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It was actually fortunate that the extremely cold ice silkworm was subdued by Chu Yuan this time.

It is alone, and the danger is too great. In the history of this clan, it is only the nine realms, and the nine realms have also encountered many powerful hunters, and the end is miserable.

Unless it is to achieve the eternal level and open up a path of extreme cold, it will have the strength to protect oneself.

The extremely cold ice silkworm will definitely get the greatest cultivation in Chu Yuan's empire. For its ice silkworm, Chu Yuan will try its best to sublime it.

"The emperor, according to Extreme Frost Ice Silkworm, there is a tomb of an ancient god. We can't miss it. Even if it can't enter the tomb, it means that the owner of the tomb is extremely powerful. The strong is strong."

Xu Shandao.

"However, someone has approached us."

The Heavenly Demon God Book glanced at Chu Yuan, received the emperor's signal, and suddenly shouted: "The extremely cold ice silkworm has become our companion. Those who want to take the ice silkworm will leave quickly!"

"What, the extremely cold ice silkworm has been obtained!"

It was a big man who came out first. His skin was as hard as a rock. He saw the extremely cold ice silkworm right here and saw a **** of origin.

He felt that he shouldn't show up.

"Misunderstandings, misunderstandings, all misunderstandings."

As soon as this big guy saw such a powerful lineup, he knew he had stabbed a hornet's nest and immediately changed his smiley face.

"Since you know, don't leave soon!"

Heavenly Demon God Calligraphy.

"Extremely cold ice silkworm!"

But just when the big man was about to leave, several more people appeared, all with sword intent reaching the sky, disregarding the sky, and seeing the situation here also looked very ugly.

"Someone has already taken us one step ahead to subdue the extremely cold ice silkworm."

They can of course see that there is no companion before the Extreme Cold Ice Silkworm. Someone must have found it first and earned it under their command.

And this is what they want very much.

"This is the strong man of the Sword God Sect. The sword intent is through the sky. Their suzerain is called the Sword God. A Heavenly Sword can cut the path of eternity. The Sword God is also the strongest swordsman on the eternal road!"

Heavenly Demon God Book introduced.

This sword **** is indeed very terrifying.

Many powerful swords are used, and even Chu Yuan has forged a magic sword.

Even if he does not practice kendo, the one who can be the strongest in kendo knows the strength of the sword god.

"A group of unfamiliar strong men, I haven't seen it before, and I don't know where it came from."

"However, the Arctic Ice Silkworm is also very important to us. The Arctic Divine Armor that it weaves is light and extremely defensive. It can be of a higher level for sword repairers like me."

"What to do, do you want to do it directly?"

The strength of these Sword God Sects is extremely strong, and when combined, they can definitely flee in eight realms.

One of them suddenly shouted: "Ice and Snow Empress, how long do you want to hide? Don't you want the extremely cold ice silkworm? You want the fisherman to profit?"

The Ice and Snow Empress had to appear because of this drink.

As soon as she appeared, the temperature around her dropped drastically, the void was freezing, the chill was so cold that even her soul thought could not work.

Where she appeared, it evolved into a field of ice and snow, with snow falling.

"The Queen of Ice and Snow, who cultivated the power of ice and snow, obtained the source of eternal ice and snow, and founded the Ice and Snow Empire. She once dominated an ordinary era."

The Sky Demon Book is like an encyclopedia, it knows many things.

"Extremely cold ice silkworm."

The Bingxue woman's eyes were extremely cold. Instead of reading the Sky Demon God Book, she looked at Chu Yuan and stared at each other.

Her soul shook suddenly.

You must know that she was sublimated in the eighth level, and her soul was like an iceberg, not transforming for ten thousand years, but the moment she saw Chu Yuan, that invincible vast power.

It was as if suddenly, a burning eternal sacred fire was about to melt her iceberg.

At this moment, she felt that she was not in the ice and snow, but in a terrifying oven.

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"My friend, I am not interested in the extremely cold ice silkworm. If my friend has the opportunity, he can go to my ice empire as a guest."

After the Ice and Snow Queen said this, she actually left directly.

"Gone? She is gone?"

None of the experts in the Sword God Sect responded to this sudden event, and was caught off guard.

They know that even if the Ice and Snow Empress is a woman, this woman is cruel and domineering, with very ruthless methods, and there are a few more soft-hearted characters who can survive on the path of eternity.

But she just gave Chu Yuan a glance at each other, and left directly.

"No, it's weird!"

They suddenly awakened that the Ice and Snow Empress would never be so polite, but encountered an opponent that they could not deal with.

"There is no aura of eternal calamity, can it be that he is!"

Although the Sword God Sect has many people, but their cultivation is not as good as the Ice and Snow Empress after all, it was only at this time that the emperor who dominated the world did not have the breath of eternal calamity.

Without the breath of eternal robbery, it shows that he came from the century.

"The matter of the Holy Land of Truth."

Things in the Holy Land of Truth fluctuated too violently, and many powerful people have heard about it, especially among the big forces, who are reminding their own people to be careful to be the master of Shijiyuan.

He is very strong.

His average strength in the Ninth Stage is difficult to be his opponent, unless there is an indestructible level.

Don't just provoke the current ruler, otherwise, if you are killed by him, you will have no place to cry. His foundation is in the multiverse, so who can help him.

"Let's go too."

The people of the Sword God Sect also walked clean in an instant.

The Ice and Snow Empress and the people of the Sword God Sect all left. There were originally some powerful people who wandered away, but they all left one after another, no matter where they could care about the extremely cold ice silkworm.

In front of the strong, you can only bow your head.

This group of people can only curse bad luck secretly, and they must meet the master of Shijiyuan when they meet no one.

But they all know that the ruler is lawless, no one is in the eye, whoever offends him, I am afraid that his life will be gone.

"They just left?"

Extreme Frost Ice Silkworm knows that they are crazy when chasing them, but they are not so easy to talk, and they feel scared when they think about their brutal appearance.

"The emperor has walked out of his own path of eternal immortality ~ www.ltnovel.com~ to follow him, it is also my luck."

Extremely cold ice silkworm road.

"Ice silkworm, today is also your luck."

The Heavenly Demon God Book feels around: "The emperor, you see, many powerful people are already moving towards the tombs of the gods, do we have to act."

"I don't know which **** is buried in the tomb, but I am definitely not the tomb of the gods, but even if it is not the tomb of the gods, I am still the strongest under the gods. I am very interested in gods."

Chu Yuandao.

His memory seems to span the eternal river, seeing the past he has experienced.

In the small universe, his last opponent was also a god, but in the multiverse, another **** world creator with an unknown purpose appeared.

Now, there is also a **** left in this sea of ​​burial.

"Go to the tomb of the gods, extremely cold ice silkworm, this is also a great achievement for you."

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