"This is the price of death!"

These sixteen people are all arrogant, arrogant, and arrogant.

After beheading the King of Blackhorn, their merits will be reported quickly in exchange for huge benefits by special means.

"Our battle with the Thunder World has attracted many people who want to take advantage. This group of people who do not know whether they live or die, I will be soft when I kill them."

"Haha, it's okay to be soft. The more you kill, the greater the merit. It's not the good opportunity of the battlefield of God, where can you earn so much merit? You are about to break through to the king?"

"It's fast, we need more kings in our team, so we can hunt for stronger ones."

"Our merits will soon be exchanged for a piece of God's Stone!"

"If there is a stone of the gods of the heavens, I will be sure to become a king."

"That said, I hope the more people come, the better."

They were talking to each other, as a game, checking the trophies of King Noire.

"What king, he is so poor, he doesn't even have any valuables."

But King Noire's spoils made them very dissatisfied.

"The king's strength is average, and it's not surprising that there are no good things."

The king's way in the team.

His eyes crossed the sky, and he saw a person in a distant place, and sneered: "Oh? There is another person there who saw us beheading the king, without the brand of the camp, but also a lifeless person."

"Should we do it?"

"But it seems that this person's strength seems a bit strange, he should be stronger than this emperor, I am afraid it will be a little troublesome to kill him, even if this person is not in the emperor realm, I am afraid that he has realized the mystery of the emperor realm, right?"

"Huh! Don't say that he is not in the emperor realm, even if it is in the emperor realm, we are not afraid. Together, we can leave unhurriedly in the hands of the emperor realm, and the gods have also left us the means to protect us."

"That's right, then deal with him. If it is too weak, it will disappoint us."

These sixteen people are too arrogant, even defiant, with absolute confidence in themselves.

This is also a temperament that everyone in the martial world possesses. In the battle of the army, it may not be as good as the thunder world, but it is extremely strong in personal combat effectiveness.

In fact, the law enforcement team is not mainly responsible for the two camps.

Those with camps are basically the army to deal with.

"The sword of Wu!"

These sixteen people once again condensed the sword of martial arts, spanning the ages, subverting the world, and its power has faintly reached the strength of the emperor, which is unimaginable.

In their eyes, Chu Yuan was the prey.

The essence of the sword rose strongly, but Chu Yuan's emperor's body was eternal and immortal. He grabbed it lightly with one hand, and this sword was directly crushed by him.

This scene was also shocked.

"Crushed the sword of Wu at will!"

"His strength is stronger than ours. The Emperor Realm must be the Emperor Realm, but we have not sensed his true strength. This shows that we can't sense his strength!"

"Back, back quickly!"

Although arrogant, they wouldn't make fun of their lives. They knew that they would advance and retreat when they met someone stronger, and the sixteen people would retreat together.

But Chu Yuan would not let them go easily.

Although he didn't bother to take the initiative to kill these law enforcement teams, but Diwei cannot be profaned, and the profanity is a dead end.

In an instant.

Just as they ran away, an eternal gate appeared above their heads and cracked. With a big hand, an eternal deity broke open.


This big hand swept the past continuously, and only the aftermath of the past swept apart several eternal gods.

Killing Eternal Heavenly Lord is like killing a dog. This is Chu Yuan's majesty. When he was on the Eternal Road, the strongest were killed by him.

What's more, the strength is now multiplied.

"You dare to kill us, we are the military law enforcement team!"

The eye socket of a martial arts **** who was about to break through to the emperor was about to split, but as soon as his words were sent out, there was a vigor, and he was directly shattered.

What is Chu Yuan afraid of.

Not to mention them, even if Wu Shangcang came, he would dare to fight.

Although he has not yet broken through to God, he already has the will of God, and the eternal kingdom is also evolving toward God.

He is as powerful as the sea, turbulent and unimaginable.

"He is not an ordinary emperor realm, summon the emperor quickly!"

Someone is yelling.

Chu Yuan ignored them at all, waving his hand directly, it was the eternal torrent, the power subverted the past, the present and the future, the soul was arrogant, and under his magical power, it was about to collapse.

The majesty of Chu Yuan made the king kneel down.

To deal with them, Chu Yuan would not use the blade of catastrophe.

He glanced at the king, and the engulfing black hole descended on his head with a direct blow. The king couldn't even struggle and was swallowed by himself.

Just an instant, this strong team disappeared.

Although swallowing some kings is of no great effect to him, it is better than nothing.

The eyes were clear, Chu Yuan's actions were cruel and merciless.

After Chu Yuan destroyed the law enforcement team, he left this area.

In fact, this kind of thing happens often, and the law enforcement team is not invincible and will be hunted by others.

For every **** world, only the loss of the emperor of heaven will make them feel, and the emperor doesn't care too much.

If they can use the fall of thousands of kings in exchange for the birth of a heavenly emperor, they are also willing.

"God launched a war to make even stronger powers appear under his command."

Chu Yuan felt a little bit.

He walked in various battlefields, killing and being killed all the time.

The flames of war are burning in all circles.

At this moment, he moved his eyes and looked into the distance.

"Blood Blue King, you are looking for death!"

With the roar of anger, a big city belonging to the martial world was destroyed, and all the creatures in it died.

Many powerful people in the martial arts made a long howling sound, and they chased them out.

"The **** king must die!"

Not only is the mighty thunder of the martial world ~www.ltnovel.com~ spreading, but also the strongmen of the thunder world have also been killed.

This man named Blood Cang King did a thing of anger and grievance, and the Martial Realm and Thunder Realm that caused him were all chasing and killing him.

I saw the breath, and the figures chased by.

"Haha, kill me if you have the ability!"

The King of Blood Cang was a person shrouded in blood, piercing his defenses, and you could vaguely see that this was an old man.

His face gave people a very sinister and vicious feeling, very uncomfortable.

However, his strength is also extremely powerful, it is the pinnacle of the eternal king, and the power of the emperor realm is also rippling, and he is practicing with his own strength.

He was quite calm in the pursuit of a large number of strong men in the two circles.

"The blood is above the sky, from the blood world."

Chu Yuan saw that this blood blue came from the blood realm.

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