Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 200: Expedition Demon Shark Dynasty

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In the summer of the 34th year of Dawu, the expedition army was ready.

This expedition is to cross the sea and conquer the Demon Shark Dynasty!

The invasion of the Demon Abyss Legion is not only a disaster, but also an opportunity for rebirth.

Chu Yuan killed all the gods of the Demon Abyss Legion, and gave fifty or sixty pills of the gods, and then cooperated with the spiritual gods to make a group of cultivation bases reach the tenth level of the breakthrough.

The final success rate was not bad, and Dawu once again had more than forty gods.

The existence of these newly promoted gods was completely broken through by Chu Yuan's gods pill, and they were more loyal to Dawu and respected Chu Yuan.

Chu Yuan also built as many as five hundred thunder cannons during this period.

The number of sky battleships is still ten.

Then Chu Yuan couldn't build it, and there was no material.

These two things need to consume too many high-level materials, and it is difficult to find so many in a small domain like Wu Yu, which is in a corner.

"Go to sea, expedition to the Demon Shark Dynasty!"

Above the sea, a large number of iron-clad flying boats appeared at this moment, all kinds of ships, the ships of the Demon Abyss Dynasty were captured by Chu Yuan, and they were specially used to transport troops.

And above the sky, there are ten sky battleships, the silver-white hulls that spray huge kinetic energy across the sky.

The army moved, and huge waves were set off on the boundless sea.

Chu Yuan obtained a chart for the Demon Shark Dynasty from the Demon Abyss Legion.

The Demon Shark Dynasty is a powerful dynasty on the sea.

At this moment, there is a huge island on the sea, and there are countless small islands scattered around the island. There are cities on it, forming the territory of the Demon Shark Dynasty.

If you look from a distance, you will find that the luck on these islands is condensed into a huge demon god, the **** of demon abyss!

The Demon Shark Dynasty is a subordinate country of the Demon Abyss Dynasty. The emperor is nominally the ruler of this dynasty, but in fact, he is also regarded as the courtiers of the Demon Abyss Dynasty, and it is still the Demon Abyss Dynasty that dominates them.

In the Demon Shark Imperial City, in the Demon Shark Palace, a large number of powerful beings are gathering at this time.

"Your Majesty, Qi Zhen led the Demon Abyss Legion to the Hanging Space for so long, and he hasn't come back yet, and no news has been returned. Is something wrong? Shall we send someone to the Hanging Space to inquire about intelligence."

A group of people looked at a middle-aged man sitting on top of a devil shark throne.

This middle-aged man is the emperor of the Demon Shark Dynasty, the realm of God!

Although they are all five-star dynasties, the Demon Shark dynasty is much stronger than the Hanging dynasty. The emperor's cultivation base is through the gods, and there are more than one hundred strong gods in the country.

"Huh! Don't worry, they will have nothing to do. There is no psychic power in the hanging space. At most, the war is not going well. The hanging dynasty is defending and obstructing the Qizhen legion."

The Demon Shark Lord sneered: "This group of people knows the location of the airspace. It's like the cat smells the fishy smell and can't bear it for a moment. The emperor wanted to send someone to the airspace to share some benefits, but that's all. He really asked the emperor to wait for his good news, saying that his army is enough, but the emperor knows that he just wants to take advantage of it. Even if he encounters trouble, what does it have to do with the emperor?"

The Emperor Demon Shark was also angry when he thought of this.

Although he is also a powerhouse, Qi Zhen didn't take him seriously.

After all, he came from the Demon Abyss dynasty, and his Demon Shark dynasty was only a country.

Also let him Demon Shark Dynasty exclusively as his logistics.

"But... Qi Zhen comes from the Demon Abyss Dynasty after all. If there is an accident, we may not be able to bear this responsibility."

A courtier's face was solemn.

"If there is an accident, he is also incompetent. The God of Demon Abyss will not blame us. The emperor wants to see him have an accident and suppress his arrogance. The emperor will not endure him for a day or two, if not He comes from the Moyuan Dynasty, and this emperor can't wait to mobilize the national movement to suppress him."

When the Demon Shark Lord said, his face suddenly changed, "What's going on!"

"Your Majesty, the Devil Shark Dynasty is here."

At this moment, the sky battleship has entered the Demon Shark Dynasty, and did not hide its movement at all, but appeared in the sky in a grand manner.

"When you arrive, then directly bombard their imperial city."

The speed of the sky battleship was too fast, and the imperial city of the Demon Shark Dynasty appeared almost within a short time.

Other soldiers landed directly from the sea and attacked the past.

He took the sky battleship directly against the imperial city.

Chu Yuan's purpose this time was to directly destroy the imperial city of the Demon Shark Dynasty, destroy the country of the Demon Empire, and then seize the resources in their treasury to build more Thunder Cannons and Sky Warships.

"What? When did so many warships come?",

"Who are you guys!"

"An enemy attack, an enemy attack, someone attacked!"

When the sky battleship came over the magic shark, countless people reacted, looking at the huge ships in the sky, roaring, and immediately activated the formation, and then the cannon appeared on the wall. .

With such aggressiveness, the direct battleship smashes the city, fools can know that this is not a guest at all, but an attack.


The sky battleship is condescending.

Each sky battleship is equipped with a large number of sky cannons. Although they are not as good as the Thunder cannons, they add up to a large number of them. They don’t have to talk nonsense with the Demon Shark Dynasty. The artillery fires directly and the infinite energy beam penetrates. Got out.

Five hundred thunder cannons were also placed on the deck.

Fortunately, it was a battleship in the sky, otherwise the Thunder Cannon would be so huge that ordinary ships would not be able to mount it, nor could it withstand such fierce recoil.


The endless artillery fire suddenly tore through the defense of the Demon Shark Imperial City.

Although the Demon Shark Imperial City was also equipped with Demon Abyss giant cannons, those giant cannons had not fired a few shots before they were suppressed by the artillery fire from Chu Yuan's side.

Thunder giant cannon directly bombarded the interior of the imperial city.

"No, someone is attacking the city, who is it?"

"Wu Zihao flag? What dynasty is that? Is there such a dynasty around? Why haven't you heard of it?"

"Damn damn, what kind of battleship they are, what kind of artillery fire, my kingdom of the Devil Shark Dynasty can't resist it!"


The roaring voice roared.

The space in front of him was almost shattered.

The majestic Demon Shark Imperial City was blown to ruined walls almost in a short period of time, a huge fire light ploughed the entire imperial city fiercely, not knowing how much it was torn apart.

The equipment's dimensionality reduction strike is the imperial city that cannot be defended.

"Shoot! We must contend against them and blast their battleship down!"

"Can't let them go on, otherwise my Demon Shark Dynasty will be destroyed!"

"The powerhouse of the gods will take action!"

Many powerhouses in the Demon Shark Dynasty were angry, and many gods flew out one after another. They all have strong gods laws to defend themselves, and they worked together to blast out the terrifying gods power and turned into long rainbows of light. Through the past.



Those masters saw their power bombard the sky battleship.

But they weren't happy yet, their eyes were frozen.

The treasures of those warships who didn't know what level, after being bombarded by hundreds of gods, did not move at all, showing a silvery energy luster, all collapsed, and they were unscathed.

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