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The appearance of Wangpin's divine veins has caused some waves.

However, all the Sanfu powerhouses were exterminated by the Dawu Dynasty, which is an uproar and a huge wave.

The news came back to the Sanfu, which was in turmoil.

The rulers of the three provinces were frightened, and everyone was extremely angry.

They never expected Dawu to be so bold that they didn't put Sanfu in their eyes at all, and killed their powerhouse directly in the veins.

This behavior is provocation!

And they are very close to Guihai Mansion. If you continue, isn't this Dawu going to annex them.

If they don't fight back, they will be the joke of the Eastern Profound Region this time, and everyone dares to step on their heads.

Therefore, the three provinces that had always fought with each other soon united and issued a war letter to Dawu.

In Wucheng.

Lu Qianfu, Zhu Fengfeng, Fang Lei and others gathered in the hall, looking at a great existence above the throne.

"Your Majesty, the Three Mansions have gathered a large number of powerful people within a few days. They have already united. Countless ships have assembled on the sea and moved along the coast. They are marching towards my Guihai Mansion. It seems that they are planning to land from the sea. Guihai Mansion launched an attack."

Fang Lei stepped forward and reported immediately.

The four houses of Guihai, Cangshan, Yuping, and Lezhang are not far away from each other.

If the Sanfu wants to march on a large scale from other directions, it will take a long time not to mention, but also to borrow from other governments.

And marching from Cangshan Mansion is the closest to Dawu, and can also envelop Guihai Mansion into their artillery strike range, and land directly to the center of Guihai Mansion Wucheng, and avoid blows along the way.

In order to open up the route between Wucheng and Wuyu, Wucheng was close to the sea and would directly face threats from the ocean.

"Mineral veins are just a fuse."

Chu Yuan said: "Dawu is based in the Eastern Profound Realm, and conflicts will inevitably occur, and even wars will erupt. This is what I had predicted. Since they have issued a war note and want to provoke this war, I will accompany you next. They have a good fight!"

"Your Majesty, the minister is willing to petition!" Fang Lei said immediately.

[Option 1: The imperial driver will lead the army to tear apart the three-family coalition forces and get 500 fate points. 】

[Option 2: Sitting in the center, staying still, so that your subordinates will fight against the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, get 500 Fate Points, and 10% of the progress in building the Gate of Thunder. 】

"This battle must be fought. I will sit in the city of Wu. The sky warships, sky soldiers, thunder cannons, and a large amount of war materials will be allocated to you all. The warriors should be in the first battle. time."

Chu Yuan said: "Fang Lei is the commander-in-chief of this battle, and all the Wu Xuan troops are dispatched to take charge of this naval battle, while the King of Loyalty and Feng will lead the Shenwu Army to defend the border of the Returned Sea Mansion."

Chu Yuan didn't plan to play in person in this battle.

Raising so many subordinates and giving them so many supplies, it should be time for them to perform.

In the past, when Da Wu was in the Martial Domain, there were few strong players and there was no way.

And he was sitting in Wucheng, and it seemed that he didn't make a move, but invisibly, he would shock the strongest of the Sanfu not to act rashly.

Dawu is always the most mysterious and powerful person.

"Lead the minister!"

Fang Lei looked excited, "The minister will live up to his majesty's trust!"

He knew that this was Chu Yuan's trust in him, and if this battle was fought, he would have any reward.

Guihai Mansion is close to the sea, and he is also extremely adaptable to sea battles.

And given him so much equipment this time, the three-family coalition forces must let them be buried in the sea!

"Ding! The host makes choice one and gets five hundred fate points, 10% of the construction progress of the Gate of Thunder, and the current construction progress of 40%."

The Sanfu attacked, and the war machine Dawu was operating again.

Fang Lei was eager to make contributions immediately.

A few days later, a large number of ships appeared above the sea, equipped with a large number of giant cannons, and countless figures gathered on it.

The Sanfu coalition forces have gathered together this time for the purpose of Dawu.

"Although this was a fierce internal fight before returning to Haifu, the strength was not weak. How could it suddenly take refuge in the Great Martial Dynasty? What is the origin of that Great Martial Dynasty? It seems to have suddenly emerged."

On the main ship, three powerful figures appeared.

These three are the commanders elected by the three provinces.

"I don't know this, but in short, this Dawu is very mysterious and brought a lot of things that the Eastern Profound Region didn't have before. Didn't you find out? Since Dawu came, the Qiankun Chamber of Commerce has been in close contact with them."

Commander of Le Zhangfu Road.

"I've heard of this. Our strategy this time is to attack Guihai Mansion and plunder their wealth."

Yuping Mansion commander said.

"Yes, this Dawu dynasty is extremely arrogant, killing our three-family powerhouses in the veins. This behavior is already extremely contempt. If we don't send troops to flatten them, I will suffer endless ridicules in the future! "

The commander of Cangshan Mansion was the most murderous, his gaze suddenly looked towards the distant sea.

It is an endless ship that covers the sky and the sun.

"The Sanfu Allied Forces are in front, tear them apart!"

Thirty-five sky battleships are flying in the sky, and there are a large number of armored flying boats on the sea!

Although Chu Yuan lacked a lot of materials to build a sky battleship, he was able to build a lot of armored flying boats.

Although the armored flying boat is far inferior to the sky battleship, it can fly in the fierce wind layer, but it is much stronger than the ships of Sanfu, especially the huge tonnage, and the Sanfu ships are like small boats.

"Hahahaha, when you get these boats, you dare to contend with my Dawu Xiongbing. The people of the Sanfu really do not live or die."

When Fang Lei saw the ships of the Sanfu, he didn't waste his tongue with them at all, talked a bunch of nonsense threatening each other, but immediately put on an offensive posture.

"The sky battleship flew into the wind layer and descended above them. All the sky cannons and the thunder cannons all fired, and the first wave of bombardment!"

"The iron-clad flying boat travels within the striking range of the sacred machine cannon, and cooperates with the thunder cannon to fight at the same time!"

"The sky warrior sits on the sky warship and will kill with one blow at any time!"

"Everyone is ready to fight close at any time!"

Fang Lei was once the master of a family. Although he had no experience in fighting against the army before, he was also a strong man, and he commanded the war in an orderly manner~www.ltnovel.com~ and the Thunder Cannon is the same.

Although there were only three thousand Thunder Cannons, there were hundreds of thousands of Divine Machine Cannons. With such intense firepower suddenly pouring out, Fang Lei seemed to have seen all the opponent’s ships blasted into powder, and countless people were buried on the bottom of the sea. Picture.


The sky battleship suddenly flew into the Gangfeng layer, and then appeared above the Sanfu Allied Forces. The thunder cannon on it had already condensed kinetic energy.

The opponent's ship also entered the range of the magical cannon.

The magical giant cannon is not as good as the Thunder giant cannon, but it is not something that forces like the Sanfu can have, and the materials are easy to find. Chu Yuan can create many doors and replace it with more violent artillery fire.


In an instant, countless artillery fire hit the Sanfu coalition forces, severely torn apart!

A sea battle began!

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