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The eternal sacred fire burned on the euphorbia.

Chu Yuan turned out to refine the magic weapon of this strongest man, and then merge it into his magic sword.

The strongest weapon is extremely strong and extremely difficult to destroy. Just like the Heaven-Slaying Sword, if you destroy one, the complete will of the emperor will explode, displaying the strength to kill the eternal level.

This euphorbia is still the same.

However, Chu Yuan's eternal divine fire seemed to be different from the flames in this world. It was his flame, which contained his principles and rules, and the will that remained inside wanted to explode, but could not explode.

With a thought in his heart, time accelerates, and thousands of years have passed.

Although this euphorbia was strong, it still turned into a metallic liquid under the burning of his sacred fire.

The deepest will of the strongest man was also aroused, and the Dao Yin remaining in the interior showed a world-wide person, and he was actually beheading Chu Yuan with the halberd.

Chu Yuan's power shook slightly, and this will collapsed.

In the end, Chu Yuan completely integrated this power into the Shenwu Divine Sword.

The Divine Wu Divine Sword is the sword of the empire's national destiny, as well as his eternal Divine Sword. At this moment, he obtained this essence, and under the forging of Chu Yuan's power, it burst out with a different glory.

This brilliance seems to be the true eternal light.

This sword carries the eternal power of the world, the sword of iron and blood, the sword of war and the country!

This can no longer be described with an ordinary divine tool, what Chu Yuan wants to build is a real eternal divine tool, not an eternal divine tool.

The difference between one word is completely different.

At the gathering point of the empire's infinite luck, there still exists a portal called the Eternal Gate.

Chu Yuan stepped onto the gate of eternity. He held the Divine Martial Sword firmly. At this moment, the light condensed, and he actually slashed out a sword directly, facing the world of nothingness.

Boom! His slash with this sword was not a simple burst of power, but contained his strongest will, the eternal rule against the eternal rule.

It is a collision of two rules.

With this collision, everyone felt the vibration of Eternal Road.

The great emperor with a sword holds the divine sword, and with one sword, he shakes eternity, as if under his power, any rules can be directly torn apart by him.

"The emperor sword cuts eternity, he shakes the rules of eternity!"

The world was raging, and the world-shaking calamity broke out, crackling, the infinite divine light turned into the most monstrous calamity, and it was directly blasted at Chu Yuan at this time.

This is the eternal calamity, the extermination of the eternal rules, punishing him.

And the power of this calamity is ten times more terrifying than simply breaking through the eternal level.

Emperor Shenwu stood tall within the calamity, showing a magnificent scene. He was fighting against the rules with his own rules, and that kind of confrontational power would collapse the world.

"The Emperor Shenwu is provoking the eternal rules, and his power is already terrifying!"

Countless people are shocked.

"Sure enough, anyone who provokes the rules will be countered."

Chu Yuan's gaze pierced through, and he slashed repeatedly with the divine sword, tearing out the fog, and he was provoking continuously, as if he had seen the end of eternity.

Eternal anger continues to burn, as if the emperor’s anger provoked his authority.

However, Chu Yuan was in the midst of this kind of power, unmoved, he was actually baptizing and sharpening himself by eternal rules.

Everyone understands.

Emperor Shenwu is not unable to achieve eternal level, but he wants to achieve the strongest eternal way.

His whole body is in the process of enlightenment, and his thinking is infinitely vast, as if it can spread to the entire eternity.

And he has not truly achieved eternity.

If he really makes him reach that point, he doesn't know how strong he will be.

However, Chu Yuan knew even more that the fundamental nature of his every step of cultivation was to provoke the eternal rules, which would arouse its countermeasures step by step, and that any change was normal.

"I'm waiting."

Chu Yuandao.

In the next time, he didn't start the conquest, he was just strengthening himself.

"Shenxing meets the great Emperor Shenwu!"

The Lord of God's Action came, and he respectfully came to City One, instead of flying in directly, but waiting outside.

In fact, he was also terrified.

The battle in the Pill Realm made him really scared, how could he not be afraid after so many eternal ranks had been beheaded.

"come in."

He did not resist a force that shifts time and space.

In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of Emperor Shenwu.

He was in the eternal calamity. When he saw this kind of calamity, he had fear from the bone marrow of his soul, which was ten times more terrifying than the eternal calamity he had crossed.

He saw that Emperor Shenwu seemed to be eternal himself.

Between his power confrontation, it is two eternal collisions.

"God, see the emperor!"

He took a deep breath and looked respectful.

"What's the matter with you."

Chu Yuandao.

"I want to seek the emperor's asylum and ask the emperor a question I want to understand."

Although the Lord of God Walks is an eternal grade, he feels that he is talking with an eternal emperor, which brings him too much pressure.

"A lot of people are chasing me now."

He said bitterly.

"It's those people." Chu Yuan said.

"I don't dare to take the lead. When I take the lead, someone will kill me and vent my anger."

So many powerful people entered the Pill Realm, and only Shenxing left alive, which made people suspect that he had long been hooked up with the Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

They have nothing to do with the Emperor Shenwu, and can't they use your magical action to vent their anger?

He has almost become the public enemy of everyone, and there is no other way.

"I will give you shelter."

Chu Yuan said, "Do you have any questions."

"I spent a long period of time exploring the boundary of eternity. I want to know whether it is truly majestic, without boundaries, whether it is really eternal, breaking the curse of eternity?"

This is a question that cannot be answered in his heart.

"I haven't seen the true face of eternity with my own eyes, but I know that eternity has a boundary, and whether it has an end is not the most important thing. Eternity is like an infinite circle that traps us all in it."

Chu Yuan raised his hand and drew a confined space and time, with light spots flickering.

The Lord of Divine Action felt a great artistic conception. No matter how far he ran, the eternity would become bigger. Mysteriously, he had no words to describe.

And he saw His Majesty at this time, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has also become an eternity.

He wants to penetrate through the eternal interior, and directly control the swallowing, transform into his own, and become his own.

He realized the domineering ambition of Emperor Shenwu.

Ordinary people want to go beyond directly, as Eternal Shenzhou does exactly that.


Emperor Shenwu is different. Since the method of mere surpassing and fleeing is useless, he becomes eternal and starts the most direct decisive battle against the eternal rules to see who is the final winner.

This kind of detachment is not that no one has gone through it, but everyone knows it.

But seeing the **** emperor's law, he felt it was completely possible.

"You stay in the empire and become my eternal link."

Chu Yuan said: "My way, as long as there is no way forward, then hit one out."

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