Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1961: The blasphemy against Panshen

The eternal God book is blooming dazzlingly, this is the power of knowledge.

Although Shuzu died, he left the eternal divine book.

Chu Yuan saw his eternal law, his life could be perishable, but his divine book was left behind, still functioning autonomously, absorbing the civilization of each era.

This method is very powerful, although the creator is not there, it can still be used.

The thousands of civilizations contained within are gathered into a powerful force.

Don't underestimate this book, the body of the strongest, many civilizations, can once again emerge a powerful master of era civilization, bursting out of strength comparable to the strongest.

"Eternal God Book, I have accepted your civilization."

Chu Yuan's breath is above the eternal divine book, and his majesty is too vast.

"Shenwu Emperor, really has great ability, you can find the eternal divine book that the strongest can't find, if it weren't for eternal rules to always convey your location, the owner would not find it here."

At this moment, a dark voice came.

In the fallen and rotten world, a man with a gloomy complexion came out, his face had a dark pattern, and the world he walked through had fallen and turned into a sinking one.

His strength is extremely powerful.

"Introduce yourself first, this seat is fallen to dominate."

This self-proclaimed powerful way of the fallen master.

The ancient fallen masters, upholding the fall of sentient beings, have not appeared for many epochs. People who should have died are now reappearing in the world.

Chu Yuan's current opponents are no longer those ordinary eternal grades, but these ancient powerhouses.

"The Fallen Ruler."

Chu Yuan stared coldly at this called the fallen master.

He saw through his true face, he was a mass of depraved air, dark air, and decayed air. He absorbed the depravity of the world and strengthened himself.

The more fallen people, the stronger his strength.

His real combat power should have been inferior to Hongmeng's, but he stood on the side of the eternal rules and gave him stronger strength, and Hongmeng was unable to suppress him.

In other words, the Fallen Lords are the strongest batch of eternal grades under the strongest, and the power bursts out, and the strongest can't help them.

Now, the eternal rules are the strongest.

He has the most boundless mana.

And Hongmeng is now walking on the path of eternity, their strength will be restricted, and they will not be able to exert their strongest strength.

"You dare to appear in front of me."

Chu Yuan didn't pay attention to the fallen master.

"Why didn't I dare to appear? The Lord would also like to thank you. If it weren't for you, the Lord would not be able to reappear. It was you who gave me a good thing to extend another ten thousand epochs."

The fallen master is not angry.

This person is qualified to disdain him.

"Also, you are not the only one against me."

The fall dominates the road.

He could see that every move of Emperor Shenwu would be suppressed by the force of the rules, but his every move would be regularly blessed and become stronger.

This is one plus one minus.

My strength is strengthened, his weakness is weak.

He has never used his power so smoothly.

"Can the eternal rules protect you? He treats you like dogs."

Chu Yuan was very calm.

"Emperor Shenwu, how can we not know, but your strength will bring about eternal extinction, extermination of all, all will no longer exist, you are a scourge!"

With thunderous explosions, countless magical explosions, a tall and burly masculine man appeared, with infinite domineering.

His eyes were like the sun, extremely hot, billowing, and staring at Chu Yuan scorchingly.

"Natural magic power."

Chu Yuan revealed his identity.

Ordinary Eternity ranks no longer dared to appear in front of Chu Yuan alone, but dared to appear in front of him, they were all those who were extremely confident in their strength and were unmatched.

This primordial power was also the strongest person who had ever competed for hegemony. Although it was unsuccessful and was defeated by the strongest person at the time, Panshen Great, his strength could not be denied.

This is the situation today.

Just stand on the side of eternal rules.

The top eternal ranks, such as those of the Wild Lord, their strength will be promoted to infinitely close to the strongest.

And the eternal level of the peak, the strength will be upgraded to comparable to the strongest.

And if they are truly the strongest, their strength will be promoted to a brand-new field, a big level.

Their strength has increased.

Those who are on the side of Chu Yuan will be weakened at the same time.

This is the ability of eternal rules. Although he is in a state of rules, no one knows how powerful he has.

This is where he is, and has nurtured so many powerful people.

But the eternal rules can give you great strength, but it can also be taken back at the same time.

Yuan Shentong, he is already comparable to the strongest.

And this also revealed a more terrifying thing.

In the past, being the strongest was not a concept at all. What Chu Yuan had to face was more combat power comparable to the strongest in the past and the real strongest who had increased their strength.

They will all appear in front of Chu Yuan in the most powerful posture.

However, Chu Yuan's expression was silent.

Although only two appeared in front of him, they were only the first group to challenge him to test the details of his strength.

"I will never interfere with anyone's choice, but standing on the opposite side of me is my enemy."

Chu Yuanjun is in the world, he will not force to change the choices of these people, this is meaningless, these are all old antiques who have lived for many years, and their inner choices have long been unchanged.

Regardless of their reasons, standing on the opposite side of him will be destroyed.

They thought that they had eternal rules to back them up, so they dared to appear in front of him unscrupulously. In that case, Chu Yuan could only speak with absolute strength.

"Eternity won't let him get the Book of Eternity."

The Fallen Lord and Primordial Power glanced at each other.

"Eternal mass extinction, it's not time to start now, and this mass extinction cannot be started because of you."

The heavy breath, the ancient breath, in the far distance, there is an ancient and great figure, he stepped on the pace of opening the world, when he came, the squeezed time and space came here.

"Emperor Panshen!"

This giant actually came from Panshen Great. UU reading

And this Panshen Great Emperor, his figure has shrunk, but he is still ten thousand feet tall, and the breath he exudes is indeed the Panshen Great Emperor.

The original power under the eternal rules descended down, providing him with a vast and endless source.

His eyes were wide open, the sun, moon and stars were spinning.

"Emperor Panshen broke eternity and died. Even if he is really alive, he will stand firmly on our side. How can he be driven by eternal rules?"

Chu Yuan has seen everything through.

"The ancient Panshen Great, his emperor was left behind, but he was driven by others, because you are equivalent to a battle for eternal rules."

Chu Yuan's voice is endlessly killing.

"Soul, you control the Great Emperor Panshen and occupy his emperor body. This is a blasphemy against him, the greatest insult, your true body, I must destroy it!"

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