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The eternal rules are the most powerful and terrifying, and no strong man is not as terrifying as him.

Chu Yuan is not too clear about the existence of the eternal rule, but he knows that as long as there is something that deterrent interferes with its operation, it will be bombarded.

However, although it is powerful and terrifying, Chu Yuan also knows that it is like a level without the anger and sorrow of living beings, and it operates according to the established rules.

He was waiting for it to change, to see if something incredible happened.

When an eternity appears in an eternity, and then to break this eternity, you will inevitably suffer its bombardment.

Why did the strongest once dominate for a period of time, either die, or hide like a holy emperor, it is the eternal rules that do not allow this kind of strong to continue to exist.

Now that I understand this, I have an idea.

This kind of sentiment made him exude the strongest brilliance at this moment, illuminating the world and oppressing the powerful.

He stood there and created an eternal world, but in the eyes of the floating lord, he was like a tomb, facing the Emperor Shenwu, they were like the light of fireflies.

This feeling is terrible.

It shows that their will has been suppressed by this emperor.


There is no way out, only desperately, the five statues surged with the strongest power, and their power turned into five eternal torrents, destroying the world.


They want to tear apart Chu Yuan's world.

The Lord of the Floating Life held the Mirror of Divine Light and burst into a fiery torrent.

Chu Yuan's power shook, and any brilliance was torn apart. With a big step, his tall and stalwart emperor's body shattered the torrent of their power and reached the face of the floating life.

Suddenly, he immediately resisted.

Unfortunately, his resistance was useless, and Emperor Shenwu Emperor Ru was not in the same world as them, and his strength was boundless, reaching a peak.

His hand shook, and the lord of the floating life burst open immediately.

"If you want to kill five eternal grades in one battle, your appetite is too big!"

The Lord of Wanchuan roared.

He also knew that he was in an absolute predicament, and only by working hard could there be a ray of life. Immediately, his fingers were like ten mountains, and the eternal aura forced him over.

Chu Yuan punched him, and for the strongest overlord, he confronted the Lord of Wanchuan and knocked him into the air.

He surpassed the world's supernatural power, once again suppressed, and directly banged at him. In an instant, the Lord of Wanchuan suffered a devastating blow, and the laws in his body were breaking.

With just a few bombardments, the Lord of Ten Thousand Rivers was seriously injured.

His strength was even more terrifying than when he dealt with Niluan Tianzun, and it was much stronger.

His every move, the divine channel method surpassed their expectations and was invincible.


When the Beast King is killed, it is absolutely unwilling to become a mount for others, and suffer humiliation, the powerful claws, rumbling pressure. Plan to forcefully oppress with his beast body.

Chu Yuan stepped on Wuji, time and space froze, and the Beast Emperor seemed to be frozen.

A big foot fell from the sky and stomped on the beast emperor's body. This force crushed its beast body and spewed blood.

Chu Yuan glanced again.

When Chu Yuan saw the fairy goddess, her face was also horrified, and then the light of the evening shone, and her life seemed to be ended.

Chu Yuan shot without mercy and cherishes Yu Yu. It was the most brutal blow that shocked the Fairy Goddess.

"Shenwu, you are forcing us to fight you!"

The Lord of Wanchuan is going crazy.

Chu Yuan pierced the Lord of Wanchuan with his divine eyes, and wanted to fight for his life, so he gave his opponent a chance to make him thoroughly understand that even fighting for life would not work.

He covered all directions with great hands, and all the rules were controlled by him, and he immediately fell to the Lord of Wanchuan.

After a bang, although the Lord of Wanchuan tried his best to resist, he still screamed and his body completely exploded.

Although the Lord of Wanchuan is not as strong as the eternal grade of Hongmeng, he has been enlightened for a long time anyway, but in front of Emperor Shenwu, his strength is as fragile as a child, and he was blown up in a few strokes.

The situation on the battlefield has been controlled by Emperor Shenwu.

After the Lord of Wanchuan was blown up, he quickly reorganized his body and yelled: "Hurry up, you can't let him go down like this, otherwise we will all die, he is too cruel, and his purpose is to kill us all. !"

Chu Yuan's palm turned over and turned into an eternal sky.

When the Lord of Wanchuan saw this scene, he trembled with fear to the extreme. He played Wanchuan to return to the sea in order to gain a ray of life.

Chu Yuan force suppressed.

The Lord of Wanchuan was blown up again, and he still wanted to reorganize, but he had no chance.

Chu Yuan came to his broken place, swallowing power swept out, this kind of swallowing was so terrible, it seemed that he could swallow the entire eternal road.

The Lord of Wanchuan didn't even have time to make a scream, and disappeared.

He also became the first eternal class among the five fallen.

"He is too strong, why is there such a strong person!"

The Lord of the Floating Life had a bitter mouth, looking at Chu Yuan, that was Chu Yuan, facing his power, even he felt trembling, unable to resist.

"Shenwu, we dare not deal with you. We are here only because of the alchemy world. If we knew it was owned by the emperor, we would not have come here."

The Lord of the Floating Life is so proud, he has to bow his head, and his psychological defense is defeated, "Just let us go this time, I will never dare to fight you again after I am alive."

"You really haven't touched this idea?"

Chu Yuan was indifferent, his hands stained with blood.

He wants to kill and warn everyone with blood, he is unmanageable.

He directly killed the past, and around the Floating Lord, there was a sky full of divine calamity rumbling, he created the eternal calamity he controlled, and attacked without dead ends.

The Lord of Floating Life is miserable. He feels that the blow of Emperor Shenwu is as if the real eternal rule is attacking him.

Crackling, the catastrophe destroys eternity.

Although the Floating Lord said that he came for the Dan Realm, Chu Yuan clearly felt the will to block the empire, and one of them would have him.

In the next instant, Chu Yuan carried the sky full of thunder in his palm and directly slapped it on the head of the floating lord.

At this time, the body of the floating lord exploded directly, splashing blood and meat.

"Shenwu Emperor, you are so cruel!"

The floating lord shouted. UU Reading www.uukanshu. cm

He still wanted to struggle, but Chu Yuan swept through with a big hand, directly destroying all his eternal rules and killing him.

Two dead.

Next, Chu Yuan looked at the Fairy Maiden with a colder gaze.

The fairy goddess was also eclipsed at this moment. She couldn't imagine that such tragic things would happen today, but she also knew that Emperor Shenwu would not let her go.

She did not beg for mercy.

"Shenwu, you have to be eternal, eternal rules will not let you go, your fate will be thousands of times worse than mine, no matter how strong people can not resist eternal rules!"

The fairy goddess issued the most spiteful curse, cursing that Chu Yuan would die by eternal rules.

Chu Yuan didn't care about her curse, an endless flame enveloped her, she struggled fiercely, and was killed directly.

Chu Yuan's killing was to directly destroy all eternal rules and life souls.

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