Chu Yuan saw a large number of prisoners being escorted to the Holy City of Truth.

"If you have the ability to kill us, we are planted in your hands this time!"

The faces of the escorted prisoners were ashes ashes. Their greatest wish was not to survive, but to hope that the Holy Land of Truth would kill them. They all knew that once they came, it would be better to live than to die.

The sanctuary of truth is full of flowers, and the people on the street laugh and laugh, but to them it is hell.

"Haha, I still want to die, there is no such simple and cheap thing, huh, you have killed so many of our companions, just be our slaves honestly, to wash away your sins."

A strong man picked up a whip and slapped them severely to punish them.

Chu Yuan saw that there was no ups and downs in his heart.

Of course he could guess that the purpose of the Holy Land of Truth not to kill these prisoners is to squeeze out their greatest value.

For example, even the poisonous demon emperor can enslave the strong to do things for him, and he can naturally do better with the skills of the Holy Land of Truth.

They used these slaves to condense the eternal gods and maintain the eternal truth.

When needed, they will be killed directly.

Regardless of the peace in the Holy Land of Truth, the power that may dominate the eternal road will be kind, and of course it has its own cruel and cruel side.

Be kind to the inside and cruel to the outside.

He has no inner fluctuations, and he will not show mercy to the captives. The defeated must have the consciousness of the defeated.

In fact, his empire is the same. Chu Yuan is very kind to the forces that surrender and are willing to work for him, but if anyone dares to block his way, he must be shown the cold-blooded scene of the emperor.


Chu Yuan seemed to be walking aimlessly in the Holy Land of Truth, but in fact he was also feeling the power of truth and sublimating himself from it.

In this sacred place of truth, there are many kinds of creatures prepared to say.

The most loyal and pious are of course the truth creatures created by the **** of origin of the Holy Land. These truth creatures are naturally close to the road of truth when they are born, and the rune imprint of truth is carved into their bones.

There are strong creatures from the outside world.

Let outside creatures join in, among them there are even some special creatures bred by eternity itself.

The creatures created by oneself are always imperfect, and the eternal potential is the greatest.

Let those outside creatures join, Chu Yuan can naturally understand the reason, a force needs the impact of fresh blood from outside in order to stay strong at all times.

"This holy place of truth, their truth is very domineering."

Chu Yuan suddenly sighed.

"What they say is the true truth. Other people's words are fallacies. They say that light is light and darkness is darkness. This is their law of truth, which is enough to reverse black and white, but this is their law, not ours. law."

Chu Yuan looked at the prosperous sanctuary of truth, and realized their domineering law of truth.

Such as the Emperor Fengshen.

His avenue of conferring the gods is also a kind of domineering, and all the gods in the world are canonized by him. He said that you are a **** and you are a god, and a word can turn you into a mortal.

However, Chu Yuan had no effect.

His Dao is also domineering, he controls everything.

Without this kind of hegemony, it cannot be eternal.

"The whole eternity is the big cage, everything is imprisoned in the big cage. Even if the soul of a giant like the truth is eternal, the body is eternal, but the whole world and the eternal rules cannot make them eternal. This is why they You can live a long way, but you have to pay a huge price."

Chu Yuan thought for a while, "Although he has opened up his own path, he cannot break this greater eternal path."

The deeper the cultivation base, the deeper the feeling of everything in the world.

Even if the soul is eternal and the body is eternal, but the strongest eternal rule does not allow you to be eternal, you cannot be eternal, and this is why the master of truth and immortality is stronger than many existences.

However, such existence is extremely rare.

"My words are the truth."

Chu Yuan was indifferent.

"The emperor, accurately sensed the whereabouts of the magic book, right there!"

At this moment, the demon **** called.

In the Holy Land of Truth, a temple of truth hangs high like a scorching sun.

A middle-aged man who is as tall as a giant is closing his eyes, quietly thinking.

"The breath of the Sky Demon Book!"

Suddenly his eyes opened suddenly.

The book he placed in front of him shook, and the ten thousand demons gathered, it was the book of the magic way, and it had a strong connection with the book of the sky demon, and it seemed that he was about to leave at any time.

"Unexpectedly at this moment, I have a sense of feeling, I have suppressed and obliterated the divine residence in the magical book, and a new **** was born."

This middle-aged man has a cultivation base of eight levels.

With a little palm of his hand, the rune of truth appeared, and a divine residence appeared in the book of the magic way. The cultivation base was only the peak of the six realms, a new **** born.

"The Demon of Truth."

Middle-aged manly.

"My lord, it is indeed the breath of the Heavenly Demon God Book. It is very close. It has come to the Holy Land of Truth and is calling and sensing me. It is prepared for the previous God's Mansion."

The magic way of truth.

"He actually dared to come to the Holy Land of Truth, what is it going to do? He wants to take you away?"

The middle-aged man was also surprised.

Back then, he and the powerhouse of the Holy Land of Truth dealt with the two books of the Heavenly Demon and the Demon Dao. As a result, the Demon Dao Scripture was captured, and the Heavenly Demon Divine Book was not found wherever it went.

He coveted the Sky Demon God Book.

"The Heavenly Demon Book is not stupid. If it dares to come to my holy place of truth, it shows that it has support. I don't know what it has confidence in and what I want to do, but I have to get the Heavenly Demon Book!

He had a strong desire for the Heavenly Demon God Book.

"I have been trapped in the eighth realm for too long, too long. I will die before the 9th realm. The Heavenly Demon Book is in my hand, and the Demon Dao is in my hand. With the help of that vast sea of ​​knowledge, I can once again Ascend to become the strongest of the nine realms!"

The middle-aged man urgently needs to be sublimated again.

Every sublimation is a baptism to oneself, and the most significant effect is to live longer.

Only by living a long time can there be eternal hope, but this step is too difficult.

"Huh! I don't care about your conspiracy and tricks, but in my Holy Land of Truth, everything is in charge of the Holy Land. If you can't overcome the big waves, you will be squeezed by me. I say that you are mine, and I am the Holy Land of Truth. So many strong people!"

The middle-aged man stood up abruptly.

Streams of truth runes spread, and the words speak the law.

"The Demon of Truth, give me an accurate confirmation of the whereabouts of the Heavenly Demon Book, I will contact other Holy Masters immediately."

He also doesn't have blind confidence. The opponent must have a hole card if he dares to come. He has to make a perfect blockade.

But suddenly, his body shook suddenly, and he looked out of the temple in shock.

All the laws of time and space, soul, and all have been solidified, and they have been suppressed by a supreme power, and the light of truth has been shattered, and they have seen a supreme existence, knocking out the master hand and grabbing him.

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