Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1983: Powerful and invincible

The seven ever strongest men, as mighty as the sea, controlling the eternal rules, co-appearing in this era, extremely brilliant and brilliant, launched the final battle against Chu Yuan.

But there is still no light on their faces.

In fact, although they thought that Emperor Shenwu could not resist the eternal mass extinction, they could not imagine that his strength had progressed so fast that they had forced them to such a situation.

Even if they know that their choice is wrong, even if there are people who want to be vigorous, they will never regret being the strongest.

If you are wrong, you have to bite the bullet and go on.

And if they wanted to join Shenwu, they would have joined when Chu Yuan was in retreat for tens of thousands of years.

This is the last pride.

Their power was fierce and boundless, and rumbling, they slammed into Chu Yuan, but in the next instant, all their power dissipated, and there was no threat to Chu Yuan at all.

This may be the last battle in their lives.

In this final battle, even if the Emperor Shenwu is fierce, they have to show their momentum.

It seems that I also feel the battlefield here, as if the eternal origin ocean has appeared, endless energy blessed on them, and more regular power is left to them.

Their strength is rising steadily, reaching the most powerful moment in their lives.

The significance of this battle is also very great.

If the seven statues fall all together, it means that apart from the holy emperor, the strongest person who does not belong to the divine martial arts side is gone, and then there will be the eternal greatest power to kill.

Then there is the ultimate eternal mass extinction.

"Join together!"

The Lord of the Universe resolutely said: "We have no choice, let alone a retreat. We must fight him. If we resist his attack and eternally burst out stronger power, we will be able to kill him. His law can comprehend our eternal power, and we will also have a clearer understanding of eternal changes and how to face him!"

"Not bad!"

The gods and demons dominate the voice like thunder, saying: "He can't fight the eternal extinction, but if we can use his way to perfect us, it is what we want most, eternity, we don't want to take the way of others, but Want to go out of his own way, this is his opportunity, and it is also our greatest opportunity!"

Their purpose to deal with Chu Yuan at first was not just for the so-called Ten Thousand Era.

Instead, he wanted to kill Chu Yuan by the hands of eternal rules, get his eternal way, and then realize his own, create more eternal roads, and they become eternal masters.

This is also their biggest goal!

For the strongest, a few people are willing to condescend others.

"We have taken a road to defend Emperor Shenwu, but they have taken a different road."

In the Eternal Realm, the Great Emperor Changsheng, the Immortal Ancestor, and the Soul Ancestor are all looking at the seven strongest. The choice is different, and the angle of standing is different. They think that only if you follow the Emperor Shenwu Emperor can you have hope.

They did not participate in the war.

Because they are also the opponents of these seven strongest.

The eternal rules gave them too much power.

"Each has its own way, this is their choice." Changsheng the Great said slowly.

"Okay, very good, except for the holy emperor, all the strongest have already appeared. There is no need for me to deal with them one by one. I will send you back to the eternal rules, so that the eternal rules will create you again."

Chu Yuan's body is stalwart, covering all directions, he is the eternal sky, unshakable.

"I'll come first!"

The Zerg mother emperor walked out.

Her face was cold, and in her insect nest, countless insects flew out in an instant, and these insects were the weakest of origin gods, and they were also mixed with many eternal grades.

In the past, it was difficult to breed powerful insects, but now the eternal rules open the door to convenience.

She can breed eternal strength at will.

Chu Yuanjun came to the world, his eyes swept away, and all the insects were turned to ashes.

"Such a method can't deal with him!"

The lord of the universe drinks wildly, takes a few steps forward, and interprets the splendid and colorful universe.

"Universal fist, the era of the universe!"

The Lord of the universe blasted out the majestic era of the universe.

In fact, although this is the second time he and Chu Yuan have fought, his strength is several levels stronger than before. For example, in this era of the universe, he couldn't display it before.

of course.

Chu Yuan is also different now.

The remaining six strongest people also showed their strongest strength one after another.

Immediately, the power of the Qigu Times bombarded and blessed Chu Yuan.

These seven strengths, under an invisible demon hand, turned out to be a great eternal era.

This is naturally the power of eternal rules, and he gave the greatest support.

"The Great Eternal Age."

Chu Yuan had sharp eyes and said to himself: "The eternal rules, this is your great eternal era, not mine. You want to turn me into a part of your great eternal era. The great eternal era has not yet reached the strongest. At any moment, that old strong man will be part of your age."

He stepped slowly, the advent of the great eternal era, the era that was acting on him, turned out to be directly exploded.

Chu Yuan knew that when he took a crucial step in eternity, all the strong in the epic would appear.

Rumble! A stronger offensive force was displayed in the hands of the seven powerhouses, covering the sky and the earth, and the seven extreme powers turned into seven beams of light.

How violent these seven beams were, before they were replaced, any of the strongest, including the gods who left the divine way, could not resist.

Unfortunately, what they met was Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan waved his hand gently, and with just one wave of his eternal palm, all his power collapsed.

"We mobilize the power of the eternal rules, and we are now equivalent to eternity, and we can't shake him. How strong is his strength at this moment!"

The gods and demons ruled the most impatient temper, shouted.

"Don't panic!"

The Emperor Taiyue calmly said: "This is also his strength. If he is so easy to deal with, the eternal rules will give us so much power? He is the ultimate enemy!"

In their hearts, Emperor Shenwu is based on this, and his image is even more glorious than eternal rules.

After all, the eternal rules are nothing and ethereal, but Emperor Shenwu is standing here alive.

The soul shock caused by this is too great.

"Not bad!"

The Lord of Life and Death shouted: "Although his strength is boundless and invincible, don't forget that our goal is not to defeat him, but to survive his attack. The eternal rules will give us the greatest strength and let We survive!"

What a humble sentence.

The former strongest were still seven, but in front of Chu Yuan, they just wanted to survive.

This is the power and invincibility of Emperor Shenwu.

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