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The masters of the Holy Land of Truth arrived, all murderous, glaring at Chu Yuan.

They would never have thought that in their own territory, there was a person who broke in, and even directly took away the magic book controlled by Jiang Xuan, and simply ignored them.

"Everyone, he took away the magic book, his strength is very powerful, almost comparable to the strongest of the nine realms!"

Jiang Xuan shouted.

"Kill, he is too arrogant. My Holy Land of Truth has received the greatest humiliation. He must be suppressed, and he will become a slave to the Holy Land of Truth forever, and he will not be able to survive until death."

"My holy place, has existed so far, has never suffered such a shame."

"Yes, if it spreads out, where do we put our faces, how many forces will laugh at us?"

"No matter who he is, he will be suppressed today!"

A strong man burns with great anger.

But the calmness shown on this person's face makes them extremely unhappy. This is the power to despise them, thinking that today is really a way to escape.

Chu Yuan's eyes swept across, rumbling, the thunder was shocked, and the domineering aura swept across the Holy Land of Truth like a hurricane.

Now that the Magic Book of God is in hand, he doesn't need to stay and smash with them. He is not afraid of their power, but there is no possibility of destroying the Holy Land of Truth.

Chu Yuan ignored their blockade.

He stepped out in one step.

"I want to leave, leave us behind!"

The holy land powerhouse shouted, and suddenly they all uttered the voice of truth, blocking Chu Yuan's retreat, and wanting to block him here.

Each rune became a font, suppressing Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan just stepped on it, and immediately, the void collapsed, all the runes burst, he carried the Destroying Heavenly Might, his heart was firm, no truth could restrict him, and he absolutely believed in himself.

Although the Holy Land of Truth has a lot of strong people, they are not afraid of Chu Yuan's killing, but they can't block Chu Yuan.

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"Although I don't know you, I know that you are the master of Shijiyuan. You are too presumptuous when you come to my sanctuary of truth this time to make trouble. Do you think that my sanctuary of truth is the place where you want to come and leave? "

There was a woman's voice in that temple, with immense mana suppressing Chu Yuan.

The strongest of the nine realms!

These powerhouses are true hegemons on the path of eternity, with overwhelming power, and a powerful authority in the Holy Land of Truth.

She would not stupidly ask Chu Yuan why he did this. This is all nonsense, and the strong would not care about others' thoughts.

He dared to do it, but he didn't put the holy place of truth in his eyes.

"Be the strong man of Shijiyuan!"

They only cared about the anger that Chu Yuan brought, but no one thought about his identity.

When they heard this sentence, they were also shocked. This was actually the ruler of Shijiyuan, and they had not yet cultivated for an epoch, but they had this kind of strength.

What happened to this century, how could there be such a strong power.

"He awakened the Sovereign of True Words, when Shijiyuan, huh! If you don't want to stay in his own era, and dare to make trouble, he will have to pay the heaviest price this time, so that he can understand and offend us! "


Chu Yuan's face still didn't fluctuate in the slightest.

"Boom him!"

The majestic origin supernatural power was caught.

And at this moment, a middle-aged woman, graceful and luxurious, her face is not absolutely beautiful, but her temperament is high, and what she says is the truth.

"I come."

The True Words Lord appeared.

She stared at Chu Yuan, and did not relax because she was in the Holy Land of Truth. This person gave her a lot of oppression.


She uttered the truth, and at the same time grabbed it with a palm. The hand of the rune was enveloped, and she was worthy of the nine realms. She was extremely sublimated, and her strength was not comparable to Jiang Xuan.

Such a strong person, uttering a word, spitting out a word are irresistible Tianwei.

"It's useless for anyone to come."

Chu Yuan was indifferent.

Her words are true words, but Chu Yuan's words break all dominance.

He reigned over the world, looked down on the Holy Land of Truth, and slammed his fist, shaking the truth. The power of the Holy Venerable True Words and his fierce resistance, the mighty power, swept the entire Holy Land.

The Lord of True Words felt the strength of this person and destroyed her mana.

"I said, there is light in this world, there is no darkness, there is no darkness, I said ice is hot, ice is hot, I said, when time and space are frozen, you will be frozen, my words are truth and mantra."

The mantra of the Lord of True Words turned into billowing power.

This method of manipulating power with verbal mantra is extremely weird, but in her words, Chu Yuan can clearly feel that there is the power to distort and manipulate the rules and turn it into her realm of truth and mantra.

such as.

How could the ice be hot.

But it can be formed in the realm of her mantra.

This is to change the law and distort the essence of the existence of matter itself.

Countless people in the Holy Land of Truth are looking up at the battle, and there are people who dare to break the blockade in the Holy Land of Truth.

However, the face of the True Words Lord did not relax at all. Although this person was a strong man in the century, he did not sublimate as many times as her.

But she understands better that to block this person, the power of the entire Holy Land of Truth must be used.

Chu Yuan was so powerful that the power of his emperor's supremacy spread out immediately, and when he touched the law of mantra, the sound of continuous destruction caused the soul to shock.

This true language was broken continuously.

"What a domineering force!"

The True Words Lord can understand it better.

She increased her strength, but as Chu Yuan's majestic emperor's body stepped forward, she couldn't even stop the opponent's progress.

"Block him, it's very likely that the True Words Lord can't stop him!"

Suddenly, all the powerhouses in the Holy Land of Truth joined hands and slapped the world upside down. Their strength gathered into a torrent and violently hit Chu Yuan.

"My road is unstoppable!"

At this moment, an eternal road seemed to be condensed in front of Chu Yuan, leading to the sky. At the moment the torrent hit, there was a vacuum collapse all around, and all the power disappeared.

"Our mana!"

Their power is gone.

"It's his big swallowing technique!" Jiang Xuandao!

"No, he will break through the blockade of our sanctuary of truth!"

Suddenly saw, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com Chu Yuan took this step and was about to leave the Holy Land of Truth.


The True Words Sovereign grasped it again with a palm, and the truth filled all the time and space, and even some nine realms could not leave.

And there was another Gu's power, gathered together with the True Words Sovereign, and it was also a Nine Realm, and the two formed a tighter blockade.

"what happened!"

But in the next moment, they saw a scene of surprise.

Their power blasted out, seeming to hit Chu Yuan, but they could also feel that it didn't fall on Chu Yuan.

This feeling, as if not in the same time and space, not on the same road, he walked on his own path and formed his own law.

He was almost in the gaze of all the strong in the Holy Land of Truth, stepping on the sky, leaving grandiosely, but there was no way to keep him.

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