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Chu Yuan's strength made them dare not face it.

This strength is too frightening.

Everyone knows that it would be extremely miserable for a few people alone to fight the Emperor Shenwu Emperor. The strongest existence strength of this kind of hegemony has long exceeded their expectations.

Take a few Zhutian Divine Swords.

They went too fast, and Chu Yuan ignored them.

Chu Yuan continued to search for it, only the last few Divine Slayers were left behind in the depths of heaven and earth. If he hadn't got enough, it would be difficult to find them.

A group of Zhutian Divine Swords are gathering.

"The ninety-ninth God-Zhutian Sword."

Chu Yuan stepped into an ancient relic at this moment.

In front of him, there was the last Divine Sword Sword torn down on a rock. There was blood on the rock, which had not melted away forever, and still kept its bright colors.

This is eternal blood, spattered on it.

Chu Yuan looked at the last one, and he waved all the ninety-eight Divine Swordsman Swords and revealed it, and suddenly it shook like a sword, with infinite killing intent.

When the ninety-nine Heaven-Zhuking Divine Swords gathered together, the most terrifying power would burst out.

And this terrifying power is the will of Emperor Zhutian will reappear.

There was no need for Chu Yuan to urge it specifically, this last divine sword rose directly from the rocks and gathered with the other 98.

Ninety-nine Heaven-Zhuking Divine Swords, after a long epoch, finally came together again.

Lightning and thunder, the sword intent turned into a storm and swept in madness, and every force in it could completely shatter the world.

Suddenly, the strongest will shot out from the Divine Slayer Zhuotian, almost piercing into the boundless sky, creating a cycle of eternity.

A person appeared.

This person is not a real person, he is a will.

I saw that he was a middle-aged man dressed in white with a cold expression. This is the Emperor Zhutian, who has an invincible heart and a will not afraid of everything!

He is not the real body, but the embodiment of will.

The true Emperor Zhutian had long since fallen, but his will remained in the sword.

Emperor Zhutian has gone through the vicissitudes of the ages, he is proud of his heart and is the strongest person, but he did not choose to live like a holy emperor.

Although this character failed, he is worthy of admiration.

Chu Yuan respected him, nodded to him, looked at each other from different time and space, expressing his brave and fearless respect for Emperor Zhutian.

The wind is surging.

The Great Emperor Zhutian had no wisdom of his own for a long time, only the will to fight constantly!

In an instant, ninety-nine Heaven-Zhuking Divine Swords exploded with endless killing intent. In his hands, all the swords turned into one, condensed into a real killing sword.

Don't think that he is not really scary.

His strength can completely kill an eternal class at this moment.

This is the majesty of the strongest. Even if they fall, they are only incarnations, and they still possess powerful terrifying power.

Such the strongest cannot completely treat them as eternal grade, but step into another taboo area.

"Only by suppressing this will, can it be regarded as the real Divine Slayer Sword."

Chu Yuan's power also moved.


Emperor Zhutian holds the sword, which is the most powerful sword move. He smashed with this sword, and there is no leakage of sword energy, but all the strength is concentrated, which is really terrifying.

The power of this sword is too fierce, as if everything can be split in half by him.

Emperor Zhutian didn't actually have any swordsmanship. He just cut or slashed directly. However, this simplicity revealed his power more deeply.

Chu Yuan's eyes evolve endlessly.

He seemed to see that at the last moment behind him, Emperor Zhu Tian burst out with the world's most powerful force, splitting eternity, and finally dying in the tragic eternal rules.

He got it.

The Great Emperor Zhutian also knew that eternity itself was the key to keeping everyone from being able to escape, so he had to use his absolute power to open up a path.

But even the strongest, and all the strong, cannot be stronger than the eternal rules.

In the face of his slaying, Chu Yuan also displayed his power. He rose from the sky with his big hands, and immediately slashed down in the most terrifying posture with a sword.

The power of this sword is extreme.

The ruins are destroyed.

Although eternity is nihility, this sword actually brought about a collapse, beheading the eternal rule.

You know, this is just a cut of his will, if it is his deity, the power is probably ten times more terrifying.

Chu Yuan didn't have any fluctuations in his face, and he immediately resisted this move. If he couldn't stop even a cut of his will, how could he fight for eternity.

The killer moves again.

The Great Emperor Zhutian once again suppressed it with a sword, and the signs of the collapse became stronger and stronger. His will seemed to be sublimated as much as possible, and his strength was maximized.

Chu Yuan used the power of the current deity, the power of one blow, and the eternal sky turned into a power of heaven, which directly suppressed the eruption of Emperor Zhutian.

Then, he covered it with a palm, and the power of Emperor Zhutian completely disappeared.

In the end this will is illusory.

He is strong, but the end is only the remaining will, and only with the Heaven-Slaying Divine Sword can such power erupt, how can he fight against Chu Yuan during his heyday.

Ninety-nine Zhutian Divine Sword spread out again.

Chu Yuan grabbed the palm of his hand, and these Heaven-Zhuking Divine Swords fell into his domain.

"Ding! The host completes the side mission, collects ninety-nine Zhutian Divine Swords, and gets a reward of 9 billion fate points, the Emperor Zhutian x1, and the random lottery chance x1."

"Emperor Zhutian x1!"

Chu Yuan's expression moved violently.

This time the system reward was actually given to Emperor Zhutian!

The task of collecting the ninety-nine God Swords of Zhuotian was released very early, and it has only been collected now. It can be said that it has been a long time, but I did not expect that this would be given.

"Emperor Zhutian!"

A person appeared in front of Chu Yuan.

His face is arrogant and indifferent, and his temperament is extremely cold. The breath power that he emits is eternal grade. He is exactly the same as the figure that appeared before will, he is the Emperor Zhutian.

Such rewards as the God of Darkness and God of Light will be extremely respectful to him.

But this Emperor Zhutian was different, he didn't have any words, just stood there quietly.

"Eternal strength, possessing all the supernatural powers of Emperor Zhutian, as if it were reproduced."

Chu Yuan looked at this Emperor Zhutian, UU reading www.uukanshu.com already understood, "But he is not the real Emperor Zhutian, just the Emperor Zhutian cloned by the power of the system, with his appearance and supernatural powers. He is not the strongest, he does not have the aura of the strongest Emperor Zhutian."

It is not the real Emperor Zhutian, but just a simulation.

It's like, to create someone who has his appearance, is that Chu Yuan himself?

The Emperor Zhutian in front of him was like the God of Darkness and Light, but it was reproduced with a template, perfectly mimicking Emperor Zhutian.

But that being said.

The strength of Emperor Zhutian in front of him was also extremely terrifying, especially if he handed over the Divine Zhutian Sword to him, it would become Chu Yuan's big killer.

This is not from the summoning, the summoning power disappears, and he also disappears, but it really exists.

The power of the system is tyrannical and mysterious.

Chu Yuan faintly anticipated that perhaps when he broke the eternal curse, he would know the secret of the system.

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