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Chu Yuan's voice contained a wave of heavenly might, which carried the luck of the entire empire.

With his current strength, he could not resist the title of Supreme Humanity.

In their eyes, Chu Yuan was radiant and stalwart, like a holy emperor for thousands of years, and these emperors had become pseudo-emperors.

"Sure enough, as we expected, Emperor Wu wanted to unify the airspace, but is his ambition too big!"

"Yes, his ambitions have not even been achieved by Xing Kong Dynasty for thousands of years!"

The strong gods resisted Chu Yuan's majesty.

Although Chu Yuan's strength is mysterious and powerful in their hearts, obviously if they are willing to give up their position and surrender, this is far from enough.

Even though the record was shocking, the time of Chu Yuan's rise was too short after all.

"Can you see how far Emperor Wu's cultivation level is?" someone asked through a voice transmission.

"I can't see it, it's extremely mysterious and unpredictable, as if shrouded in a layer of chaos, but he was able to kill the five layers of the gods a few months ago, and he should be stronger now? But if you want to make everyone The country must surrender, and the most powerful Damang Dynasty must nod first."

Everyone keeps talking.

"The emperor has an opinion."

At this time, the Emperor Damang swept his eyes around and said coldly: "Emperor Wu, your ambition is big enough. The Demon Abyss Legion has not been expelled, you are delusional to become the master of the airspace. The emperor has a suggestion here, not as good as us. Appoint you as the leader of the nations. After you expel the Demon Abyss Legion, Dawu will be the five-star dynasty of the Hanging Domain. No, it is the Martial Region, just like the previous Hanging Empire. How does that look like?"

"Yes, yes, we all agree with Lord Damang."

"From now on, the Hanging Domain will be the Martial Domain, and the Dawu Dynasty will be the strongest dynasty in the Hanging Domain."

"This suggestion is still excellent."


For them, it makes no difference whether the Five-Star Dynasty is the Hanging Dynasty or the Dawu Dynasty, but if they are allowed to submit, it is unacceptable in their hearts.

"It is good to have an opinion, I accept any opinion, but if there is an opinion, I can also refute it!"

While Chu Yuan was speaking, suddenly, a step came from the throne, and with lightning speed, a golden palm violently suppressed the highest cultivation master Dameng.

He had never thought that he could make these emperors obediently submit with just a few words.

"Emperor Wu!"

Although the Lord Damang didn’t expect Chu Yuan to do anything suddenly, he was already prepared and shouted: "The world is vast!"

Boom! The two forces exploded violently in the Shenwu Temple.

However, the Shenwu Temple was enveloped by national destiny, and if a layer of defensive barrier was formed, it was not damaged.

But the Emperor Damang felt that an unstoppable force exploded in his body, causing him to retreat again and again!

"What! The Eightfold God-level Emperor Damang was defeated with one move!"

Everyone was shocked.

"Emperor Wu, are you trying to defeat people with your strength? Good! In that case, the emperor will accompany you to the end, let me see how strong your strength is!"

The emperor Damang seems to be much taller. Although his dynasty has declined a lot, it is not like other countries.

At this moment, his vigor was shocked, and two palm prints flew out from his hands, and countless brilliance shot like a meteor.


Chu Yuan's body was upright, his eyes shot out the most powerful brilliance, facing the counterattack of the Great Mang Lord, there was no sorrow or joy, the thunder light of sanctions flashed on his body, and the infinite luster, the power intertwined into one The thunder palm of trial and sanction.

The moment this thunder palm flew out, no matter who it was, there was a fear of destruction in the heart.

Big thunder and lightning!

Lei Zhang directly pressed against the Emperor Damang!

The emperor Damang collapsed every inch of his strength. He tried his best to fight back, but found that the law of the gods in his body seemed to be frozen and generally unable to function, and if it was hit by this thunder palm, all the laws would be destroyed.

"The powerful Emperor Damang was actually suppressed in front of Emperor Wu and unable to fight back!"

Seeing that Chu Yuan just slapped his palm lightly, he suppressed the most powerful Emperor Daman among them, and the emotions in his heart were extremely complicated.

"Emperor Wu!"

The Emperor Damang raised his head and shouted!

"Emperor Wu, your ambition is really great. The emperor has not been able to truly unify the Hanging Space for so long, and the kingdoms have been reconciled. And how many years have your great martial arts existed? Just want to complete this step. Is your appetite too big? , You visited the imperial city that day, and today the emperor also visited you."

But at this moment, all of a sudden, the void in the distance shook severely!

A huge palace flew over from a distant place, and it turned out to be the suspended city of the Hanging Dynasty.

Outside the Dawu Imperial City, he stopped and walked out of the eighteen powerful figures, all of which were at the level of gods.

Among the 18 people, there was a middle-aged man wearing a crown and a real dragon robe, with a mighty face.

His cultivation base is much stronger than that of the Emperor Damang, the emperor is rolling, and the divine light escaping from the law of the gods is rolling, and he has reached the nine levels of the gods!

This group of people didn't enter Chu Yuan's imperial city. They obviously saw the oven on that day, and feared that they would be suppressed as soon as they entered.

"Hanging Emperor!"

In the Shenwu Temple, many emperors recognized the existence of this statue and shouted sharply.

Yes, this person is the Hanging Emperor. He has been the emperor for thousands of years, and his cultivation is stronger than any generation of Hanging Emperors.

Although the Hanging Imperial City was destroyed and all the land fell, many of their masters and masters of the gods did not die, but fled with the Hanging City.

"Emperor Wu, won't you come out to see you?" This suspended emperor said.

"A group of mourning dogs who have fallen into the country also dare to come to me presumptuously and hang the emperor in the air. Even your imperial city has fallen, and dare to go wild with me?"

Chu Yuan stepped out and stood in the void, facing the Hanging Dynasty.

The people in the Shenwu Temple also walked out. Although it is not clear what the Hang Kong Emperor is mainly doing, if the two strongest existences in the Hanging Space collide ~www.ltnovel.com~ Today, there will be a good show.

"The strong in the emperor are still there, and the restoration of the country will only happen sooner or later. Abandoning the imperial city is only a temporary retreat."

The suspended emperor was unmoved, said lightly.

He naturally wouldn't let Chu Yuan really dominate the Hanging Domain and replace his Hanging Dynasty as a Five-Star Dynasty.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to think about rebuilding the country.

"Really?" Chu Yuan said coldly: "The so-called retreat is to let your own people be slaughtered by the Demon Abyss Legion. Don't worry about an emperor like you. It just so happens that you come here and save me a lot of time to find. You, if you cut, my prestige is enough to convince everyone."

"How can you be without this emperor for such a lively event in the airspace!"

Several more figures came out of the sky, among them was the Holy Lion the Great, and he also came.

At this time, he sneered: "Emperor Wu, I heard that you want to unify the suspended space and become a five-star dynasty? Let this emperor join in the fun too."

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