trembling frantically, feeling that he was about to die, and it was impossible to escape today's mortal crisis.

"No, how could I feel like this in my heart, this is not true, I won't die!"

The poisonous demon emperor's body solidified, and he didn't know how to dodge, or in other words, he couldn't do dodge in such a great magical power.

"Emperor... the power of the emperor!"

He was also terrified in the Sky Demon God Book. In his vast memories, he had never seen this kind of magical powers, and the emperor was the only one.

After Chu Yuan's cultivation reached its origin, his various strengths have become stronger, I don't know how much.

Regardless of the eighth realm or the ninth realm, even the powerhouses like Emperor Zhutian, truth, and immortality, they are all origins. The difference between Chu Yuan and them is only that they have sublimated more than him.

Chu Yuanjun came to the world and slashed over with a palm.

Immediately, the body of the Toxic Demon King was cut, and he launched a counterattack, but he could not resist this fateful beheading.

His body unexpectedly began to disintegrate, like a spider web, shattering into pieces of **** pieces.

"I won't die!"

After this piece of minced meat was broken up, there was still a strong vitality, constantly twisting and wriggling, to regroup together.

Seeing this, Chu Yuan suddenly grabbed it with one hand, and the power of the Seal of Eternity wanted to completely control it.

"I'm dying, dying!"

The Toxic Demon King has soberly realized that he will undoubtedly die today. This man's methods are too terrifying. He is even more terrifying than the other strongest, and he will not be able to escape.

"I can not be reconciled!"

He made such a sound.

Every piece of his flesh and blood is exploding and decomposing. If this piece of flesh and blood falls into the plane opened by the ancestor Wanhai, it can even make a plane completely dead, and it can't be stopped.

Their expressions also changed, and they wanted to help Chu Yuan suppress it.

"Ding! Do you offer sacrifices to the poisonous demon emperor and promote the original epic artifact."

The indifferent mechanical sound of the system, UU reading at this moment is like a natural sound, it is very beautiful.


Chu Yuan made a choice.

Suddenly the power of the system sacrificed the Poisonous Demon Emperor. He was very poisonous, but the power that was no longer poisonous was insignificant in front of the system, and even Chu Yuan's current strength could not detect the origin of the system.

The poisonous demon king was sacrificed.

Dan Lu also got his wish as an epic artifact.

Since then, Chu Yuan has been able to refine epic gods in large quantities.

"Promoting an epic artifact requires an eight-level origin. If you want to be promoted to an origin artifact, you even have to sacrifice the life of a stronger person, but compared to the effect of the pill furnace, this price is completely worth it."

Chu Yuan looked at the pill furnace that had become an epic artifact in the system space. The blazing flame seemed to swallow a stronger one to complete the transformation again.

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