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Raise one's hands and feet, it can be a symbol of the power of God!

With this punch, his power was as fierce as he was holding a Primordial Sky Pillar. The void was knocked out of a hollow hole, and almost any **** position would be directly knocked into blood mist.

This is Qi Zhen's angry shot, and can no longer stand the decline of the battlefield.

He suddenly attacked and came directly in front of Chu Yuan, using his power to completely kill Chu Yuange and end the battle.

"Finally can't help but want to do it?"

But there was no panic on Chu Yuan's face. It seemed that Qi Zhen would have expected Qi Zhen to do it a long time ago, spreading his five fingers, and showing five different lusters on them, the color of gold, wood, fire and earth.

Big Five Elements Technique!

Once the five elements cycle, the five huge attributes that are like building a small world cut through the blue sky and strangled Qi Zhen fiercely.

His current realm has reached the tenth level of the accumulation of the gods, and the law of **** position is also cultivated in his body.

And he also practiced the Big Five Elements technique.

With every blow, the power that bursts out is not at all weaker than the power of God, and under the Big Five Elements technique, he seems to have become a person without weakness, no matter where Qi Zhen strikes, he can take it easy. The next.

At the moment Qi Zhen suddenly came, Chu Yuan attacked.

The two forces collided fiercely in the void, and everyone saw that even though Qi Zhen made a shot at Chu Yuan, Chu Yuan easily dissolved his power with a single blow.

"What a weird state, what a weird power!"

Qi Zhen's face was solemn, and the brief fight just now made him feel that Chu Yuan was a seamless egg that was difficult to break.

"If you can't wait so long, are you going to fight with me now?"

Chu Yuan also learned the power of a strong man, which is indeed different from a **** position.

They all have an unmatched supernatural power in every gesture, but Tongshen Duo is still in his response.

"Emperor Wu, you are very powerful, you can take my psychic attack, and your army is also very powerful, but as long as I kill you, your dynasty's luck will be destroyed!"

This Qi Zhen flew up again in an instant.

He raised his palm and split the void into two halves. It was a billowing black demon flame, which immediately turned into a demon dragon, and suddenly the cold and cold demon energy swept towards Chu Yuan.

But Chu Yuan did not give in!

Incomparably hot sparks shot from his eyes.

Fist of the Five Elements!

Bang! His punch seemed to break the world, a cycle of world power was generated in his power, and he actually blasted directly at Qi Zhen.

Qi Zhen took the palm abruptly, and he suddenly felt that this person's power was greater than he had imagined. The demon flame encountered a flood and was about to extinguish in an instant, and a large amount of the brilliance of the Five Elements power descended from the sky.

Qi Zhen's heart condensed, and he forcibly accepted Chu Yuan's move, causing him to retreat again and again, and blood stains were cut on the surface of his body by golden light.

"you wanna die!"

Qi Zhen didn't take advantage and was furious!

His five fingers jerked up suddenly, and his huge clutches stretched.

His original law of the position of God is now turned into a pillar to the sky, as if it has become one with the ancient gods, and between the waves, there is no surging divine power rolling down.

Endless origin....

Face-to-face is really capable of fighting, Chu Yuan's eyes are extremely calm.

As soon as this endless aura of origin spreads to the divine power, it dissolves this divine power into the most initial gas, and then he soars into the sky, with a violent attack from the king of heaven and earth, as if to kill all gods.

As soon as there is no king of heaven and earth, all the vitality between heaven and earth is extracted.

"I am going to strangle me in the dual realm of abilities? Today, I will not only defeat your army, but also kill you here, turning it into the law of my assault realm!"

Chu Yuan's current state can be said to have reached a bottleneck.

No matter how much the law of the gods is absorbed, it can only accumulate energy, only to seize the power of a higher level of law, such as the law of the power of God.


And at this moment, Qi Zhen also suffered from the bombardment of Chu Yuan Tiandi Wuwang, and with his spiritual power realm, he felt that the power of God in his body was about to be torn apart.

"You still want to kill Tongshen! The word Tongshen represents incomparable majesty, and it can be used to kill people like you!"

That Qi Zhen made several shots, but he didn't take advantage of Chu Yuan's hands, and he also made an extremely angry voice.

"The Devil's Arrow!"

A black bow appeared in his hand!

This bow is called the Bow of the Demon Abyss, which is a spiritual artifact refined by the Lord of the Demon Abyss, and is only rewarded to the powerhouse above the power of God.

Rolling strength is condensed, and the bows and arrows that appear on the bow are condensed according to the law of gods. The power is outrageous and terrifying to the extreme.

Everything was silent. The moment the arrow shot out, Chu Yuan was locked by the arrow, but he didn't see a panic expression on his face. He grabbed it at random and the infinite thunder and lightning gathered and turned into the power of thunder and lightning. It hit it hard.


The fierce and domineering lightning technique restrains magic power!

"It's time for me to fight back!"

"The cycle of the five elements, the power of the world, the power of the dynasty, the supreme humanity, our will is the will of heaven!"

Chu Yuan's voice was like thunder anger.

At this moment, his aura unexpectedly increased infinitely, and the Qi Zhentongshen's aura itself was strong enough, but after such a comparison, he was immediately oppressed and turned into a humble existence.

"This momentum!"

Amazed by Chu Yuan's aura, Qi Zhen also had a look of astonishment on his face.

Humanity supreme, in front of the human race, the emperor's aura increased by 100%, and the shock bonus was 100%!

The power of the supreme humanity is the higher the realm, the stronger the oppression caused.


Qi Zhen yelled, put away the bow of the Demon Abyss, and slapped the palm of the gods, the overwhelming power immediately enveloped.

"Great combat skills, invincible!"

At this time ~www.ltnovel.com~ Chu Yuan struck him with a punch, and the God of War's will turned into a fierce force and blessed him, making him seem to have broken through the original level of strength, possessing more power than ordinary gods. Terrible power.

This punch directly blasted all Qi Zhen's power, causing him to scream into the distance.

Chu Yuan continued to shoot. The golden war god's hand carried infinite oppression, and his palm rolled like golden light, turning into a golden sword, piercing Qi Zhen's body, causing the devilish energy in his body to evaporate and his strength Directly weakened.

"No! His power is so powerful!"

Qi Zhen secretly groaned under Chu Yuan's repeated attempts.

I think he exists as a Tongshen, high above, but now he is so embarrassed and painful, and endless anger is rapidly growing in his heart.

"Emperor Wu, do you think I have this trick? I also prepared a gift for you. I thought it was useless. It seems I have to use it now. I want you to die!"

At this moment, Qi Zhen slammed his hands towards the void!

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