"He is stronger than me!"

Elder Xuantian didn't question him, but felt incredible. How many years have passed since then, is his strength stronger than him?

He has been in Eternal Shenzhou for a long time, and he doesn't know the external situation, otherwise there will be no such surprises.

"The stronger the opponent can inspire the fighting spirit in my heart, I will use you two to prove, baptize my divine body with your blood, and let me ascend to the fullest. In this eternal divine boat, it is my other side divine dynasty. In this world, others can't be presumptuous!"

Furious warfare flashed in that person's eyes, and he wanted to kill Chu Yuan and Old Man Xuantian, and sacrifice both of them.

With the strength of the peak of his eight realms, not many people in this eternal Shenzhou could make him afraid.

"Be careful, I don't know his name for this person, but the people of the other side of the gods have always been domineering and regard Eternal Shenzhou completely as them, but in fact they are also latecomers, just occupying them in advance, and they are extremely repulsive of outsiders. When it arrives, it will be killed frantically!"

Elder Xuantian reminded that, even now, he can't figure out what Chu Yuan is.

And his words also revealed a lot of news.

"There is no need to know his name, the other side of the gods? He is not chasing you, today I want to see how the identities of hunters and prey have changed!"

Chu Yuanba was in the world.

"Today I let you die to understand, my name is called."

The man should declare his name.

"There is no need to know the name of a dead person."

Chu Yuan's words made the old man Xuantian tremble. This was too domineering and self-confident. He didn't expect to be able to kill this person, as long as he could leave safely.

"You are arrogant, but the eternal Shenzhou is not a place where you can be arrogant."

The man's heavenly divine power suppressed it. He raised his hands and feet and seemed to arouse the power of Shenzhou. The mighty brilliance of the other shore suddenly came across the sky with a palm and directly landed on Chu Yuan's head.

Chu Yuan's expression moved slightly, and the man seemed to make a tyrannical blow. He directly slammed out of the hand of God, and the violent impact caused countless crystal walls around him to be violently destroyed.

It seems that there is not only his power, but also the law of Shenzhou.

"You can easily shatter my power in one blow. You are much better than this guy who can only escape. Fight, only by fighting can you sublimate!"

The man was a little surprised when he saw Chu Yuan easily shatter his power, but it made him even crazier. He actually wanted to use Chu Yuan as his grindstone and step onto the ninth stage.

The man's rolling strength was once again condensed, and he really regarded Chu Yuan as a strong opponent.

With a movement of his body, the immeasurable mighty power was overwhelmingly suppressed, and a tall shadow suppressed the heavens. The mighty power raged out of his hands, waving his hand to cast out a long river representing the other bank.

This person is like a **** of war, always breaking, striding directly to kill, his punch is violently blasted, and a large number of holy light runes are rolled up.

Chu Yuan's eyes swept a little, and it was just a punch, magnificent, the Emperor Dingzhen Jiangshan, containing the power of sweeping the eight wastes and six harmony, nine heavens and ten earth.

The moment the punch came, the man also felt the oppression of suffocation, but the punch he punched did not take back the truth.

At the moment of the collision, a kind of pressure that he could not bear was transmitted. He himself seemed to have become a clown who was unable to provoke the Supreme Emperor, and his backhand was suppressed by the general trend.

His power collapsed immediately, and even his divine body was blasted with a crackle, and his whole body was unstable and swept away.

"His power is so great, no, it is not only power, but also momentum and will. He is like an invincible emperor!"

The man instantly realized Chu Yuan's irresistible power, and the divine power he originated from was restored in waves.

The tide of heaven and earth.

The situation is back.

Chu Yuan was cold-eyed, rumbling, his eyes swept away, and the area around the man was bombarded by divine thunder, which instantly turned into a sea of ​​thunder and turned into a tribulation, slashing and killing him one by one.

Although the man was in trouble, he did not panic. He faced it calmly, and he was about to hit the sea of ​​thunder with a palm.


Suddenly, a thunder-burning thunder hand patted over, like the emperor's wrath, patted the man hard.

Thunder and lightning are violent, and there is a great violent technique in it.

The man flew upside down, scorched all over.

"He completely suppressed the powerhouses of the other side gods!"

Elder Xuantian's eyes widened, the facts made him unable to question.

The man was not frustrated, he gathered all his powers in one spot, and once again a surging divine power, like a huge pillar, rushed over.

However, the man was completely enveloped by the world's divine might, and the emperor's wrath was once again, and the thunder and anger burned.

When he was in the seven realms that day, he was able to fight for the extreme realm, and the Great Realm Great Emperor had to retreat. Now he is in the eight realm, and this man is in the same realm as him, and he is not much worse than the Great Realm Great Emperor.

Today this person will definitely pay for his arrogance.

There are people outside of people, and there are heaven outside of heaven. In this eternal divine boat, his other side of the divine dynasty is still unable to completely rule.

"Shenzhou method, the other shore method!"

Seeing that Chu Yuan's power was difficult to break through, the man suddenly shot out an extremely bright light from all over his body.

Chu Yuan saw as if in a mysterious and distant future, a long river representing the other side was swept out, and on the long river there was a Shenzhou shuttle, which is also the eternal Shenzhou.

When he displayed this secret method, a stronger force was not his power, but from the eternal Shenzhou that actually rumbling and running.

"This is the Shenzhou method of the Shenzhou Dynasty of the other side. They established the country based on the time and space of Shenzhou. Although they can't fully control it, they also control some. They can mobilize the rules of Shenzhou. Be careful!"

Elder Xuantian quickly reminded that this was their most difficult method.

"The other side of Shenzhou!"

At this moment, the man stepped directly on the Shenzhou, and the momentum of that moment, swaying horizontally and swaying towards the sky, his strength has been increased several times, just like the lord of the other shore ~ ​​www.ltnovel.com~ launching a trial impact on Chu Yuan .

Chu Yuan seemed to have become an alien.

"Shenzhou Beyond Law? Interesting."

Chu Yuan looked at his Shenzhou Bian Fa, not as an opponent, but interesting in his eyes. It seemed that the emperor of the Bian God Dynasty was also a remarkable figure.

He regards the emperor of the other side as his opponent, but he is not him.

With his current strength, the target was the extremely powerful Ninth Realm that the Great Emperor Jidao had to walk out of his own way, and even the true eternal existence.

He drove the other side of Shenzhou to impact, and his power melted into it, and there was a deafening roar.

Chu Yuan's will swept away at the beginning, his emperor's aura rumbling like mountains and seas, instantly swept out, looking at the eternal divine boat that impacted, he only had a palm.

Before the palm came out, his eyes shot the eternal sacred fire, but it instantly evaporated from the other shore.

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