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Dachang Dynasty is also a place of fertility and prosperity.

However, with the chaos of a region, there were smoke and flames everywhere, and the war was full of flames, and there were corpses everywhere, blood flowing into rivers.

The Demon Abyss Legion came in a horizontal line.

Now that it has been pushed to the territory of the Dachang Imperial City, I saw that the city was broken, countless strong men were beheaded, and the sound of crying and fighting was everywhere, which was terrible.

Dachang imperial city, gathering place of Dachang national fortune.

At this moment, although there were only tens of millions of Demon Abyss soldiers attacking the imperial city, all of them were powerful primordial spirits, and they had already breached Dachang imperial city and entered the city.

Although Emperor Dachang transferred the last strong man of the dynasty to the imperial city, the Demon Abyss Legion was too terrifying, and the soldiers were extremely high-quality. The same could achieve one to ten, and even dozens of them could not beat one of them.

"Damn it! Where did your Demon Abyss Legion come from? This emperor has never offended you, so why should we kill people in our country!"

At this moment, the Emperor Dachang relied on the power of Qi Yun's national line to make his strength barely reach the position of God, glaring at the two men who were as powerful as demon gods.

The strength of these two men is true God's position, and the momentum is monstrous!

"It's a small four-star dynasty, without even a **** position, so I would dare to call myself a four-star dynasty. It's ignorant. This hanging space is really small. Killing all the way, I haven't encountered any real masters. It's really boring. "

These two men looked down on the Emperor Dachang in their bones, as if breaking a Dachang dynasty was just the most trivial thing for them.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense with this mortal man, Jiao Chong, after killing him, the next goal is a big earthquake, so that you can quickly open up the road to attack Dawu, I heard that Emperor Wu has some strength, Being able to kill the gods and possessing several spiritual artifacts is a good hunting target."

One of them is manly.

"You are right, our mission this time is to open up the road to Dawu. When the commander-in-chief breaks through the Hanging Dynasty, he will send troops to kill Dawu. At that time, the entire Hanging Realm belongs to my Demon Abyss Dynasty. We people You can also be the master of this small domain."

While speaking, the two gods simultaneously killed the Emperor Dachang.

The terrifying Demon Abyss aura climbed every inch and permeated the entire imperial city.

One of these two people is at the first level of the gods, and the other is at the second level of the gods, but their power is stronger than the gods of the hanging space. I am afraid that the first level of the gods can fight against the existence of the Great Shock Lord.


Emperor Dachang looked back at the imperial city, his expression resolute, and he would never retreat!

He wrapped the power of the Qiyun national line to make his strength reach its peak, and the huge national fortune suddenly suppressed.

"Garbage, the national fortune of a four-star dynasty can be broken at any time."

But at the next moment, a cold light shot from the eyes of the divine position, and with a wave of his palm, the blow that Emperor Dachang made with his best efforts was easily destroyed.

He waved away a palm print with his hand, and the power of God's position turned Dachang Imperial City into ruins.

"The Demon Abyss is here!"

In an instant, the **** came to the front of Emperor Dachang, and slapped it, like a destructive devil, exploding on Emperor Dachang's body, making him bloody, and the power of the national destiny gathered would collapse.

"Even if the emperor dies, he will die in this imperial city, coexist and die with Dachang!"

Emperor Dachang's eyes were sad, looking up at the **** Dachang Imperial City, and roaring.

He has death in his heart, knowing that today is doomed, Dachang will become history forever, and I am afraid that the entire suspended space will be completely destroyed.

"I hate... I hate my powerlessness, the glory will be destroyed for thousands of years!"

When the Emperor Dachang laughed miserably, the power of Qi Yun's national veins also burned with him, and the whole person was as dazzling as the shining sun in the sky, in exchange for the most beautiful and brilliant moment.

"Want to die together? You have this qualification too!"

The two powerful gods of the Demon Abyss Legion saw that Emperor Dachang wanted to burn the jade and stone, and sneered, and shot at the same time.

The power of the divine position immediately hit the Emperor Dachang, and two extremely cold auras made his power unable to gather.

"Could it be impossible for me to burn all the jade and stone?"

Emperor Dachang said miserably.

"The only thing you can do with such **** before us is to destroy the nation!"

These two gods disdain.

"is it?"

At this moment, a wave of supreme emperor's might spread from the void, as if an ancient holy emperor appeared!

On a chariot, a figure came over and said coldly, "Is there? Whose clan do you want to destroy?"

"who are you?"

Chu Yuan's appearance was too strong, making the faces of these two powerhouse gods appear solemn, this person is definitely a powerhouse in the airspace.

"I heard that you are going to build a channel next to destroy our martial arts. Don't you even know who I am?"

Chu Yuan looked down at the existence of these two gods.

"Emperor Wu, you are here..."

Lord Dachang saw Chu Yuan's arrival, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"You are Emperor Wu!"

After these two gods realized the arrival of Emperor Wu, their expressions suddenly changed, and then they grinned and said: "I heard that you are also a legend in the hanging space, and even the existence of the gods can be killed, but this is nothing remarkable, this **** in the hanging space The position is too weak, far inferior to my Demon Abyss Legion."

In an instant, with the summons of these two gods, there were hundreds of masters of Yunshen flying high in the sky, all with a strong aura, not comparable to those of ordinary dynasties.

"Emperor Wu, they are so many and powerful, we are not his opponent!" Emperor Dachang said anxiously.

You know, the combat power of this Demon Abyss Legion is too terrifying, and the Four-Star Dynasty looks like paper in front of them.

"It's okay, I want to see how good they are!"

Chu Yuan's expression was indifferent. He took a step forward, suddenly opened his five fingers, flicked a flick, and the five Qi Jin came out in the air, falling into the hundreds of Yun Shen, and suddenly swept like five sharp swords. I saw a dozen people directly exploded and turned into blood mist.

The expressions of the two great gods have changed drastically. Even if they are gods, it is impossible to kill the strong gods with the flick of their fingers.

"kill him!"

Although the existence of the two great gods was surprised, they did not panic, and immediately these hundreds of people besieged Chu Yuan and left.

"Raiden sanctions!"


The thick thunder and lightning beams of buckets are densely packed, falling like a violent storm, and the master of the gods of the Demon Abyss Dynasty can't resist the power of thunder and lightning.

The blood mist burst everywhere, and the masters of the Demon Abyss Legion were arrogant and arrogant before, but at this moment, they actually looked like ants and were slaughtered by Chu Yuan.

After just a few breaths, the area of ​​thunder and lightning sanctions still exists, but there are no traces of the hundreds of corpses.

"Dead.... They are all dead!"

Emperor Dachang saw this scene with cold hands and feet. He knew that Chu Yuan was very strong, but he had never thought of being strong in this realm.

Those are hundreds of Yun Shen, together, they can even fight for the existence of the gods, just like that.

Shockingly, Chu Yuan directly killed hundreds of Yun Shen's horror scene, also caused the two great gods to have a dramatic change, and said with a big shock: "How is it possible, how can his strength be so terrifying, falling into a few hundred. In Yunshen, even I might die, but he can kill with a few fingers!"

"It's not good, the news is wrong, this Emperor Wu's strength is far beyond imagination, **** it must be reported to the commander in chief, he is very likely to be more difficult than the Hanging Dynasty!"

Seeing the terrifying strength of Chu Yuan, these two gods hurriedly issued the order to retreat ~www.ltnovel.com~ alone, shaking up a large army!


Chu Yuan saw that these two people wanted to escape, and in a flash, he appeared next to the gods.

Five fingers grabbed his head abruptly, and under the power of the God of War, the entire head and body burst instantly.

"Ah! You actually killed Jiao Chong!"

The divine position's dual catalog was about to split, making a roar.

"Great swallowing technique, swallow!"

The godlike duality was still running away, but a terrifying whirlpool appeared behind him, and the monstrous suction directly sucked him into the whirlpool, almost instantly disappearing completely.

"Two powerful gods with terrifying power were killed like this?"

Emperor Dachang has stood still, unimaginable.

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