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The dozens of people who appeared outside the city of Wu were precisely the powerful masters from the Yulingzong, Kuanglangmen, and Earthlingzong.

They were like pilgrims who didn't even dare to fly, but walked towards Wucheng honestly.

The masters of the three sects are extremely bitter.

Originally, they were still planning how to deal with Da Wu and deal with this sudden arrival.

But suddenly the overwhelming soldiers appeared in their sect, and there were fifteen terrifying warships suspended in the sky, and the huge guns erected on them could blast all their sects.

What they never expected was that Fang Lei had already taken refuge in the Dawu Dynasty.

This makes them all confused.

Dare to move?

These three sects dare not move at all.

If you dare to move, the sky battleship will directly knock down their sects, and even those with the power of God will be directly killed.

"You are here too."

"We are here too."

"You are also here to meet Emperor Wu?"

"All the same thoughts."

"Oh, there is only one way to go by surrender."

"Let's meet Emperor Wu together."

The big men of the three sects met outside Wucheng, and their expressions were very bitter.

"Sect Master Yu Ling is here."

"The Lord of the Crazy Wave is here."

"Earth Spirit Sect Master is here."

In the palace of Wucheng, Chu Yuan made several announcements.


After Chu Yuan let the three major sect masters come in, he said calmly: "The three major sect masters came to Zhen Wu City today. It seems that they have already made a decision and have figured out what to do."

"I have already made a decision. Starting today, I will submit my clan to Dawu, and I am willing to become a part of Dawu, listen to your majesty's dispatch, and become your majesty's minister!"

Sect Master Yu Ling said first.

He looked up at Chu Yuan above the throne.

Although Chu Yuan didn't deliberately radiate power, he was closely connected with the great Wu Guoyun.

In his eyes, it was a radiant existence, an incomparably bright, powerful and invincible holy emperor, holding the supreme power.

"I am willing to submit to Dawu."

Sect Master Crazy Wave and Sect Master of Earth Spirit quickly said.

"Since he submits, he is a Dawu citizen, that is, his own."

Chu Yuan waved his sleeves, "Three, this is the pill that I rewarded you. Take it back and be loyal in the future. The more contributions you make, the more rewards you will receive."

"this is?"

The three of them opened their jade bottles. There were not many medicines in them, only a few pills, but their complexions suddenly changed, and they were shocked: "This is the King Grade God Pill!"

How cherished Wangpin Shendan, even if they are the masters of a sect, it is difficult to see one.

You should know that ordinary people can't refine this kind of pill, and need a king-level alchemist.

But how many king-level alchemists are in the Eastern Profound Realm.

Each one is a prestigious existence.

"Wang Pin Divine Pill is nothing, as long as you listen to my will, I can let you get more."

In fact, the most difficult part of Wangpin Shendan is not the material, but the refining.

But Chu Yuan had the Taiyi Pill Furnace. As long as the materials were sufficient, there was no failure at all. Although he didn't have many medicinal materials, he could refine some of them in a small amount, so as to reward them to the Spiritual Realm for cultivation.

"There are more spiritual pills here, and those who obey will reward them. You can go back first, and help King Valor to return to the Sea Mansion, so that the Great Martial Law can be unimpeded."

Chu Yuan seemed to have given them the King Grade and Spirit Grade God Pill, but it was an emperor's method.

The three masters all know that this is a means of doing a big stick and sweet jujube.

They came to Wucheng obediently today, and naturally gave a good impression to Emperor Wu. Sheng Yan Xinyue rewarded them, but if they dare to resist, they will be completely razed.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The three masters retreated with mixed feelings.

The three masters were also obedient and honest, especially when they came to Wucheng to meet Chu Yuan in person, they put away all the careful thoughts, and wholeheartedly cooperated with Lu Qianfu to implement Da Wu's laws and regulations throughout Guihai Mansion.

Guihai Mansion originally had many large and small forces.

That's because the four major sects check and balance each other, and no one will let each one dominate, giving them room for survival.

However, as soon as Chu Yuan's Dawu dynasty came, the four major sects surrendered, and these big and small forces either left Guihai Mansion or returned to Dawu.

There are indeed a lot of strong people in the Returned Sea Mansion. There are as many as 14 people in the four major sects, but most of the realms are in the first and second levels of the gods. With the resources of this place, this is their limit. Up.

There is not enough King Grade God Pill, so I can only use time to slowly cultivate.

Both grace and power can not only conquer the strong, but also conquer the hearts of the people.

Lingyuan rice is also being promoted to the whole government at the fastest speed, and the resources of the four major sects have been integrated by Chu Yuan to refine a lot of medicines and distribute them to ordinary civilians in various cities. .

Dynasty and Zongmen are different.

The dynasty pays attention to the hearts of the people and the way of all beings, unlike the sect that only pays attention to the top strong.

There used to be countless large and small forces in Guihai Mansion. In order to compete for territory and resources, many wars broke out. Therefore, the civilians here have not lived as well as the civilians in the military domain.

However, as soon as the Dawu Dynasty came, the rule was returned to Haifu, all resources were returned to the court, and all fighting was ordered to be prohibited, and various resources were given to the common people.

It doesn't take long for these people to know who is really good to them, and the people's sentiment will soon be conquered.

In fact, Fang Lei was the one who respected Chu Yuan the most among the four great sect masters.

Fang Lei was severely beaten by Chu Yuan that day, and he truly understood how powerful Chu Yuan was, and he was completely convinced in his heart.

Moreover, Chu Yuan is proficient in the technique of lightning and lightning, and has the title of thunder and lightning sanctioner, and Fang Lei is a supernatural power majoring in lightning.

Chu Yuan would not be stingy with his subordinates.

He gave Fang Lei the enlightenment method of the Great Thunder and Lightning Technique, and with the power of thunder and lightning sanctions, summoned Rolling Thunder to let him experience the magical powers in it.

As for how much he can comprehend, it all depends on his good fortune.

As for the Thunder Blade Gate, the main purpose is to cultivate Thunder Dao's supernatural powers, but there are many materials used in the creation of Thunder Giant Cannon.

Chu Yuan also handed a part of those newly created Thunder Cannons to Fang Lei.

What surprised Chu Yuan was that this Fang Lei was also a ruthless person. He actually used the Thunder Giant Cannon to practice the Great Thunder and Lightning Technique ~www.ltnovel.com~ and made people fire the cannon directly at him, using his own mana to counter it. The power of lightning strikes.

Chu Yuan smiled at Fang Lei's behavior.

As long as he is loyal to Dawu and sage, Chu Yuan can be willing to use any resources to improve his subordinate's strength.

He is now firmly in control of the Guihai Mansion in his own hands, and the Wuyu side also knows the news here, so he has also sent ships to start building a sea route that can sail unimpeded in the two areas.

As for going to other provinces immediately.

He doesn't have this idea yet.

Chu Yuan's current main task is to build more sky warships, sky war soldiers and thunder cannons.

Guihai Mansion is just the edge of the Eastern Profound Realm, and will not be too eye-catching.

"Your Majesty, the elder of my Universe Chamber of Commerce is here!"

After Tang Feng reported, he hurriedly came to see Chu Yuan.

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