Lingzu wanted to go to Origin Sea, and walking with Chu Yuan was the best choice at this time.

There is still some way to the Origin Sea, and the two are also talking at this time.

"The other side of the gods, the pure land gods, the reason they are powerful is precisely because of the sea of ​​origin, the origin of origin, this is a sea of ​​origins of power, there are too many miracles, for them to create too many strong, I go to the origin The sea is actually preparing for the eternal class."

Ling Zudao.

"I can probably predict the magnificence there." Chu Yuan said mildly: "Ling Ancestor, according to my opinion, you have become an eternal class. There is no problem with the obstacles of rules. You want to achieve it almost anytime, anytime. Yes, that calamity cannot destroy you."

"Natural disasters and man-made disasters, natural disasters are no problem for me, but I am most worried about man-made disasters."

The real mana of the spirit ancestor is stronger than that of the Great Emperor, which is equivalent to the threshold of having entered the eternal level, just a final breakthrough.

She looked at the old man Xuantian and said, "Natural disasters are not the most terrible. The terrible ones are man-made disasters, the ancient emperor, and the great emperor of your age. They are not because of natural disasters, but man-made disasters."

"Yeah, it's a pity that Great Emperor Cangsheng." Old man Xuantian said.

"Someone is hunting."

Ling Ancestor's eyes condensed, "Natural disasters are better than man-made disasters, so I need help from the outside world, and I can't never break through. After all, if I don't break through, I will die in eternal calamity."

Chu Yuan also understood what she meant.

Befriend him, hoping to help her when attacking the eternal level, but this requires absolute trust.

And if she succeeds, she can turn around and help Chu Yuan.

This is helping each other.

"With me here, this group of people will not succeed." Chu Yuandao, he doesn't mind if there is a chance. "This level is too difficult."

Lingzu was also feeling Chu Yuan's temperament.

The style of Emperor Shenwu is domineering and cruel. Everyone trembles when he is fierce, but when it is mild, he has an eternal dominance. Believing in him will bring eternity to all beings.

This kind of person, once you get along with him and make a promise to you, as long as you don't take the initiative to abandon him, you will never tear your promise.

This is also a place where people can work with confidence.

"I know that the emperor wants to take the eternal and strongest path, but this road is very difficult, especially the eternal level. Everyone wants to be the strongest, but they don’t want others to achieve it. Sometimes, there are The strongest suppresses Eternal Road, but it is the best era."

Ling Zudao.

Now the demons are dancing, and the gods are fighting.

The eternal class hunt down those who are about to become enlightened so that they can live longer.

Once they have the strongest, they can't calmly hunt down.

For the strongest, more will let everyone execute his order, and for the birth of other strong, more will not care and believe in their absolute strength.

"On the Eternal Road, there are enemies everywhere." Chu Yuan just said this.

Lingzu was startled.

Emperor Shenwu has the temperament to become the strongest.

He suddenly thought, "Ling Ancestor, do you know that there is a strong man named Qingmu Changsheng Great Emperor on this eternal road?"

"Emperor Aoki Changsheng?"

The ancestor of the spirit thought for a while, and said: "The emperor should be referring to the emperor of longevity, the eternal blue sky, the eternal life, this is a very ancient powerhouse, living far longer than the holy emperor, the truth, immortality they live It will take a long time, until no one knows what period he was in, how did the emperor think of him."

"It's nothing, I'm just curious about many ancient powerhouses."

Chu Yuan knew that Emperor Qingmu Changsheng was the great enemy of longevity, eternal grade.

The once-appearing Emperor Aoki Changsheng should also be the reincarnation of a certain will similar to Tu Meng.

"Emperor Changsheng, I know him a little bit, and I built a palace for him in my spiritual world. He is using his own law to live a long time."

Lingzu didn't think much.

Next, they continued to shuttle in Shenzhou time and space.

The closer the place is to the Sea of ​​Origin, the stricter the blockade of the two major forces, and infinite restrictions have been set up. As long as someone touches these restrictions, they will be spotted immediately, and the strong will be sent to siege.

"There is divine consciousness sweeping over!"

The ancestors keenly perceive, "The Gods of the Other Shore and the Gods of Pure Land have created special artifacts that simulate eternal divine thoughts like a brain, sweeping all the time, and eyeballs that penetrate the infinite crystal wall. There are almost no dead ends. ."

"It's okay, follow me."

Chu Yuandao.

A divine mind swept across, and in his eyes there was a dazzling light, but what surprised the ancestor was that this divine mind passed through directly, and he couldn't find his location at all.

"Eternal time and space, mirrored flowers and moon, dreamlike phantoms, inside and outside the mirror, make yourself unreal."

Lingzu looked out, and then smiled: "Okay, there is an emperor, this time it's much simpler, but in addition to divine consciousness, some places have also set up attack prohibitions, and the long years of reinforcement are endless."

"No matter how much restriction it is, as long as it is defense, it can't be perfect. They can't block this Eternal Shenzhou."

Chu Yuan's eyes saw through all restrictions.

Lingzu, Old Man Xuantian doesn't need to think about other things, just follow him.

Sometimes, there are teams of law enforcement teams searching.

In order not to disturb them, Chu Yuan did not take action either.

"It's too easy." Elder Xuantian sighed. "The sea of ​​origin is coming."

Chu Yuan stopped suddenly.

Looking at the dense space-time crystals ahead, he vaguely saw a huge ocean with a special power.

"Other time and space, we can get away, but when we reach the sea of ​​origin, we will definitely be known by them." Chu Yuan said.

"Since I'm here, I won't be afraid of them here."

Ling Zu laughed.

"Go, let's go in."

As soon as Chu Yuanchao walked forward, time and space separated in front of him.

After passing through this space and time, he saw an extremely magnificent scene.

The Sea of ​​Origin is really like a sea, with an extremely vast area, intertwined light, mist rising up, and extremely dreamy water light.

The bright spots of light seemed to construct a mysterious and dreamy place.

This is the sea of ​​origin.

The seawater in the Origin Sea is full of pure energy, containing the fluctuations of origin, and can nurture everything.

The entire time and space in Shenzhou exists because of it. UU reading www.

Regardless of how calm the Origin Sea is, if someone tries to control it, terrible killings will erupt.

"That era is really amazing, everyone can unite, extremely powerful, but there is no right way."

Chu Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

Surrounding the sea of ​​origin, the soil was also constructed with great magic power.

On those soils, there were many visions, colorful, and when I looked carefully, there were actually sacred trees and sacred medicines, all absorbing the origin of dreams.

On the soil, many cities have been built.

In the city, there are a large number of creatures, day and night at the sea of ​​Origin, watching the dreamy picture, absorbing its energy, and the magic medicine nourished by sea power, how can it not be strong.

The light is the power of breathing the sea, and you won't be violent if you don't force control.

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