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The three demon beheaded, and life ends.

Lingzu also reached the eternal level afterwards. Looking at the battle that had stopped, she couldn't hide the shock in her heart. Even if she saw too much shock, today's scene was too incredible.

Originally, she planned, Emperor Shenwu stopped one or two people, but waited for her to break through and besieged together.

However, who would have thought that Emperor Shenwu would have the power of the world to directly kill the three statues and end the battle.

This kind of supernatural power can already be called invincible.

She looked at Chu Yuan as if watching the appearance of the strongest man.

"The imperial means shocked me."

The ancestor of the spirit admires himself.

"The path of the strongest is to be paved with eternal blood. Our greatest opponent is not all the strong on the path of eternity, but eternity itself."

Chu Yuan looked up and said, "Ling Ancestor, you also achieved the eternal level today."

"Yes, although it is the eternal level, I cannot achieve it without the protection of the emperor. Therefore, my achievement depends on the emperor. Today, I can see the fall of the three eternal levels."

The ancestor of the spirit made a decision, saying: "If the emperor wants to control the entire eternity, let my spirit world join in and become an eternal part of the empire."

Lingzu didn't say to join the empire directly.

However, she is also willing to join Chu Yuan's eternal road, guarding this road, the meaning of which is also very clear, she can become the military deployment of the empire and contribute to Chu Yuan.

"I naturally welcome, I build the fifth city in the spirit world."

Chu Yuandao, he was very satisfied with Lingzu's decision. Although it was not a direct imperial courtier, he could also transfer Lingzu.

The main reason was that he sheltered the spirit ancestor today and killed the three deities, which shocked her too much.

"The Fifth City, good."

Lingzu nodded, and she immediately let her subordinates start building the city.

Chu Yuan was shocked, and with his power, he connected the spirit world and the empire's qi using great supernatural powers. From now on, there is no spiritual world door, and they can be freely transmitted.

"The emperor is eternal, and I am the eternity in the eternal road of the emperor."

Of course Lingzu wanted to escape from herself like Chu Yuan, but she also understood that she couldn't do it with her strength.

Chu Yuan said, "When things here spread out, there will be a big storm."


The smooth breakthrough of the ancestor of the spirits made people expect very bad things.

After the news was ascertained, everyone was quiet, Niluan, Yan God, and Xuanzun's three eternal levels were all dead, and they were beheaded by the Emperor Shenwu.

How can this be.

This is eternal level.

How could it be so fragile, beheaded just like this, so that no one else would react.

Emperor Shenwu defeated one person is not terrible, defeated three people is not terrible, and even beheaded one person is not terrible, but beheaded three consecutive, it is too terrible.

Although Niluan is an ordinary eternal level, the eternal level is the eternal level. How can life be so fragile.

Shenwu Emperor's methods have reached the point where it is hard to predict.

The world is shocked, and his reputation is extolled everywhere. He has become the most brilliant person in the universe.

"How could Emperor Shenwu be so powerful? Niluan, Xuanzun, Yanshen, they are all eternal grade, but if they were beheaded, they would be beheaded. How did he do it?"

"He hadn't been so strong before, and it is certain that he has not survived the eternal calamity."

"He set up a trap, deliberately waiting for them to drill."

The major eternal ranks can't calm down, they are dead at the moment, and they may die next time, the gods and martial arts are domineering, and they will die if they stop them.

"Even the Holy Emperor, Zhu Tian, ​​Pan Shen and the others, they have the ability to kill the same realm after breaking through the eternal level."

The **** record made people tremble.

With the strength to kill the eternal level, no one can calm down.

"No, absolutely not, let him be the strongest!"

The spirits of many powerful people are colliding.

The growth of Shenwu's strength was beyond expectations. It was an astonishing speed. Originally, I wanted to wait for the most secure strength, but now, almost every appearance of him will bring amazing shocks.

But some people want to deal with Shenwu right now, but his strength, going to a few statues, is to die.

"We can't let it go anymore. We must make every effort to contact all the eternal grades that can be contacted. It is best to exist when the ancient eternal grade appears!"

"I know that the ancient eternal-level holy emperor will definitely make a move. If he doesn't make a move, the divine martial arts dominate, he will definitely die!"

"There are poison ancestors, soul ancestors and them."

"Yes, in the shortest possible time, a devastating blow to Shenwu!"

Many strong people have acted.

If you change to the previous years and see Shenwu's world-wide power, you may give up your ideas, and becoming the strongest will allow him to achieve him.

But many people know.

Shenwu’s path is terrible, and once he has achieved it, many people will really have no way to survive.

In addition.

There are other shocks.

The spirit ancestor succeeded in breaking through, and under the protection of Shenwu, the hunters who came to kill were also beheaded.

Many people like Ruyuan hate this kind of hunting of others to the extreme.

"The Emperor Shenwu has the power to protect others and enlightenment. The current situation is more shaken than ever, and we may also fall. It is better to directly rely on Shenwu."

Some people want to go directly to Chu Yuan.

Others think that the situation is chaotic, and too many eternal ranks have to deal with Shenwu, so there will definitely not be much time for other people to pay attention.

When it became more chaotic, they took advantage of the situation to attack.

No matter what these people think, Chu Yuan's reputation as the strongest has been established.

"The emperor is invincible, the mighty power of the world!"

Within the empire, everyone was very excited and excited, and the emperor already had the strength to kill the eternal level.

And they will be glorified with the emperor.

Although their strength is nothing in front of the emperor, each person has his own role and can contribute his own role.

It is also because, after this incident, countless people are migrating towards the Shenwu Empire, hoping to be protected by the Empire.

"The spirit ancestor breaks through, and I have to seize the opportunity to achieve eternity!"

Yuan, who had always been calm, also clenched his palms at this moment. He knew that soon there would be a battle of eternal siege to the empire, but his current strength was not enough to join in.

He wants to fight it once.

This era is the most critical ~www.ltnovel.com~ the emperor's glory, I will follow the glory, my life has been closely linked with the empire! "

Yuan Shen understood this.

"Are there any big moves?"

When Chu Yuan stepped inside the empire, he knew all these movements and quietly. This was what they should have been. Because of his powerful strength, they had long since turned from fear to fear.


Chu Yuan didn't care!

Killing the three statues this time also allowed him to obtain many eternal artifacts.

He seized the way of the three statues and became part of him.

The flame **** was sacrificed, and the other two sources of him turned into billowing energy and flooded the empire.

This is the origin of the eternal level, how abundant and complete, it is enough to shape a large number of powerful people for the empire, and the Origin God will appear in batches.

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