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In the land of Xuanming, the famous place of bitter cold, there are only very few ascetics in Su Ri to cultivate and sharpen their xinxing.

Sometimes, some big forces will exile some people who have committed serious crimes to the land of Xuanming, so you can know how bad the environment here is.

But recently, the land of Xuanming has become lively.

Teams of troops, batches of strong men, marched from everywhere to the land of Xuanming.

"Don't go this way. There are many origins leading the team. They should come from the universe and gods. Going this way is not dangerous for the time being."

Yi Tianzun had the wheel of heaven spinning in front of him at all times, and he calculated the power of deduction to the extreme.

He has become a **** of origin, and his temperament is very different from the past, such as a mass of air, an ethereal air of fate, and a pair of deep eyes that can see through the future.

And where there are strong people chasing him, he knows very well.

The powerhouses of the empire are here.

What they stepped on was not completely void of time and space, but hard ground, frozen with a thick layer of profound cold ice, presenting a frozen ground-like situation, which is difficult for ordinary strong people to break.

This is the power of Xuan Ming.

"This ice is thick, not ordinary ice, it has eternal strength."

Chaos Shinto.

"This is on the road."

Yi Tianzun looked around: "Compared with the eternal road, the road created by Xuanming is an independent time and space. The eternal class can resist thousands of eternal catastrophes in its own road. The ice and soil you see, The reason why it is so tough is because it is mixed with the power of eternal calamity."

"Yes." Chaos God didn't think much.

The Lord of Death said: "Yi Tianzun, I found that since you broke through to the God of Origin on the road of eternity, it is very different from before. I have a great strangeness to you."

"Where is it different?" Yi Tianzun smiled very much.

"The feeling that you can't tell is, in short, it's very strange. I don't know anything about it, but you know it very well. It seems that this is not completely calculated, but you already know it, similar to memory awakening.

Yi Tianzun is also an empire powerhouse, otherwise he would be very jealous.

"Calculation is not omnipotent. There are some things that are difficult for me to explain clearly. You just need to remember that I am loyal to your Majesty for my eternity."

Yi Tianzun and the others talked and rushed.

Sure enough, as they guessed, just as they left, a group of people arrived where they were.

They continued to change their routes, and the road that was frozen with Xuan Ming's ice was icy, and the Origin God had to consume huge mana to resist the chill that went straight to the bones of the bone.

"Frozen to death in the land of Xuanming."

They saw a frozen corpse on the road. Although it was not the origin, it was only in the sixth state, but they could experience this horror by freezing to death in the sixth state.

A slight cold wind blew, and then it became more and more violent, like a knife.

This kind of bitter cold wind is too normal in the land of Xuanming.

"Xuanming storm is coming, be careful, I guess that this storm will be extremely violent, it will reach the strongest in half a moment, strengthen out of thin air, the best way is to pass through as fast as possible!"

Yi Tianzun ordered.

Suddenly everyone shuttled past.

Sure enough, just half a moment later, they had just passed through. Behind them, a huge storm sea eye appeared, time and space collapsed, moving quickly, even the body of the Origin God would have to pay a huge price to resist.

This time, because of Yi Tianzun's calculations, they can always avoid many dangers in advance, otherwise they don't know how much trouble they will encounter.

The Lord of Death knew the horror of Yi Tianzun deeply.

In the same realm, Yi Tianzun doesn’t need to fight them directly, he can count them as dead by calculation, and he doesn’t know how to die.

"The terrifying mysterious storm."

They looked back at the storm that swept across the land of Xuanming from behind.

"It's really a bitter cold place, and there are no treasures to be seen."

The main way of death.

"Who said that there is no treasure, the treasure is under our feet, Xuanming cold ice, in the deep frozen soil, everywhere."

Yi Tianzun showed a mysterious smile

"Under the feet?"

Chaos God stomped fiercely.

"Don’t move around at will. The land of Xuanming seems to have no treasures, but Xuanming has sealed all the treasures here. Although he is eternal, he is not really eternal and cannot exist forever. After his death, his power is completely Inside the road, such a scene was formed."

Yi Tianzun warned them.

"This time we fled to the land of Xuanming. We have been surrounded by many groups of forces. We can only use the strange environment here to delay time. It is impossible to escape with our strength. We can only ask for help."

The main way of death.

"Your Majesty does not know where on the Eternal Road, and there are too many strong men besieging us this time. Your Majesty will encounter great troubles, and it is useless for us."

The chaos **** system reward is the most loyal to Chu Yuan.

"Without Yi Tianzun, we would have been caught long ago, and we can't hold on to it now."

Hong Huang Zulong Road.

The former dragon ancestor's will was obliterated by Chu Yuan, leaving only the unique dragon aura, instilling a belief in absolute loyalty to the empire, and Chu Yuan suppressed him with absolute strength.

"Your Majesty will definitely come. I can't calculate anything about your Majesty, but I know that your Majesty must be on the way to Xuan Mingdi now. As long as your Majesty arrives, all crises can be resolved."

Yi Tianzun said in a positive tone.

The eyes of the Lord of Death showed a strange color, and Yi Tianzun's previous calculations were very illusory, but when he mentioned their greatest Shenwu Majesty, he became confident and affirmed.

"I believe your Majesty will come." The Lord of Death said: "Yi Tianzun, how strong do you think your Majesty is?"

"I don't know, but it will definitely solve our plight."

Yi Tianzun said: "Although it is troublesome to save this time, our gains are not small. The eternal Tao fruit is the perception of the existence of the eternal level. The treasure produced by the power of the eternal level exists. Essence."

Eternal Tao fruit, a special divine object that can only be formed after the eternal-level powerhouse has fallen.

This time, Yi Tianzun found the eternal Tao fruit on the road of eternity based on his own calculations, and he also knew that the appearance of the heavy treasure could not be concealed.

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He had long planned the land of Xuanming as a way out. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

It turns out that he was right.

"We must give the eternal Tao fruit to your majesty!"

Chaos Shinto.

"The forces that are chasing us this time include the Universe Divine Empire, the Age of the Holy Emperor, these two eternal forces, and there are many weaker forces."

The main way of death.

"Wrong, people from the Holy Land of Truth have also come, and in the end, there will be more powerful people."

Facing such a siege, Yi Tianzun still had an indifferent expression, unmoved.

"But, we can't just run away without counterattack." Honghuang Zulong said.

"In all directions, many forces have formed a blockade on us. I am planning to use the dangerous environment here to cause more trouble to them, delaying time, and waiting for the arrival of your majesty."

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