With boundless power, Chu Yuan actually summoned the five powers of God, Demon, Demon, Dao, and Ming, which existed in heaven and earth. Although these five powerhouses have fallen, they have left their own Dao and Dharma, and their inheritance runs through any era, and their strength is by no means comparable to the ordinary strongest.

The body can fall, the soul can be destroyed, but their Taoism, their spirit is immortal, and still blooms with light.

Just like in Chu Yuan's empire, most of them practiced these five methods.

However, Chu Yuan didn't care. He was an empire, not a sect. What he focused on was not inheritance, but luck and faith, the loyalty of his people to the empire, and the recognition of the empire.

No matter what method you practice, as long as you are loyal to the empire, you are the best people of the empire.

"Shenwu Emperor."

The spiritual recovery of the five ancient powerhouses, under the power of Chu Yuan, appeared!

They are shrouded in infinite divine glory, which is Chu Yuan's eternal strength.

Although they had fallen, Chu Yuan's method of summoning was to forcefully summon them from the depths of the eternal origin, against the eternal sky.

"Founder of the God Realm!"

"Ancestor of Ten Thousand Ways!"

"The ancestor of ten thousand demons!"



There was an exclamation in the empire. Many creatures belonging to this era couldn't calm down when they saw these five powerhouses, and they all looked at them.

At the beginning of this era, they had created an extremely glorious civilization.

But at that time, what they saw was the spiritual reincarnation of Taoism.

"It was I who forcibly summoned you out."

Chu Yuan slowly said: "I already know your eternal and immortal law."

"Although we have created the way of inheritance, we are confined to this cage world, we can't get out of it detached, we can't be eternal, and this is the only way to keep our spirituality immortal."

It was Daozu who spoke.

This is an old man, immortal, and looking at Chu Yuan with a smile.

This is the greatest emperor in history. It is a pity that although he still has spirituality, he has no deity anymore and cannot fight alongside him.

Chu Yuan nodded slightly to them.

This is called the immortal Dharma.

They also know that if they can't resist the eternal calamity by hard resistance, it is impossible to incarnate themselves into eternal rules like the soul, and put their spirituality into their own Taoism.

As long as someone cultivates, the last trace of spirituality can be maintained.

"Finally the last era."

The founder of the God Realm is brilliant, he is not the ancestor of God, he is the leader of God.

Everything is clear. The five powerhouses of this era are spiritual reincarnations. Their main purpose is to spread their Dharma, the inheritance of eras, so that they will always remain immortal.

That's why they will remain immortal.

However, if Chu Yuan fails to launch an eternal extinction, their spirituality will also die out, and without them, they will no longer be able to survive.

"If I succeed, I will awaken your spiritual consciousness by eternal means, reshape you, and give you a new life."

Chu Yuandao.

"We devote our spirituality to the eternal kingdom of Emperor Shenwu, to pursue the only opportunity that will never die."

These five powerhouses did not hesitate. This was their last chance. Suddenly, the five gods brought all their spirituality into the eternal kingdom.

This is exactly the purpose of Chu Yuan summoning them.

As this spirituality entered the eternal realm, Chu Yuan immediately felt that the five ancient and powerful inheritances were being supplemented, and the power of the entire empire had been greatly enhanced.

His current power is infinitely close to true eternity.

He is the emperor, he does not create Dharma, but can accommodate all Dharma.

"Time is coming."

Chu Yuandao.

Time is eternal.

With the passage of time, the atmosphere of heaven and earth became more and more depressing, even at the eternal level, I felt unable to breathe, and the most terrifying thing was pressing in my heart.

The emperor swallows the eternal origin, and now the eternal rules can't help the emperor, brewing the strongest power.

Everyone knows that their emperor is about to take the final step.

"The emperor, our man."

The concubines of Chu Yuan looked at a magnificent and boundless emperor on the firmament of the sky, with strong pride in their hearts.

Another million years have passed.

There was a roar in Chu Yuan's ear all the time that no one else could hear, and his gaze pierced the eternal origin.

"First achieve eternity, and then meet the eternal destruction, eternity is the first step."

Chu Yuan understood that the time was up and could not wait any longer.

He is now devouring the eternal origin, which is angering the most terrifying anger of the eternal rules. If he does not achieve eternity and swallows it infinitely, it will directly fall into eternal destruction.

This is not what I want to see.

Why didn't he achieve it right away? It is to grasp a limit threshold and accumulate his strength to the most powerful moment.

His path to eternity is impossible to stop.

"I will achieve eternity and take a crucial step to make the empire a true eternal kingdom."

Chu Yuan is beginning to achieve eternity.

This step is the evolutionary change of the life level, the gap between the gods and mortals.

Although his current power is boundless, he has never reached this point. It is like a powerful mortal. Even if he has the power to shake the sky, he is not a god.

Treat eternal rules as gods.

Chu Yuan also wanted to become a god, the true eternal emperor.

"The emperor will be eternal!"

Countless people of the empire are looking up. Their greatest and most admired emperor, who has created an unprecedented strength in history, is finally about to take an eternal step.

The eternity of the emperor is truly eternal.

Even the Great Emperor Changsheng, Hongmeng, Immortal Ancestor, Poison Ancestor, they are staring tightly.

Everyone knows that His Majesty's eternal law is different from theirs. They will see the greatest scene, watch the real eternity appear, and break the curse with the most powerful force.

In the entire eternal kingdom, every citizen is shining, no matter how strong or weak, they are all contributing their strength.

"I achieve eternity and open up an eternal path."

The eternity of Chu Yuan is the eternity of the entire empire. The eternity of everyone at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is not directly giving you the eternal law, but for you to create a path to eternity.

His whole body was glowing, it was the real eternal light, shining brightly on the emptiness.

With boundless power, he is the only one in the world, he is the only strongest emperor in the world.

An unprecedented scene, from him, the eternal light belonging to him paved the entire eternal road.

His own life level was changing, and the eternal kingdom, countless visions, groundbreaking, and boundless mysteries were all directly created.

For Chu Yuan himself.

He himself is eternal, he controls the calamity, and no one is qualified to descend upon him.

But the eternal rule would not sit back and watch Chu Yuan achieve eternity. If he could not kill him before Chu Yuan achieved eternity, then he could only bring down eternal extinction.

This is what the eternal rule itself is unwilling to do!

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