Past epochs.

Because of the death of God, in a state of dead silence, it is difficult to replenish energy from the outside world, let alone dominated by the will of God, in order to maintain the existence of the inner world, there will be eternal calamity.

Everything is in the path of eternity and will return to eternity after destruction.

This is the conservation of energy, maintaining a balance.

Otherwise, if there are too many strong people, they will collapse.

Now, Chu Yuan is devouring eternity, and a large number of supplements from the outside world, the eternal kingdom's violent expansion, there is no such worry at all, and it is not known how far away from the limit.

He watched the empire's powerhouse blow out, and was very satisfied.

The development of the long epoch of Eternal Road has now become his foundation.

Supplemented by his power, several eternal kings appeared.

The eternal emperor of the empire now has gods, demons, demons, Dao, Ming, Hongmeng, Longevity Emperor, Poison Ancestor, Immortal Ancestor, Zhutian Emperor, and Mythical Ancient Heaven Emperor.

Although these two powerhouses were reproduced with strength.

But Chu Yuan defeated the eternal rules, undoubtedly regaining the brand for them, and once again achieved their new lives.

There are also a few people who are expected to achieve the Emperor Realm.

These strong men formed the foundation of the empire.

Although he can use his invincible means to revive all those stigmas, it is not necessary. He has never joined the empire, and has no stigma belonging to the empire.

And the empire does not lack these imprints now.

With the current strength of the empire, it is entirely possible to create more and greater existences.

"Once, those who are on the opposite side of the emperor, holy emperor, soul, sea god, etc., the strongest people, unfortunately they can't see the real eternal world, if they know it will be like this, don't know if they will regret it , The decision made? I think someone will regret it."

Hongmeng said with emotion.

He knew that the emperor was not a benevolent saint, but he was stained with blood on his hands, and would not be kind to say to revive them.

Since it is against the empire, it is standing on the opposite side of the empire.

The emperor will not resurrect his enemies, no matter how difficult they are.

At this moment, the eternal kingdom is a huge swallow body, like a magnet, and rolling objects have been absorbed. Each burst of light is equivalent to a big bang in the universe.

Chu Yuan knew that if he swallowed like this, sooner or later he would encounter other gods.

He was not eager to find the gods of the heavens to swallow, but proceeded with a rolling momentum in the form of the empire's circular spread.

He also understood that other **** bodies from the heavens were not so easy to swallow.

After all, this was originally living in his body, from the inside to the outside, breaking the eternal rules first, and the other gods would attack from the outside world.

He has felt God's curse thoughts, and he is raining down on the empire.

What kind of curse thoughts are, now I will swallow them all.

With so much energy, Chu Yuan also started his creation. Before he obtained the blueprints for the Eternal Shenzhou and the Eternal Cannon, he was about to build them.

The level of these two weapons of war is the eternal emperor.

And the blueprint could not be a **** artifact.

God's artifact is already the highest-level artifact.

"More clay tablets."

As Chu Yuan was devouring it, more mudstone slabs had gathered, which amounted to tens of thousands, but this was still only a very small part of all the mudstone slabs.

The mudstone slab recorded an eternal cultivation method.

"The King of God."

Chu Yuan already knew that the mudstone slab was left by the Lord of God and collapsed in the Great War. The name of the mudstone slab was only given to it by Chu Yuan, not its real name.

These clay slabs not only had a great effect on his comprehension, but also had a great effect on the strong empire.

"To reach the eternal king, with the gate of eternity, you can reach the battlefield of God."

The door of eternity, the door of eternity opened.

This portal opened up a passage through which the power of shelter can directly reach the battlefield of God.

"We should move too."

With a smile, Poison Ancestor walked to the gate of eternity first.

To achieve the eternal emperor realm, they must obtain experience in the realm of heaven.

After that, those who had reached the eternal king began to leave the eternal kingdom and went to the battlefield of God first.

Although the battlefield of God is also extremely dangerous, the strength of the emperor has the qualifications to explore, and behind them is the shelter of the eternal Shenwu Empire.

"God's battlefield, in the real world of God!"

The eternal kings of the empire looked at the battlefield of God and breathed the air here. This is all the breath of God, what they dream of and desire.

"Here, we will meet more opponents, and perhaps they may fall, but the vastness of this world is what we are pursuing, eternal emperor realm, and even becoming God!"

The ancestor of ten thousand demons.

He also knew that he was just the magic way of the eternal Divine Martial Empire, in the heavens, and the magic above the heavens, that was the magic of all strong men.

And leaving the empire is also looking for a way to break through the imperial realm.

"I want to do so much, God Realm, we are not weak, we have only one thing to do, and that is to cultivate and get to the Emperor Realm first."

Ming is very calm.

"To reach the eternal true God is immortal, but even if it is God, even the strongest king of God will fall, heaven and earth will die, my heart, immortality is not immortality, I live forever and seek eternal life."

The longevity emperor has only one goal, which is longevity.

And the empire.

"The development of the empire has been on the right path, and I will continue to plunder the power between heaven and earth."

Chu Yuan's will is supernatural.

Each **** is unique and represents the sky.

However, if the empire's powerhouses were promoted to God, then the situation would be very different, because they belonged to the empire in the first place, and they became God, and they would also be part of the empire sky, actively integrating into it.

Chu Yuan is the strongest, he can control everything.

The empire is the largest sky, including small sky, just like the sea, countless tributaries, inclusive of hundreds of rivers, finally poured into the sea.

Therefore, the empire is the source of all his power.

His way of empire control is not to restrict others from becoming God, but to actively help others.

As long as the strongest combat power is maintained, UU reading www.uukanshu. Everything in com is part of the empire.

"God created heaven and earth."

Chu Yuan's spirit jumped at this moment.

He seemed to have broken through the ancient barriers, broke through the realm of God, and reached a mysterious place.

What his will sees is absolute darkness, a place that does not exist, only the will of God can feel it, but he really feels the expansion of the world.

Beyond God is a world that does not exist.

This kind of darkness is darkness without a world, you cannot see things that don't exist with your eyes.

Then God will create the world that does not exist.

"There is no heaven in the world. The heaven created the heaven, and the heaven is the absolute heaven."

Chu Yuan's spirit was ethereal at this moment, brightened more, and understood the nature of the operation of God's way.

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