Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1932: The killing of Zhu Tian

"I do not believe!"

The voice of the Lord of the Wild is extremely firm.

For a long time, countless Eternal Levels wanted to be detached, but Eternal Shenzhou failed, and the strongest also failed. No one ever succeeded, which made him not believe in Chu Yuan's words at all.

He only knows that if this person becomes the strongest, they will not end well and will be suppressed during his years.

Their original intentions have long been decayed, and like Hongmeng and Tumeng, there are too few who are still searching for eternity. Instead, their kind of kind has become an alien and is not recognized by others.

"I never need you to believe."

After Chu Yuan finished speaking indifferently, he disappeared in front of them.

"The Emperor Shenwu is not in the pill realm, why is he suddenly in the empire, what exactly is he going to do?"

And in the remote places of heaven and earth, the Lord of God's Action was also puzzled. The speed of the time and space transfer was too unbelievable, and he couldn't understand it with his wisdom.

The eternal mark on his body was like a light on his back, he did not dare to shatter it, and could only watch the situation change.

"There are too many magical medicines in the pill realm. I have to go quickly and grab it before others. The eternal gods pill, others can't get it, doesn't mean that I can't get it. The kind of gods will only escape. Goods, also worthy?"

A man straddling time and space, his eyes are cold and sharp, like a blade, exuding a sharp aura, as if everything in the world would be cut in half before him.

He has great confidence in his own strength, and he is bound to win the eternal **** pill.

Although they are all eternal grades, they also have chains of contempt.

Undoubtedly, he looked down upon him like Lord of God.

"Eternal God Pill, I am here, Dan Zu, you are strong, and you have fallen after all. Am I still afraid of you?"

This person is proud.

However, when he was alone on the Eternal Road, a biting breath swept out directly, and then saw the sword light flash, the road ahead of him was immediately cut off.

"Someone is dealing with me, who!"

This person was shocked, and he felt a complete chill with his cultivation.

Later, he saw a person appear in front of him. When he saw the face of this person clearly, his whole person was shaken, with boundless fear, fear in his bones!

This person overlaps with the scary figure in his memory, his breath and his power are exactly the same.

"Emperor Zhutian!"

He was terrified.

He had almost never panicked like this at this moment, the dead Emperor Zhutian actually reappeared again, how he looked at him, this person was the Emperor Zhutian.

The last strongest person was Emperor Zhutian.

The era that the Eternal Grade can span is too long. When Emperor Zhutian became the strongest, he was already at the Eternal Grade.

Emperor Zhutian didn't develop any power.

He suppressed the entire era alone.

At that time, all the eternal grades were obediently hiding in their own way, not daring to appear.

At that time, anyone who dares to scold him will be immediately punishable.

The Great Emperor Zhutian was ruthless and ruthless. Whoever refused to accept him would kill him. No one could respect him, saying that he was not.

He also lives in the shadow of Emperor Zhutian.

Fortunately, Emperor Zhutian didn't last long to suppress it. He went directly to provoke the eternal rules, was suppressed by the entire rule, and finally died.

For a while, he was also confused when seeing Emperor Zhutian.

"It is absolutely impossible to be the Emperor Zhutian. The Emperor Zhutian is dead. This is something that everyone has seen. He cannot be alive. That's right. Not long ago, Emperor Shenwu gathered all Zhutian. Divine Sword, will it be that time when the power of the Divine Sword was stimulated, so this is not the real Emperor Zhutian, but the recovery of his will!"

The person said immediately.

He guessed a little, but he never knew the existence of the system.

"This person is the master of the edge."

Yi Tianzun told Emperor Zhutian the identity of his opponent.

But when the Lord of Edge made a move, Zhu Tian directly killed him. He was indifferent and unfeeling, and the sword in his hand exploded with the power of killing.

As soon as the Lord of Edge saw this sword, even if he was calm, the fear of Emperor Zhu Tian in his soul could not be erased.

It is different from Shenwu.

Emperor Zhutian was truly honored.

His sword was born entirely for killing, slaying all enemy leaders.

Without fancy sword moves, it is just a sword.

The Lord of Edge also roared. He raised his sword and fought against Emperor Zhutian. He was also a magnificent eternal grade, how could he be easily beheaded.

However, Zhu Tian's sword broke all the sharpness, and in front of him, there was nothing to stop it.

The edge confronted him, and he was cut off in an instant, and a blood line cracked in his chest.

Zhu Tian raised his sword and slashed again, counting his swords in succession, breaking the defense of the Lord of Edge. He also focused on offense, but how could his offense be Zhu Tian's opponent.

The two are not at all levels.

With just a few moves, he was stained with blood.

There are also three, six, nine grades in the eternal level, and Emperor Zhutian is undoubtedly the strongest one. Although the current Zhutian is rewarded by the system, he still retains his domineering and killing.

Zhu Tian stood there, staring coldly at the edge. With a single sword, he formed a light of Zhutian divine light, almost slaying the lord of the edge.

In this moment.

The Lord of Edge also realized that this person was not really the Emperor Zhutian, and the real Zhutian tricks could kill him, but he had his **** channel method.

But even so, he is not an opponent.

"you are vicious!"

The Lord of Edge also knew that if he continued to fight, he would definitely be beheaded, and he would run out at this time.

But how could Emperor Zhutian let him go? The order he received was to kill all opponents. Suddenly his sword did not fluctuate, but a sword went out but blocked the world and space.

The infinite Zhutian sword intent pierced sharply, and he felt great fear.

Zhu Tian's sword came again, and the ultimate move of Zhu Tian immediately made the Lord of Edge feel the destruction of life, the collapse of the soul, and the death of him.

"Emperor Zhutian, you are dead, you still want to kill me!"

The Lord of Edge thought with his wisdom and yelled: "I understand. You must have been inspired by the Emperor Shenwu. You didn't die completely. You want to kill me with my flesh and blood soul. Reshape your body!"

This is his guess.

However, it was completely wrong.

"I did it with you!"

The Lord of Edge knows in his heart that UU reading has only one chance to survive, that is, to catch this person who is not really damaging, and to make a way with his own strength.

With his crazy impact, his power was stimulated to the extreme.


He roared wildly.

Zhu Tian was expressionless, and the power of Zhu Tian seemed to destroy even the eternal rules, and the Lord of Edge felt a biting pain.

He was chilling all over.

The Divine Judgment Sword slashed down with one sword, and his sharp sword was blocked, but the next moment, the divine sword was broken in two.

His expression was stunned, and a blood stain broke on the center of his brow.


The Lord of Edge still wanted to speak, but the next moment, his body was also split in half, and his soul was still roaring, but Zhu Tian's power collapsed all his vitality.

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