Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1907: Hongmeng's speculation

Hongmeng uses his path as a sandbox to deduct eternal Taoism.


Hongmeng's expression moved slightly, not knowing Lushan, but knowing the meaning of Chu Yuan's words.

"I am indeed deducing, but the deduction is always guessing, and my own conjectures cannot see the whole picture."

Hongmeng sighed lightly. Everything is on paper, but his strength is getting stronger and stronger in this kind of deduction. Many people know his mysterious and powerful.

"This is also something that can't be helped. The reason is simple, but it is difficult to break the truth." Chu Yuan said.

"Yeah, there is no way."

Hongmeng said: "In my eternal road, every epoch will also explode with great calamity, and those who fail to reach the original gods die immediately, and I also let them go through the calamity in the Hongmeng universe."

"Looking at the leopard in the tube." Chu Yuan said.

"Actually, I also have a few thoughts, the emperor would you like to listen."

Hongmeng is like a scholar, he is willing to share what he has studied with others.

"I am very interested."

Chu Yuandao.

"My first guess is that Eternal Road is an infinitely huge world, expanding and expanding continuously. It is not that it has no margins, but the speed of its expansion. We can't keep up, so we think it is infinite, but in fact it has boundaries. Yes, it’s just that our speed cannot reach its boundary."

Hongmeng continued: "I used to spend more than a dozen epochs flying all the time, and never reached the edge. Every time the epoch changes, it is like an expansion."

Like Hongmeng, Chu Yuan did not have that leisurely sentiment.

"It is possible. In my universe, I have deliberately expanded, and the Origin God is exploring, but still can't catch up with the speed of my expansion."

Hongmeng puts the theory into the sandbox to deduct it.

He is the master of his sandbox.

"It's possible, but there are some contradictions."

Chu Yuandao.

Perhaps in heaven and earth, they themselves are extremely small, like dust.

"The other is that the eternal road we live on is actually the eternal sandbox world opened up by an extremely powerful god. Just like an old man, I am the creator of my sandbox, and I can change all the laws. If you can't be eternal, you can't be eternal, and you can't escape the creator's cultivation base!"

What Hongmeng said was amazing.

Everyone who can cultivate to the eternal level is unique in the world, and who can accept that the world in which they live is opened up by a greater powerhouse. They are just beings who are watched by others and raised in captivity, with every word and deed. All under the control of others.

If the truth is so, then the hearts of the strong will collapse and cannot accept it.

Chu Yuan was silent.

He looked at the creatures of the Hongmeng Universe, stretched out his palms and opened them, there is a dream world, deduced countless creatures.

He shook his hand casually, the life was gone, and then he said, "This is also possible."

Hongmeng looked at Shenwu, not shaken by his own guess, secretly praised the firmness of his heart, and continued: "I have one last thought. Will Eternal Road itself be a special kind of life body, and it is also The living is a universe-like creature, it is also cultivating, it is also strengthening itself."

"The three speculations are all reasonable."

Chu Yuan calmly said: "This actually already contains the essence of eternally possible existence."

He nodded, Hongmeng had already included many possibilities.

"Guessing is always guessing. What can I do even if I guess correctly? Isn't there no way to break the shackles?"

Hongmeng said: "I wonder if the emperor has this idea."

"Regardless of eternity, in my eyes, it is like a circle, and we are all in this circle."

Chu Yuan drew a circle with his fingers.


Hongmeng calmed down first, and then admired: "The emperor understands well. The circle also represents an infinite cycle. The epochs are not an infinite cycle.

Only then did you have this insight in less than one era of cultivation.

"If you want to break the circle, first control the circle. If the circle can't control it, how can you talk about detachment?"

Chu Yuan asked back.

"That's why the emperor will fight for the strongest."

Hongmeng Road.

"Yes, the path of the strongest is not allowed to be delayed, and facing such a person, the only means I give him is direct destruction."

Chu Yuan's tone was cruel and indifferent, "Hongmeng, I don't know what you think."

"My thoughts are very simple. Whoever is the strongest has nothing to do with me. I am indifferent and have no interest in fighting for hegemony. The Holy Emperor has become the strongest. Will he be eternal? To break through his life, the same did not succeed, and the gods did not fall in the same way, leaving only his own magic, so becoming the strongest may not be eternal."

"I will not participate in battles. Simple battles cannot last forever. I will only study and comprehend, but if anyone can really open up an eternal path, I will not hesitate to participate in it, even if my body is broken."

"Even if I can't be eternal, but even if it allows me to see the hope of eternity."

Hongmeng's meaning is clear.

He will not participate in the battle, let alone drag Chu Yuan back, but at the same time he will fight for the strongest hegemony, Hongmeng will not help him either.

He had already seen through the struggle.

But there is one thing.

If Chu Yuan blazed a path for eternity, Hongmeng would also join in and devote his wisdom and strength, and even his life.

What the strongest.

It's just a passing moment, like a castle in the air, not real.

He has no interest at all.

He has great strength, why not hegemony the strongest, he sees it through, this is useless.

"I remember your words."

Chu Yuan continued to watch the operation of Hongmeng Universe.

Next, Chu Yuan stayed in the Hongmeng Universe for a while.

Hongmeng gave Chu Yuan a great feeling.

Although Chu Yuan lived far less than Hongmeng, his domineering personality and mysterious system can often give sharp answers, causing Hongmeng to nod constantly.

Communicating with the strong is a matter of Hongmengle's opinion.

Therefore, Hongmeng's reputation is actually very good in many eternal levels.

Of course, also because of his strength, few people dared to offend him.

In this conversation, Chu Yuan's strength was also growing.

"Hongmeng, your insights from the long epoch have given me a lot of inspiration. I can feel that my eternal road has grown a lot. Flowers are not flowers, fog is not fog, and cultivation is a reality."

Chu Yuan was about to bid farewell to Hongmeng.

"Communicating with the emperor, UU reading, I also learned a lot. If the emperor has something to ask me to inspire this grand order, I can feel it."

Hongmeng was silent for a while, and then said: "If the emperor really blazes a trail for eternity, I will do everything I can. I have lived long enough, and the time I can last will not be long."

he knows.

This time, because of Chu Yuan's appearance, the eternal road changed again. He was extremely eager for someone to blaze a real path at the end of his life.

He is not afraid of death.

He was so afraid that even if he died, he could not see the true eternity, and all his efforts were wasted.

Therefore, he opened up Hongmeng Academy to pass on his own insights.

"There will be."

Chu Yuan bid farewell to Hongmeng and returned directly to the Second City.

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