"There is only one unswerving goal for me, which is eternity. I can be a dog for eternal rules and be driven by him. I can't do it. Then I would rather die than this kind of humiliation. Emperor Shenwu, you have The hope of eternity, I naturally want to maintain this path, and I also want to know whether there is eternity."

Qiankun's tone is extremely firm.

Remembering that some of the strongest people in the past were willing to be dogs in order not to experience the eternal extinction, he also shook his head.

"There are the strongest people who want to live another 10,000 epochs and develop an eternal law by themselves. Don't they know that when they really get to this point, the eternal rules will still fall under the cruel punishment and destruction? Great opportunity!"

Immortal Road.

"There are even bigger changes."

Chu Yuan felt the change of heaven and earth, "As long as all the nine realms have walked out of their own way and want to achieve eternal level, the eternal rules will not impose any punishment, but will also descend on power to help them temper their bodies without hindrance. "

This is something that has never happened before.

Achievement in the past, then experienced the most cruel tribulation, how many epochs only one, but now, if you want to achieve, the eternal rules will make you achieve.

Everything is controlled by eternal rules.

He is the sky, one word can confine the god, and one word can destroy the god.

"This is to produce Eternal Grade in large quantities!"

Qiankun shouted: "In this way, in the future, the entire eternal road will be everywhere in the eternal level, losing the majesty of the strong in this realm. As expected, in his eyes, we are humble and insignificant. How much will he make? There are so many!"

Think about how many hardships they went through before finally achieving this situation.

However, others don't need to make any effort to be directly created by eternal rules.

This makes Qiankun angry, like the greatest humiliation.

But in the face of eternal rules, he will not be taken seriously.

"Such an eternal level is completely controlled by eternal rules. There is nothing like this, and there is no xinxing. Only by completely entrusting yourself to him will it be unimpeded. If you disagree, I am afraid that the punishment will increase several times."

Immortal said coldly.

"But what can be expected is that in the next period of time, there will be more eternal grades, and we have been forcibly separated from the camp."

Hongmeng Wisdom Road.

"Let him use any means, I only have one word, war!"

Chu Yuan is extremely powerful: "There will be those who find ways to kill me, and some are willing to join me on the eternal path."

"The emperor is majestic and domineering, let me be subdued, and fight!"

Qiankun shouted: "If the blood does not shed, the battle is endless, and the **** battle is to the end!"


What an eternal extinction!

He doesn't care anymore!

"If you stay in our empire, let me start the battle against the eternal rules."

Chu Yuandao.

A divine light soared into the sky, infinitely high, as if it had penetrated the eternal barrier.

"We also integrate our strength into the eternal road of the emperor."

Hongmeng Road.

They are not to join Chu Yuan's empire, but to become part of his eternity.

Although they knew that once they did this, they would stand on the opposite side of the eternal rules, and would receive more punishment instead of receiving the slightest favor.


They don't care anymore.

They gave strength to Chu Yuan Eternal Road, just to increase strength.

There is no way, the current form no longer allows neutrality, and a choice must be made.

Once the eternal rules change, the ancient eternal level is awakening.

And more eternal grades are breaking through successfully, these eternal grades are almost all achieved under the care of eternal rules, and their achievement almost directly reached the peak state.

Although they don't need to experience divine calamity, it doesn't mean that their strength is not weak, and they have eternally let go of their origins.

Even if someone knows that such an achievement has great drawbacks, many people can't stand it when they see that others have become eternal.

after all.

In the eyes of some people, eternal rules are unmatchable, invincible, and even more invincible.

just now.

This is a great time.

If you miss this good time, you will only regret it.

Ten thousand epochs, not short.

"The Emperor Shenwu has been rampant for too long. The eternal rule will kill him. This has never happened in the world, and such power has come to one person!"

"This shows the terrible Emperor Shenwu Emperor, but the eternal rules are invincible."

"Even if it is the strongest, even if it has overwhelmed the whole world, they are still weak in the face of eternal rules."

"When the strongest has appeared, they also don't think Shenwu has the eternal possibility."

There are countless discussions between heaven and earth.

They have seen the most magnificent world, more passionate than the strongest contenders.

"It's not sorrow. Shenwu has the possibility of breaking eternity, but he has to stand on his opposite side and be trapped here for eternity."

Someone is sad.

"Even if Shenwu defeats everyone's shots, what if he has resisted the various changes of the eternal rules, and the most terrible eternal extinction, this is to wipe out everything, no one can hold it! "

"No one can be detached forever, no, no one can!"

"Eternal extinction, everyone will die!"

"In order not to let the eternal extinction happen, Shenwu must die!"

This is also the will of many people.

Too many people fear the eternal extinction.

And there are also a few who are like the universal, the universe, and the immortal, they join the empire.

It can be said that the eternal rule spreading such a will certainly caused a great threat to Chu Yuan, but it also made the situation of heaven and earth clear, and made some ancient powers directly join Shenwu.

The human mind is the most complicated.

Just as Hongmeng said, what if you live another 10,000 epochs? Instead of living in despair, it's better to be a vigorous one.

"Everyone has woken up."

Chu Yuan stood quietly in the empire, overlooking the world.

Although many ancient powerhouses were awake, no one came directly to the empire to challenge him, because many people knew that Emperor Shenwu was not easy to provoke.

His strength is difficult to estimate, but he definitely has the strength of the strongest. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Although he can't accurately know his strength, everyone knows that his eternal law is very unusual, and when it works, it is enough to threaten the operation of the rules.

Someone looked at the Shenwu Empire in the distance.

The eternal glory is like a real eternal world, but because Emperor Shenwu hasn't really taken this step yet, this world hasn't really achieved it yet.

And Chu Yuan was not eager to make a move

"Eternal rules have recorded everything, and all the strong are in his rule brand. Even if it is destroyed, eternal rules will still be born, and eternal power can be born and bred everything."

Chu Yuan was enlightening Dao Fa.

The aura keeps flashing.

His fingers were undulating, layers of mist were torn apart in front of his eyes, and a strange world appeared.

This world has been closed for too long, but there is nowhere to hide in front of Chu Yuan.

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