The power of Chu Yuan's great extinction created a regular mass extinction.

"The Great Extinction!"

Absolute panic appeared on the faces of the seven strongest men.

In the depths of their hearts, the most feared thing imprinted in their bones is the mass extinction, and in this extinction, they feel that no power can resist.

What's more cruel is that the entire eternal surface is under Chu Yuan's control, and they have nowhere to run if they want to run, but his power is controlled by Tuantuan.

The power of rules that came down is extinct at this moment.

"His mass extinction!"

The sound of fear sounded.

When Chu Yuan raised his hand, there were endless visions, showing the picture of fate, reflecting them all, and their fate was being ruthlessly killed and exterminated.

As soon as he stepped, time and space violently oscillated, and the seven powerful men were all shaken out, covering the extinction of death.

"I am the lord of life and death. I control the power of life and death and mobilize the rules of eternal life and death. I am immortal!"

The Lord of Life and Death sipped.

With a strong life and death power, his vitality at this moment is boundless, it is almost impossible for him to be killed, and his vitality suddenly violently shakes.

"Roulette of life and death!"

Boom! Behind him appeared the roulette of life and death, the rules of life and death, protecting him from Chu Yuan's extinction.

It can be said that among the seven powerhouses present, the Lord of Life and Death is the most difficult to kill.

Chu Yuan looked at him indifferently, starting with the Lord of Life and Death, and killing them all.

Huh! In just one step, Chu Yuan arrived in front of the Lord of Life and Death, his palm was pressed down, and the power of extinction caused his five fingers to instantly kill on the wheel of life and death.

This eternal artifact, which has undergone the blessing of eternal rules, was originally indestructible.

However, under Chu Yuan's palm, it suddenly collapsed and was wiped out to dust.

"My Roulette of Life and Death!"

The Lord of Life and Death shouted.

But it was too late to feel distressed. The realm of mass extinction enveloped him, and the final judgment was about to come.

"Can't let him kill the Lord of Life and Death!"

The other six statues saw that the Emperor Shenwu was about to kill the Lord of Life and Death, and were anxious. They knew deeply that once the Lord of Life and Death died, they would go to death one by one.

"Eternal rules, if you don't want to start the final mass extinction, you will come down with stronger power!"

They roared.

Boom! The power of the eternal rules penetrated time and space, and Shiran came to them, and they were like mirrors and relays, reflecting stronger power to Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan also urged his mass extinction, making all their counterattacks useless.

He then killed the Lord of Life and Death with a single palm, his divine body suddenly collapsed and turned into countless dust particles, flowing in the sky and the earth.

"I'm immortal!"

The Lord of Life and Death controls immortality, and strong vitality bursts out of every dust particle. It seems that he really exists in immortality, even if he is wiped out millions of times, he cannot be killed.

In the era of his hegemony, in fact, he did not win with a strong offensive ability.

Instead, he used this ability to kill and kill a respectable opponent.

Chu Yuan ran the eternal hand, rolled all the particles into his palm, condensed into the embryonic form of the Lord of Life and Death, and a force of power shone down.

"No, I will never die!"

The life of the Lord of Life and Death has come to an end.

He made the most heartbreaking, most painful, and most unwilling roar in his life, but this did not give him a chance to be reborn.

He made the choice to be the enemy of Chu Yuan, and he was destined to have this end.

Chu Yuan killed the Lord of Life and Death, he was deprived of his life, leaving his tyrannical source of life empty, but he could no longer have his own life.


After Chu Yuan got the origin of life and death, he immediately transported it to the empire through the transmission of the eternal kingdom.

In his empire, there is also a strong man called the Lord of Death, who can give him the origin of life and death, so that he can immediately become an eternal grade and promote to an extremely powerful realm.

"The Lord of Life and Death is dead!"

At this moment, the remaining six lost spirits, as the most tenacious of them, could be easily beheaded in front of Emperor Shenwu.

This made them unable to react for a while.

"It's going to die."

The Great Emperor Changsheng saw that the Lord of Life and Death was beheaded, his face was indifferent, these seven statues were about to die, and no one could save them.

"If you make the wrong choice, you will have to pay the wrong price. This is their own choice."

Xianzu Road.

He knows what these people think.

It is nothing more than ambitious, wanting Chu Yuan to die, get his eternal law, and let himself understand it.

He also thought of it this way. After careful consideration, he gave up this ambitious idea and chose to join Chu Yuan instead.

"I am very anxious to see the eternal extinction come."

Poison Ancestor Road.

Immortal Ancestor is slightly different, this Poison Ancestor came to Shenwu, I am afraid that the eternal extinction is coming.

At this moment, on the battlefield.

Chu Yuan's invincible supernatural power had already crushed their hearts. Although they were the strongest, they had to collapse in the face of Chu Yuan.

Just like the emperor of a secular empire, facing the gods, he will collapse.

Chu Yuan is the god, the **** who controls their lives!

He came to the front of the ancestor of the gods and demons, a blow carrying the power of great extinction, directly blasted on the ancestor of the gods and demons.

It can be seen that the ancestor of the gods and demons freezes for a while, and then his body actually powdered and disappeared directly.

Gods and demons die.

Chu Yuan looked at the ancestor of the temple again.

The ancestor of the temple had experienced countless winds and waves, thinking that he would not fear death, but at this time he became frightened, and backed back again and again, not daring to look at him.

Chu Yuan raised his hand, and the torrent of extinction swept over him.

In the end, the ancestor of the temple couldn't even make a scream, so he was drowned.

Chu Yuan didn't show any mercy, and continued to kill. He killed the female emperor Taiyue, and this amazing and brilliant female emperor finally came to the end of her life.

In the last moment of her life, UU reading just broke out unwilling to shout to Shenwu.

Although he made the wrong choice, even if he died, he would not regret it.

The power of the eternal kingdom swept through, and the Zerg mother emperor was also enveloped by his power. Her whole person was in Guanghua, which was the collapse of the soul.

She was obliterated by Chu Yuan, but she was also transported back to the empire.

The power of this Zerg mother emperor was received by Lan, and he received all the mana of the strongest.

Lan was able to follow Chu Yuan, which was her greatest fortune.

He beheaded continuously, and his great extinction covered the Lord of the universe and wiped out his universe.

"Emperor Shenwu, before you really take the eternal step, who is wrong and who is right is still unconfirmed. I represent an age of spells. Although I am dead, my brand will still reappear under eternal power. Annihilate your way!"

Just before death, the ancestor of all laws made such a sound.

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