"Emperor, I have a very bad feeling. Not only is this place of eternal calamity extremely dangerous inside, but it's extremely difficult to get out of it, like a place of eternal suppression."

Feeling the power in the Eternal Calamity Land, the Beast Emperor had an extremely bad feeling, instinctively trembling.

This is the inherent fear of calamity.

"I have seen everything through."

Chu Yuan walked into the land of eternal calamity.

Booming, the number of calamities appeared, and it was extremely violent. The power of every divine calamity was so strong that it was torn apart, all swarming around Chu Yuan's body.

The power conversion of this calamity is like the weakest Origin God breaking through the eternal calamity, amplifying it several times.


The power of this calamity exists all the time. The top Origin God enters it, and it will not last long before it will fall completely. Only the Eternal Grade can persist for longer.

Here, you don't have the time to calm down at all, time and space have to face it.

Think about it, you need to suffer from this kind of power all the time. Without rest, you will be exhausted to the limit, and you want to run out, it is almost impossible.

The robbery turned itself into a place of eternal robbery, and also created an eternal insurmountability.

However, as long as the strong are powerful, they can use the calamity to sharpen themselves.

Chu Yuan came here with a relaxed expression. Any calamity that came to him would be broken. He even dared to provoke and shake the eternal rules, and he would still be afraid of the eternal calamity of his district.

"The emperor, in this place of eternal calamity, is the ancestor of the beasts really here?"

The Beast Emperor couldn't help asking.

"The ancestor of ten thousand beasts is in the land of eternal calamity, and I have seen that not only the ancestor of ten thousand beasts, but other people are suppressed and sealed here."

Chu Yuan's eyes could see through the entire eternal calamity place, and everyone appeared in his eternal divine eyes.

"There are other strong people!"

As soon as the Beast King heard it, he was surprised: "Even if it is me, I will not persist in too many epochs here, and the robbery will be a strong man a long time ago. These can survive here. How strong will it be?"

However, its expression quickly recovered: "However, those people are strong, and it is impossible to be the emperor's opponent, the emperor, what do you plan to do?"

"It's quite simple. Let me walk here first. My goal is to swallow the power of the entire Eternal Calamity Land, and then to shake the eternal rules."

Chu Yuan said lightly.

His words also revealed ambition and domineering, swallowing the land of eternal calamity, it is equivalent to swallowing the strongest person, although it has fallen.

But when you think about it, the emperor's strength is not much different from the real strongest.

Even more powerful!

He walked indifferently in the land of eternal calamity.

The divine light struck down, and Chu Yuan analyzed it for a moment. This was not a mere thunder and lightning. Through the essence, he saw that the divine light engraved the regular Dao pattern, forming a word of tribulation.

Controlling the calamity can make you immortal, and then you can find the true eternal law in the immortal life.

The robbery smashed down, Chu Yuan didn't break with power, but these calamities couldn't bombard him at all.

He is not affected by the calamity here.

"The power of the emperor!"

The beast emperor saw a huge shock in his mind, "A thousand calamities do not touch the body, your majesty represents your own eternity, and the calamity of the eternal calamity land is the eternal eternity of the emperor."


Infinite calamity, Chu Yuan took the initiative to let the calamity fall on him, at this moment, the place where he was, the robbery riot.

Heavy tribulations completely submerged him, and huge tribulations were suppressed.

And this scene seemed to be at war with the great robbery.

If you fight against the strongest according to your usual ideas, you will inevitably lose a lot of power.

"There are outsiders coming again, where they are so unaware that they dare to be so presumptuous in the power of Jie, sadly, it seems that I don't know the horror of this place."

The bursting sound swept over like a hurricane, and there were other strong people who sensed the arrival of others.

His voice rumbling, it was deliberately made, and the explosive sound waves swept through, shaking the souls of others, containing huge lethality, and making the soul trance.

This strong man has been in the land of eternal calamity for a long time, knowing how to use the environment here.

A huge palm like a **** monument turned the sky down.

Someone wanted to attack Chu Yuan, with extremely sinister intentions.

And behind the giant palm, a giant with a huge body and a height of ten thousand feet appeared. His skin was bronze, and when he moved, he had earth-shaking power.

Imprison and suppress the strong in the Eternal Land.

When he saw Chu Yuan, he immediately moved with evil thoughts. He was sealed here for too long and too long. If he could refine a strong man, then he could hold on for longer.

"I dare to do something to the emperor, I don't know who is living and dying!"

When the Beast King saw this scene, he sneered.

The strength of the emperor is also something they can deal with. They have been imprisoned in the land of eternal calamity for too long. I don't know the situation outside, really treat the emperor as casual and can suppress it?

Chu Yuan saw the attack of the bronze giant with just a palm.

But that palm made the bronze giant noticed the extreme shock, his power was immediately shattered, the world revolved, and he was swept by a violent wind.


A palm fell to the sky, and his body was instantly devastated.

"His strength!"

The face of the bronze giant changed drastically.

He can be considered extremely strong in the eternal rank, otherwise he would not be able to hold on for so long, but in front of this person, he was defeated at once, not his opponent.

"Oops, his strength is not something I can deal with. This person has a very strange face. Obviously he has not come to the Land of Eternal Calamity soon, and I can't fight him hard!"

Thinking just flashed in an instant.

The bronze giant is about to run away. He knows deeply that he must not be injured in the land of eternal calamity, otherwise, he will not last long.

And he wants to run, Chu Yuan won't let him run.

His big hand covered the sky, his five fingers snapped, and the eternal vitality enveloped the bronze giant.

His power turned the sky down, turning the location of the giant into his eternal time and space, with endless divine light flashing in it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is actually a divine calamity, and its power seems to be a true eternal divine calamity.

Bronze giants are ripped apart in this madness.

"What kind of disaster is this!"

The bronze giant roared.

The calamity in the land of eternal calamity is scary enough, and he can clearly feel that this person's calamity seems to be a real eternal calamity.

Chu Yuan's huge body was frozen at this moment, and he appeared humble and small in front of Emperor Shenwu.

Chu Yuan was like an eternal god, looking down at the bronze giant, his hand of the **** held him, and with a blast, his body was completely exploded into pieces of flesh and blood.

Chu Yuan's eternal swallowing opened, swallowing the entire remains of the bronze giant.

"No, who are you, why are you so strong, I...I should die like this!"

This is his last soul thought.

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