Chu Yuan didn't care about the eternal blessing.

Whatever eternal rules backed up, even if their strength was forcibly elevated to a level, he didn't care, it was nothing more than a running dog of eternal rules, an enemy standing opposite him.

There is only one real enemy, the eternal rule!

"I bring eternal hope to the world, and eternal fear to the world."

Chu Yuan said a sentence with infinite meaning.

Those who follow him will see eternal hope.

And those who are hostile to him will see fear.

He took the lead in launching an offensive, with billions of light. Although the Fallen Lord has regular blessings, he is not an opponent at all in front of him, and his body continues to burn.

The fallen master is also secretly frightened.

His current combat power is already comparable to the strongest, but he was completely crushed in front of the Emperor Shenwu Emperor. If it were not for the blessing of the eternal rules, he would have been beheaded.

of course.

There is always only one strongest.

The strongest man who was once is also the one who lost his glory in the past.

Chu Yuan directly locked the primordial power, slashed with his big hands, and the nothingness cracked, an endless abyss was formed, like a knife, the light directly struck him.

"Light shield!"

The light shield of the primordial power was propped up, but when it touched Chu Yuan's power, it collapsed in an instant, and a sharp force slashed him directly into the air.

"A thousand supernatural powers!"

In the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of magical powers blasted out at the same time. With a blast of his hand, it was a powerful magical power, like a magic king, good at remote strikes.

"With my current strength, comparable to the strongest person ever, I will still be afraid of you!"

Yuanshen power screamed.

It is a pity that he encountered Chu Yuan, the seemingly powerful magic spell, as soon as he reached his side, he was hit by destruction.

The ethereal voice resounded.

It is an eternal torrent, swept in from an unknown time and space, and never advances.

That kind of irreversible power, in front of him, the magic of primordial power will be eclipsed.

This is the real strongest offense, and his strength can only be regarded as a pseudo-strong in front of the Emperor Shenwu Emperor, and cannot be compared with it at all.

Facing the emperor Shenwu Emperor's stalwart body, there was intense pressure in his mind, and he was suffocating, and the power of his body was difficult to operate.

The power of Emperor Shenwu has reached an incredible level.


The torrent destroyed his magical light and directly hit him.

His body was shattered in an instant, completely turned into particles, one by one obliterated, but unfortunately, there are eternal rules for him to provide blessings.

Chu Yuanhun didn't care.

Although it is said that the strength of such a powerful person is because of the eternal blessings, they have been upgraded to the strength of the strongest, but they are incomparable to the real strongest.

They don't have that kind of character, the invincibility that overwhelms sentient beings.

"Shenwu Emperor, you can't destroy me!"

Yuanshen power roared.

In fact, he dares to come here today because of eternal blessings.

At this moment, the Great Emperor Panshen controlled by the soul ancestor swept across and launched an attack on Chu Yuan.

But Chu Yuan directly hit with a big hand, patted down horizontally, and wiped out the sky. The Great Emperor Panshen stepped back and his fists seemed to be shattered.

Chu Yuan took a few more steps, and the horn of war sounded.

Fight against the top three alone, completely controlling the rhythm.

"I see you, come out."

Chu Yuan uttered a sound at some place again.

"Shenwu Emperor, you are the most terrifying person I have ever seen!"

With a stronger aura, a figure came out, he was like a real universe, carrying a vast divine power, majesty forever, surpassing the original power and the fallen master.

This is a true strongest man.

This person has a peculiar appearance. When you see him, you will not understand him as a person, but as a universe.

"Lord of the universe!"

The soul ancestor said his identity.

This is called the Lord of the Universe who has also overwhelmed all the strong, creating his extremely brilliant cosmic civilization, the era of the great interstellar, turning himself into a universe for cultivation.

But also because of the restrictions of the rules, he was hidden.

His appearance also shows that the strongest people who have not yet died have begun to wake up, and they have taken action against Chu Yuan.

"You are also on the opposite side of mine."

Although the Lord of the Universe was extremely majestic, everyone looked at Emperor Shenwu, his majesty was stronger than that of the Lord of the Universe, and the glory of the universe was suppressed by him.

"I can only be regarded as the strongest of an era, not the entire eternal."

The master of the universe!

His eyes are like a vast abyss, and they are also burning at this moment. It goes without saying that he also wants to stop Chu Yuan, and will not see him gain the way.

"The strongest once was willing to become a running dog of eternal rules."

There is no anger or hatred in Chu Yuan's words, only a deep sigh, in his heart, how much he hopes that these powerful men will stand with him and open up an eternal era at the same time.

But even if the world is enemies, these once strongest people are not optimistic about him, think he can't succeed, he doesn't care.

"As you said, I'm decayed and I don't have my original intention."

The Lord of the universe was unmoved and admitted frankly, preferring to be an eternal running dog rather than opening up an unprecedented era with Chu Yuan vigorously.

"I don't care." Chu Yuan said.

"The eternal mass extinction cannot happen to him, absolutely not!"

With the mind of the Lord of the Universe, thinking of the eternal extinction, the heart can't be calm, that is the power to completely destroy all.

He admitted that the Emperor Shenwu had the strength to overwhelm the world, but he was definitely able to resist the power of eternal extinction.

The stronger he is and the older he lives, the more he can understand the horror of the eternal rules.

His current strength is several times stronger than his peak moment, and he has stepped into a new field.

However, this was given to him by the eternal rules, and it was simple to increase his strength several times.

Moreover, this kind of promotion is not just him, but all the people on his side.

The true face of eternity must be extremely terrifying.

Since it can give him stronger strength, then it can be easily taken away. The strongest is also extremely humble and insignificant in the face of eternal rules.

He felt the eternal inconsistent He does not deny that this kind of heart has already created a demon to him.

He thought about it, even if it is not for other things, it can be unfettered, and it is a very good thing to live another ten thousand eras.

He confirmed that Emperor Shenwu will lose.

No one will be the opponent of the eternal rules, this is the law.

The eternal extinction cannot occur.

"If I can't be the strongest, I won't linger until now, I am willing to fight with you once, but now, it is impossible."

The Lord of the universe admitted that he was afraid of eternal rules in his heart.

"Those who really dare to fight with their fate, such as Zhutian and Panshen, have already been vigorous, and you are not destined to be on the same road with me."

Chu Yuan already knew what these people thought.

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