The eternal rules have undergone even greater changes.

It was originally just an eternal blessing to enhance your strength, but as Emperor Shenwu's strength continued to grow, he let go of greater authority and actually bestowed the power of rules.

In other words, as long as he is on his side, he can have the power to manipulate the rules.

Being able to use eternal rules, this kind of strength is not comparable to ordinary mana.

A very simple example, two powers with the same mana, one can use the rules, and the other cannot, then that one cannot be destined to be ruthlessly obliterated.

Although only some authority has been released, and the eternal rules can be withdrawn when they want to be recovered, but by using the authority, you can experience how the eternal rules work, which is also of great benefit to your own cultivation.

Don't think about those changes.

After the First World War, Chu Yuan's reputation continued to spread. Although some were unmoved, some were willing to take a fight, join the Shenwu Empire and follow in the footsteps of Emperor Shenwu.

Like the sword **** on the road of eternity, after careful consideration, he made a decision and also came to the empire.

But there are actually quite a few like Sword God.

Now, Chu Yuan gave them the opportunity to choose their camp, but when the final battle broke out, they would not give another choice.

The atmosphere was solemn, and the depressed people couldn't breathe, and the mass extinction seemed to be coming soon.

"Eternal rules."

Inside an ancient road.

An ancient strong man walked out, his calm eyes looked at the sky, and thick blessings were enveloped. As soon as he raised his hand, he was mobilized by the monstrous power of rules.

"Although I pursue the way of eternal life, what is the use of my power like yours? This kind of eternal life is not what I want to pursue. The only way of eternal life has appeared."

With a smile, this strong man walked directly to Emperor Shenwu Emperor.

"Shenwu Emperor, we have met again, the years have passed and the world has been vicissitudes of life."

After he came to the empire, he immediately spoke to Chu Yuan.

"The Great Aoki Changsheng is also the strongest, the Great Changsheng."

Chu Yuan opened the eternal kingdom.

This man was the Emperor Changsheng, and he had a great fate with Chu Yuan. He once had a battle in the small universe.

"Cause and effect, the world in which my spirit incarnation descends is called the eternal world, eternity, and today I am also here for eternity."

Emperor Changsheng understood very well what he meant, that is, he was willing to stand on Chu Yuan's side.

He said another sentence, saying: "Longevity is for eternal life, and it is by no means surviving. I have been waiting for an opportunity. This is the last and best opportunity."

"Eternal blue sky, eternal life, longevity, you are here!"

Ling Zu immediately came to see the Changsheng Great Emperor.

She and Changsheng the Great are also considered old acquaintances, and they have built imperial palaces for him and used incense to continue his life.


Emperor Changsheng smiled and nodded.

"Emperor Changsheng, even you have made a choice, but how can the ancestor not make my choice? Is it the last fight, or continue to fight, the ancestor does not need to hesitate, even if there are thousands of eras, no disaster No difficulty, how can the ultimate eternity make people addicted?"

The immortal spirit is permeated, it is like a majestic man walking out of the Lingxiao Heavenly Palace, it is actually the immortal ancestor, who opened up the age of immortality.

He came here.

"Shenwu Emperor."

Xianzu, he is also willing to join the eternal kingdom.

He and Chu Yuan looked at each other. To be precise, it was not the first time the two met. Within the days of the gods, he had entered the remains of the immortal, and had an eternal look at each other with the marks he left behind.

This is cause and effect.

There is one more important reason.

He struggled for countless years under the eternal curse, and saw the powerful men of the age of immortality sitting, but he was powerless and powerless to stop it.

He didn't want to stand on the side of eternal rules.

With the advent of the great era, there is absolutely no neutrality, he must choose one party to join.

If this is the case, then Shenwu, even if he loses, and the great extinction comes, he will let the age of immortality pass away with glory.

"I welcome your arrival."

Chu Yuan welcomed them, and his hope was to bring more people forever.

Seeing the arrival of Emperor Changsheng and the immortal ancestors, Chu Yuan thought of the goddess Yanran, she hadn't appeared for a long time, and she didn't know where she was now.

The goddess Yanran is mysterious and weird.

Chu Yuan had a strong hunch that even if the eternal mass extinction was launched, everything could be destroyed, but the goddess Yanran would not die, and she would continue to reincarnate in the new era.


The goddess Yanran has been extinct several times.

He thought of the few mudstone slabs he had obtained, and the power of the rules could not destroy them, as if they were created by a **** beyond eternity, a greater force.

"Shenwu Emperor, what do you plan to do next?"

Xianzu Road.

After he came to Shenwu, the eternal blessing disappeared, and it turned into an eternal killing. Looking at the Emperor Shenwu, this man was amazing and brilliant, and he was the greatest existence.

He, the strongest person ever, is no longer in the same level as him.


Chu Yuan said: "There is only war, fighting against the eternal rules. At this moment, it is only in the process of mutation. This mutation is also a prelude to the eternal extinction. He is not a real creature and cannot determine power on his own. My threat to him has reached a level, and the great extinction will come. When I achieve eternity, he will launch the biggest offensive before the great extinction. Once it fails, the next is the great extinction."

"In other words, regardless of success or failure, we have only one era!"

Ling Zudao.

Although the eternal rule says that if Shenwu dies, there will be tens of thousands of epochs of stability, but as a side of the Shenwu Empire, if you lose, you will be completely destroyed.

After winning, they will enter a new era.

"Not bad."

Chu Yuandao.

"The outcome of this era will be clear, and we will usher in a great moment!"

Xianzu felt the long-lost immortal blood burn again. For a long time, he had no such excitement, and the final battle with the eternal rules.

"When I achieve eternity, the ancient powerhouses who have been born will appear one by one, forming the most terrifying army."

Chu Yuandao.

"Any life imprint is in eternity. UU Reading"

Emperor Changsheng nodded, "Shenwu Emperor, what do you need us to do?"

"You don't need to fight directly, but what you have to do is to contribute all your strength to the eternal kingdom at the moment of our decisive battle. The stronger the eternal kingdom, the stronger our strength will be."

Chu Yuan said: "The final battle will be destined to start and end by me!"

Although the power of knowing the eternal rules is unmatched, Chu Yuan still has the strongest confidence, and there will be no doubts in his heart. This is also the most basic character.

He has a foreboding of the future.

His most difficult battle is not to achieve eternity, but to fight against eternal extinction.

At this moment, Emperor Changsheng and Xianzu also nodded.

At this time, Chu Yuan suddenly looked outside the empire, and a person walked over, and he immediately said: "Poison Ancestor, since he is here, then enter my eternal kingdom. I already know your choice."

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