With the invincible general trend and infinite energy, driven by these various factors, Chu Yuan finally ascended to the ninth level.

This breakthrough, Chu Yuan himself also spent a lot of effort, paving the way for a long time, before it was truly accomplished.

And this time, the extreme sublimation was also very calm.

Although everyone in the world saw his brilliant and invincible vision, they just thought he was cultivating, and would not expect him to break through a realm quietly.

This is the sublimation of one's own power.

At the nine-fold realm, Chu Yuan could clearly feel that his own strength was doubling, and a wave of mana would have the power of a full blow before.

His flesh and blood are shining, and every flesh and blood contains a thick divine, terrifying eternal substance.

It is no exaggeration to say that a drop of his blood, a piece of flesh and blood is a real potent medicine, which can make life immortal.

The stronger the stronger, the greater the nature of life will change.

His expression was neither sad nor happy, as if he should have reached this state, and after his breakthrough, the immediate crisis was directly resolved.

With the strength that he has just ascended now, even though it is impossible to be truly invincible in the world, he will not be afraid of any eternal level attacking him and cannot defeat him.

If Niluan Tianzun dared to enter his path alone at this time, his fate would be extremely miserable.

"How I wish now that someone would dare to enter my path and use an eternal grade to test my mana."

Chu Yuan had endless intent to kill at this moment.

Although he broke through to the ninth level, one step away from the eternal level, after all, there was no real battle.

For ordinary people to break through to the Ninth Realm, the next step is to comprehend and determine their own way out, but Chu Yuan has realized it in advance, and this does not need to waste time.

All he has to do is continue to pave the way.

"What is the realm of the eternal level, but it is not a true eternal god. A true eternal **** can be beheaded, but it will not be bothered by eternal calamity."

The higher the realm, the more you can experience the suppression of heaven and earth.

Although he hasn't really reached this state yet, the world's supernatural power made him understand that it is not those people who are incapable, but that the eternal rules are preventing suppression.

The eternal life yuan is immortal, and their existence is a huge threat to the operation of the eternal rules, and only the next calamity will completely destroy them.

"The essence of the Eternal Road is unknown, because no one can transcend the Eternal Road and see its face in its entirety. All living creatures are born eternally, and all living creatures live in the Eternal Road, drawing its energy, and it is difficult to jump. Come out, unless you jump out, you can see the whole picture."

Chu Yuan became more and more aware.

This may be the reason why it cannot be eternal.

If you want eternity, you must see through the essence of the eternal road.

"Ding! The host completes the side mission, breaks through the ninth level of the Origin God, and obtains 9 billion fate points, the original healing potion sublimation level x9, the supernatural fruit 155072, the original artifact advanced card, the eternal level artifact mysterious yellow **** armor, the origin **** pill x9, Chaos of Three Thousand Avenues, Gate of Chaos x1, Random Lottery Chance x1."

"Ding! The current side mission has been released, breaking through the eternal level!"

The moment he broke through the ninth realm, system rewards were also issued at the same time.


An extremely bright brilliance flashed in Chu Yuan's eyes: "It does not belong to the eternal road, it seems to be a more supreme system rule, not the rule of this eternal road."

The system has always existed since he cultivated.

It does not know how it exists.

The stronger the cultivation base, the more you can realize its horror and mystery.

Chu Yuan has been studying the system for so many years, and gradually gained some experience, just like the system space, with his current strength, he can't know how big it is.

This feeling is very strange, as if it is infinite and has no boundaries.

And now the eternal road is almost infinite, and no one knows its margins.

Chu Yuan didn't think much, the secrets were always revealed little by little, and now he regarded the system as a tool to assist him.

Yes, it is to use the system as a tool, and to control it is what Chu Yuan should do most.

At this time he looked at the system reward.

Eternal artifact, mysterious yellow **** armor!

This is a dark yellow armor, filled with mysterious brilliance, heavy and simple colors, with the emperor's supreme temperament, and every thread on it is engraved with eternal Dao patterns.

Chu Yuan's mind moved slightly.

With a palm of his hand, he slammed on the mysterious yellow divine armor, and suddenly there was no storm that would destroy the sky and the earth, and his power was absorbed and dissolved by this armor.

A very powerful defensive artifact, containing indestructible power, can resolve eternal attacks.

Worthy of being an eternal artifact.

Of course, no matter how strong the defensive artifact is, it can only be passively beaten. Only the opponent who attacks and destroys everything is the emperor's way.

However, this is also Chu Yuan's first eternal artifact.

After he truly breaks through the eternal level, Shenwu Shenjian can also evolve.


The door of chaos!

This is also an extremely powerful Three Thousand Dao magical power.

Chu Yuan slammed the door of chaos. He opened his five fingers and made a great chaos technique. It was immediately chaos in time and space, chaos in power, chaos in laws, and a power that made people completely confused.

Such as the strangest soul chaos.

Originally a very wise person, when chaos arrives, he will kill another person and control him invisible.

The appearance of the mysterious yellow **** armor and the Great Chaos technique increased his strength.

He put on the black and yellow divine armor as the inner armor, and the outside still represented his majesty imperial robe. The deep black color, solemn and solemn, had endless murderous aura, representing his aura.

"Eternal Killing Array..."

His extremely fierce gaze pierced the entire eternal killing array, sweeping the sky overwhelmingly, seeming to see the most mysterious eternal temple.

He was slightly clear in his heart.

"For now, ignore the Eternal Temple."

Although Chu Yuan had a way to find the mysterious eternal temple, but at this moment he didn't have the intention to look for him slowly.

He looked at the progress of the task of guarding the Second City for 100,000 years. Even 10,000 years had not passed, and there was still an extremely long time.

"What we have to do now is Liwei. After UU reading www.uukanshu.com is calm, we must make big moves. We must take the initiative to break the plans and deployments of others, instead of waiting foolishly for others to call the door."

Chu Yuan's tone was cold.

"The end of eternity."

His main task now is to reach the end of eternity, but he doesn't know where the end of eternity is, and no one has reached the real end.

Eternity cannot be truly infinite, it must have its end.

Chu Yuan wanted to cross the eternal road once and go as far as possible. However, he now faces many opponents. Before that, he must be shown his strength.

This time, his strength is exploding, and he will inevitably shock more powerhouses.

"I choose you."

Chu Yuan left the Second City in one step, and he wanted to gather more invincible trends.

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