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He knew that this was a reward from Chu Yuan for his victory.

Not only him, but the power of national destiny falls on everyone, and depending on the military merits, they will be blessed by the water of luck.

And this is just a gift of luck. After they return home, there will be more generous rewards.

It can be said that Chu Yuan also rewarded all the luck of the plunder of the Cangshan Sect this time.

"God position eightfold!"

But at this time, Chu Yuan, who was still in Wucheng, had also benefited, and his realm had also risen to the eighth level of God's position.

Although the others were not in Cangshan Mansion, the powerhouses who had been killed swept into the furnace of heaven and earth, and were swallowed by him in the form of rolling power.

Chu Yuan smiled and was pleased.

This battle was the easiest for him. He could break through a realm without having to make a move. This was really easy.

"Happy! Cultivate your subordinates to become stronger, and they will go out, and even if I sit firmly in the back, I can still get the benefits!"

Chu Yuandao.

This is the best place to build an army.

After the most difficult period in the previous period, it will be easier next.

At this moment, after the Cangshan Sect was destroyed, Fang Lei ordered the army to take over the whole government, and then a Dawu official arrived here, bringing Dawu's law here, and restarting the new order.

This news spread out, Yuping and Lezhang were frightened by the news!

The powerful Cangshan Sect lasted only a few days before being destroyed, and the head of Cangshan Sect Master was still hung on the tower.

"Yuping Mansion is willing to submit to Dawu Sage!"

"Lezhang Mansion is willing to submit to Dawu Sheng!"

There was no other choice. All the powers of the gods in the two provinces trembled and came to Dawu Imperial City to face the saints. When they thought of Dawu's battle to destroy the Cangshan Sect, they were almost scared to death.

If they don't take the initiative to submit, the two powers can be sure that Dawu's army will immediately step through their sect, chop off their heads, and hang them on the tower.

Looking at the head of the Cangshan Sect Master on the tower, they all felt that their necks were cold. Fortunately, the Cangshan Sect was the first to break through, otherwise the heads above would have to be replaced.

Chu Yuan did not refuse the submission of the two governments.

The goal of killing chickens and monkeys has been achieved. Chu Yuan accepted the surrender of the two houses. First, the two houses were integrated into the army chessboard, and then they were quickly sent to the two houses to implement the Dawu system and take over their territory.

With the surrender of the two powers, the various laws were implemented smoothly and quickly, and there was no rejection.

In the beginning, the strong from the two provinces were a bit repulsive, but when they saw Dawu's advanced equipment and unimaginable benefits, their mentality changed.

Powerful people with abilities have spiritual pill to eat every day, even the more cherished king product pill can be divided into a few per month!

No wonder Fang Lei is so powerful, it turned out to be able to eat God Pill every day.

This kind of treatment is unimaginable.

Their eyes are straight!


It smells so good!

As soon as they joined Dawu and got so many **** pills, these powerhouses felt that joining Dawu was really fragrant.

Although they used to be the masters of their respective residences, there are so many pills in this marginal residence.

But when they arrived in Dawu, they seemed to have come to heaven, and each person had a fixed pill every month.

After being tired from practicing, I can make a cup of Tianyuan Tea to relieve fatigue, which is simply too comfortable.

And to make greater contributions, there will be more divine pills.

"Everyone, let you leave Dawu now, are you willing to leave?"

Fang Lei said after seeing the strong in the two houses.

"No, even if Emperor Wu urges us to go, we are not willing to go, Fang Lei, I said how your strength has become so strong, it turns out that there are so many pills of medicine supply, if you tell us early, we will not get along. Emperor Wu did it right."

The two powerhouses shook their heads again and again.

Fang Lei admired Emperor Wu: "These are all brought to us by Emperor Wu. If there is no great Wu, these benefits will disappear."

"For Dawu, we must do our best!"

The two powerhouses solemnly said.

At the beginning, it was indeed due to Chu Yuan's strong pressure to submit, but after receiving such a generous treatment, they were reluctant to leave after being killed.

It is almost the limit that they can cultivate to the point of abilities, and it is almost impossible for them to go further.

Without the pill, cultivation is too difficult, and the Wangpin pill is even more priceless.

They opened up sects, in addition to wanting to keep their own traditions, they used their forces to collect cultivation objects.

A big stick in one hand and a sweet jujube in the other. This is the unchanging truth that has prevailed throughout the ages.

Time flies, and it's the winter of the 35th year of Dawu.

It has been less than a year since I came to the Eastern Profound Realm, and Dawu's rule over the four palaces has also gained fame in the Eastern Profound Realm.

"When I grow up, I will also work for Da Wu. Learn from General Fang Lei to break the Cangshan Mansion and take orders from Emperor Wu!"

"Now our cultivation base is too weak, we will join the Wu Xuan army in the future!"

"There are spiritual yuan rice to eat every day, moon and moon pills to take, and a tutor to teach us martial arts. These are the tangible benefits that Emperor Wu brought us!"

Like Wuyu, Sifu also opened the Dawu Academy.

Chu Yuan, Zhu Fengfeng and others walked around the Dawu Academy and saw that there were many strong young people in the Academy, sweating like rain, practicing martial arts under the leadership of a mentor.

Although Da Wu came to the Four Houses for a short time, the changes it brought about were huge.

Many of these teenagers have very ordinary talents. They used to worship sects, but most sects only accept geniuses, not them.

There are others who don’t even know they have martial arts talents.

Failure to enter the sect is equivalent to breaking the road to cultivation, and these young people will only have to be muddled in the future, be ordinary people, and spend their lives in ordinary.

But when Dawu came, the situation changed immediately.

First of all, Chu Yuan ordered the opening of the Dawu Academy. No matter who you are, whether you have talent or not, you can directly practice in the Dawu Academy and learn martial arts and literature.

Poor culture and wealth.

It's not good to have talent without training resources.

However, they have laid the foundation for the body by eating Lingyuan Rice every day, and the college is also divided into classes. According to different ages, everyone can get the basic pill according to their own class, and the better the grade, the better the pill. More.

Even if the talent is not good enough, Chu Yuan has set it so that after graduation, he can join the army to practice.

After this group of people grow up, they will be the most loyal and elite soldiers!

Xuewu education should start from children~www.ltnovel.com~ The situation in the whole Sifu changed when Emperor Wu came. "

Fang Lei said with emotion: "The sect is very different from the imperial dynasty. The minister used to be just an ordinary sect disciple. Later, he got the chance to open the Thunder Blade Sect, but he couldn't do it like Emperor Wu. Bring all the youths in the whole government together and practice martial arts, and there are not so many resources at all."

The sect master recruits geniuses and cultivates the strongest.

But the dynasty is more to deal with no hundreds of people, the fundamental system is different, the scene created is also different.

Chu Yuan was able to cultivate so many people on a large scale, besides he could use Taiyi Pill furnace to refine alchemy, more importantly, he had spiritual yuan rice, enough to feed all the people.

The emperor is the emperor, not the emperor.

It is precisely because the human emperor is the emperor of hundreds of millions of people in the world, not the emperor of a family.

The emperor must face the entire world and be responsible to the people of the world!

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