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The invincibility of Emperor Shenwu and the impending breakthrough of the Spirit Ancestor gave them too much pressure.

They clearly knew that it was impossible for the Lingzu to reach the eternal level, and if she became the eternal level, their situation would become extremely difficult if she joined the battlefield.

As the opponent said, there will be several beheaded.

Their hearts have fallen and decayed, and they have long since paid attention to such things as faces.

None of them want to die.


Three statues are about to exit the battlefield at this moment.

"Can you still run? You don't die, how can I become enlightened!"

Chu Yuan's eternal sky suddenly shrouded and spread, and his path truly appeared. In an instant, the torrent of dimensional time and space imposed an invincible seal and enveloped them in his power.

"The power of the eternal road!"

As soon as these three statues were enveloped by Chu Yuan's eternal road, their expressions changed drastically.

The realm of the other party is too weird, that eternal road already possesses terrifying power, they clearly feel that this person seems to be an alien, turning himself into eternity.

His eternity is his eternity, which is completely different from the eternal way.

Chu Yuan has made great progress after so many years of insight.

"He wants to kill us!"

Niluan Tianzun was trembling, and they also became prey. This person also deliberately made multiple eternal grades staring at him, suddenly came here, unable to react.

At this time, Chu Yuan had infinite divine light, and he was like a furnace of heaven and earth. He killed it with a single blow and smashed into the place where the three statues were standing, and a monstrous explosion occurred.

The three statues were swept by a fierce explosion storm, as if they were pierced by infinite sharp blades, and there was pain and ferociousness on their faces.

"Fight out!"

They no longer dared to fight directly with Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan grabbed it with big hands, crossing time and space, the time and space of Tianzun Niluan who ran out first froze, shaking violently, and hitting him with a palm.


Chu Yuan strode forward, not giving them a chance to react. There was thunder in his palm, and the horrible aura surged. The oppression it brought was too strong, and time and space were frozen.

The Flame God roared and confronted Chu Yuan, banging, and the force of the detonation slammed him out.

The big ending!

Chu Yuan's transformation, the light of the dusk became colder and colder, a dark yellow sun rose, and the power of the end swept over, as if to wipe out their lives.

This force represents the end of the eternal class.

At this moment, the three statues actually felt the smell of fall.

"He is going to end our lives!"

At this moment, the three statues were involuntarily trembling, and they felt fear in their hearts, as if they heard the bell of death, mourning them.

The confrontation in a short period of time forced them into an extremely dangerous situation.

"Hurry up, even if the most fundamental source is consumed, you can't continue fighting with him, otherwise you will definitely die!"

They are scared.

Three divine brilliance soared into the sky, all of them inspiring their strength to the strongest.

"The end of eternity."

Chu Yuan step by step, the world trembled, he looked down at the three deities, the majesty of the supreme overlord, his palm carried the light of the evening, and the fall of the gods.

This split seemed to have no explosive sound, but it was weakening the power of the three statues.

Then he came directly in front of Yan God, and his indifferent eyes turned towards him, making him feel the fear in his bones, and the flames would be extinguished.

Afterwards, Yan Shen was swept away by Chu Yuan's hand and flew out.

Yan Shen's heart trembled.


They tried their best to break through Chu Yuan's blockade and rush towards the sky, but when they flew out, his path was the eternal sky, infinitely high, and they couldn't escape no matter how high they were.

Making eternity by oneself, as if making two emperors appear in an empire, is also Chu Yuan's eternal law.

"He turned his own way into his eternal heaven!"

Feeling the horror of Chu Yuan, there is a big horror, this has not yet reached the eternal level, if it is really, it will be fine.

Watching them rush out of their way.

Chu Yuan was unparalleled, he suppressed it with one hand, and rumbling, the gate of eternity appeared, the power of horror, the soul and body were about to explode and crush.

"Don't force us and you desperately!"

Yan Shen was under the pressure, gasped and screamed angrily. Unexpectedly, he would have this day.

"I open up eternity and sweep all decay."

There are great wishes in Chu Yuan's words.

The three of them are rotten, should not exist, should be destroyed.

They were angry and fearful. They lost all their brilliance in front of him, like rotten corpses, to be swept away in the dust of history.

"Won't let you succeed!"

Ni Luan Tianzun had just finished saying this, but Chu Yuan had already arrived in front of him.

He raised the palm of his hand, and immediately slashed on Ni Ran's body. There was a splash of blood, and the entire body of Ni Ran Tianzun exploded, terrible.

This strength is absolute suppression.

As soon as his eyes condensed, there was a freezing storm, making him tremble.

What is not supposed to exist should not exist, or it is best to destroy it.

It is conceivable how powerful he is to make the Eternal Grade so timid.

He continued to attack, giving them the most devastating blow.

"I did it with you!"

The flame **** is like a flame, the huge flame **** body, when there is an eternal fire path, it burns completely, waving the flame **** halberd.


When the Flame God was desperately desperate, a huge stone appeared in the sky, directly descending from the sky, blasting three divine lights, all shining on the body of the Flame God.

The past, the present, and the future seem to be shining out.

No, Yan Shen has no future, and his future has been obliterated by Chu Yuan.

"this is!"

As soon as Yan God saw this stone, he saw his past and present, and all his secrets were revealed and engraved in the eternal rules.

Seeing this vision, Chu Yuan gradually learned a lot.

To transcend eternity, something must be done, that is, to cut off one's own destiny and leave the eternal road.

"The **** that shines on Sansheng, this is Sanshengshi!"

Yan Shen saw his future as soon as he saw the three-life stone, that is, the Emperor Shenwu executed the cruelest beheading on him.

The power of the three-life stone finally came down~www.ltnovel.com~ The Emperor Shenwu urged the three-life stone, and it was suppressed at once, and the Flame God had no way to resist, the flames all over his body were extinguished steadily.

Chu Yuan turned his hands into clouds and covered his hands into rain.

The final extermination.

When the Sansheng Stone is pressed down, it is like a mountain falling down, booming! After all, Yan Shen completely exploded and collapsed.

After he exploded, it turned into an innumerable meteor shower and flew out.

With Chu Yuan's strength, all time and space are under control.

All these meteor fire rains were gathered in his palm, announcing the fall of the flame god, and there was no way to survive.

And after Yan Shen was beheaded, Dan Lu's promotion reminder also resounded.

Sure enough, it takes eternal blood to promote it to the origin artifact.

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